Friday, December 30, 2022

The Incompetent Leaders of Pakistan Do Not Understand How the Democratic System Work, They Think That in a Democracy, the Corruption that the Leaders have done in the Old Law, Can End by Making a New Law

The Incompetent Leaders of Pakistan Do Not  Understand How the Democratic System Work, They Think That in a Democracy, the Corruption that the Leaders have done in  the Old Law, Can End by Making a New Law 

Mujeeb Khan

President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea has issued a pardon to Lee Myung-bak, the former president who was sentenced to a 17-year term in 2020 on bribery and embezzlement charges, the presidential pardon would allow Mr. Lee,81, to be released from a hospital in Seoul, where he has been receiving treatment for chronic illnesses. It would also cancel the remaining 15 years of his sentence and nullify the unpaid $6.4 million, fine that the courts imposed on him.

Leaders of Pakistan Zardari Sharif and Fazlurrehman

  قومیں کیسے بنتی ہیں اور سسٹم کیسے کام کرتا ہے۔ جنوبی کوریا کے سابق

 صدرلی مائنگ-بای کو 2020 میں عدالت نے  رشوت لینے اور فنڈز خورد برد کرنے کے الزام میں 17 سال کی سزا سنائی تھی اور4۔6ملین ڈالر جرمانہ کیا تھا۔جنوبی کوریا کے صدر یو سوک ایول نے سابق صدر لی کو صدارتی معافی دی ہے۔ سابق صدر لی 81 سال کے ہیں اور سیول ہسپتال سے انہیں رہا کیاجاۓ گا۔ جہاں ان کی معروضی بیماری کا علاج ہورہا تھا۔ان کی 15 سال باقی سزا ملتوی کردی جاۓ گی۔ اورعدالت نے انہیں6،4 ملین ڈالر جرمانہ کیا تھا اس کا بقیہ منسوخ کردیا جاۓ گا۔ لی 2008 سے 2013 تک جنوبی کوریا کے صدر تھے۔ جب آصف زرداری لاکھوں ڈالر خورد برد کرنےکے بعد اپنی معیاد پوری کرکے صدارتی محل سے جارہے تھے اور نوازشریف اقتدار میں داخل ہورہے تھے۔ زرداری نے کہا میاں صاحب اب آپ بسم اللہ کجیے۔ چند روزقبل اسحاق ڈار نے کہا تھا کہ ہم 2013 میں بھی ایک ایسے ہی مالی بحران میں تھے خزانہ خالی تھا۔ اسحاق ڈار کی زبان پر یہ آتے آتے رک گیا کہ سندھ کا ڈاکو خزانہ خالی کر گیا تھا۔ پھر 2018 میں عمران خان کو جنرل باجوہ اقتدار میں لائے تھے۔ عمران خان نے جب اقتدار میں آۓ تو دیکھا ان کے سامنے قرضوں کی ادا ئیگی کرنے کے لیےبل رکھے تھے۔ اور خزانہ خالی تھا۔ یہ دیکھ کر عمران خان نے کہا اگر مجھے یہ معلوم ہوتا کہ لاہور کے ڈاکو خزانہ لوٹ کر لے گیے ہیں تو میں کبھی اقتدار نہیں لیتا۔ لیکن جنرل باجوہ کو یہ معلوم تھا اس لیے فوج نے عمران خان کو سیلیکٹ کیا تھا۔ زرداری کو دنیا قرضہ نہیں دیتی نوازشریف کو کرپشن کرنے میں سزا ہو چکی تھی۔ عمران خان جس نے کبھی اپنے سسر سے پیسے نہیں مانگے تھے۔ جنرل باجوہ نے دنیا سے پیسے مانگنے کے لیے عمران خان کو آگے کردیا تھا۔ اور اس کے پیچھے شہباز شریف اور بلاول زرداری کو یہ کہنے کے لیے کھڑا کردیا تھا کہ ہم سیلیکٹڈ کو وزیراعظم نہیں مانتے ہیں-

  مولانا فضل الرحمن ایک غیراسلامی جنوبی کوریا مہذب معاشرہ ہے۔ لیکن مولانا فضل الرحمن کی اسلامی مملکت ایک انتہائی غیرمہذب ریاست ہے۔ جہاں مولانا فضل             الرحمن کرپٹ ترین لیڈروں کے سیاسی پم ہیں ۔ یہاں لیڈر جب  اقتدار میں نہیں ہوتے   ہیں تو یہ کہتے ہیں کہ "ادارے اپنی حدود میں رہیں۔" اور جب یہ اقتدار میں ہوتے  ہیں تو کہتے ہیں "الیکشن آئین کی معیاد پوری ہونے پر ہوں گے۔" ان کی جہالت کب حدود سے باہرآۓ گی۔ "ادارے حدود میں رہیں" اور الیکشن آئین پر ہوں گے۔" کہنا صرف جمہوریت نہیں ہے۔ یہ جمہوریت کے کمپونیٹ ہیں۔ لیڈروں نے عدالتوں کو بائی پاس کردیا ہے۔ حالانکہ ان کے کرپشن کے کیس عدالتوں میں تھے۔ انہوں نے قانون تبدیل کردیا اور نیا قانون ایسا بنایا جس میں ان کے کرپشن کے کیس خود بخود ختم ہوجاتے ہیں۔ اور پھریہ عوام سے کہتے ہیں ان کے خلاف جھوٹے    الزامات تھے اور اس کے کوئی ثبوت نہیں تھے۔ یہ "قانون کے مطابق" کو          جمہوریت نہیں سمجھتے ہیں۔ اور " آئین کے مطابق" کو جمہوریت کہتے ہے۔ اس لیے یہ بڑی فراغ دلی سے قانون کی خلاف ورزیاں کرتے ہیں۔ لیکن ججوں نے ان  کے خلاف کوئی کاروئی نہیں کی تھی۔ حالانکہ ان کے کرپشن کے کیس ججوں کی  ٹیبل پرتھےاوروہاں سے اٹھا لاۓ تھے۔ ججوں اورعدالتوں کا یہ احترام نہیں کرتے ہیں۔ جس دن انہوں نے اپنے کرپشن کے کییسزز خود ختم کیے تھے اسی روز ان  سے عدالت کے اخراجات وصول کرنے میں جرمانے کیے جاتے۔ شہباز شریف کو  چار لاکھ روپے، حمزہ شریف کو 25 لاکھ روپے، مریم نواز کو10 لاکھ روپے، آصف زرداری کو 50 لاکھ روپے رانا ثنا اللہ 35 لاکھ روپے اور دوسروں کو بھی اسی طرح جرمانے کیے جاتے۔ ان کی وجہ سے عدالتوں کے ہونے والے اخراجات عوام کیوں دیں۔ کورٹ ہاؤس کے اخراجات بھی ہیں انہیں اسی طرح پورا کیا جاتا ہے۔ ججوں کی تنخواہیں عوام دیتے ہیں۔ جنہیں انصاف ملتا نہیں ہے۔ کرپٹ لیڈروں کی بدعنوانیوں نے جمہوری سسٹم کو فیل کردیا ہے۔ انہیں یہ معلوم نہیں ہے کہ جمہوری سسٹم    کیسے کام کرتا ہے؟ عدالتیں جمہوری سسٹم صاف ستھرا بنانے میں سنجیدہ نہیں   ہیں۔ نواز شریف اورآصف زرداری نے 40 سال میں زندگی کے ہر شعبہ کو کرپٹ    کردیا ہے       

  جنوبی کوریا نے صرف 60 سال میں زندگی کے ہر شعبہ میں شاندار ترقی کی ہے۔ جمہوری سسٹم کامیاب بنایا ہے عوام کامیاب ہیں۔ کوریا کی ایک نسل نے جنگ لڑی تھی 15-20 ملین کورین اس جنگ میں مر گیے تھے لیکن اپنے بچوں کو مستقبل دیا ہے۔

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Eleven Years Ago, When the Arab Spring First Brought the Brotherhood to Power in Egypt, and Now Eleven Years Later, For the First Time in Israel’s History, Far-Right Religious Extremists Have Come to Power, what will be the Reaction of the Arabs? And how will the United States Welcome Him?

Eleven Years Ago, When the Arab Spring First Brought the Brotherhood to Power in Egypt, and Now Eleven Years Later, For the First Time in Israel’s History, Far-Right Religious Extremists Have Come to Power, what will be the Reaction of the Arabs? And how will the United States Welcome Him?

Mujeeb Khan


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with his allies in the Far-right Camp 

Far-right Religious Zionism, Hamar Gvir, with deep roots in the racist Kahanist Movement, is an ally of the Netanyahu government

  Benjamin Netanyahu has returned to power after a year-long hiatus. The Palestinians are nervous about the return of Netanyahu to power, that now they will be persecuted again, and they will evict from their homes. A new Jewish settlement will build. Israel’s brutality against Palestinians will begin again. The far-right party in Netanyahu’s coalition government is anti-Arab, Ultra-orthodox Jewish Party, and Religious Zionism leader Bezalel Ostrich controls the Civil Administration, which oversees infrastructure construction and security coordination in the West Bank. This coalition government of Netanyahu is said to be the most extreme religious government in the history of Israel. The question now is, how long will this government last? Netanyahu has asked President Biden to help establish Israel’s relationship with Saudi Arabia. Netanyahu said it would help resolve the Palestinian conflict. Prime Minister Netanyahu had told President Trump that America’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem will help solve the Palestinian problem. Then the Abraham accord was signed by Israel with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, and even then, it said that it would help solve the Palestinian issue. President Trump had a vital role in establishing Israel’s relations with gulf Arab countries, but there has been no change in the lives of Palestinians. The Israeli army still controls the lives of Palestinians. There are still restrictions on the free movement of Palestinians. During the last government of Prime Minister Netanyahu, more than two hundred Palestinians were killed in the Israeli military operation against Palestinians in Gaza. Last year in the month of Ramadan, which is a very holy month for Muslims, the Palestinian were engaged in worshiping in Al-Aqsa Mosque, they clash with the Israeli police, and 180 Palestinians were wounded, eighty of whom were said to be critical condition. To say that the establishment of Israel’s relations with the Arab countries will help to solve the Palestinian problem, the Abraham accord has been going on for three years now, and what has helped to solve the Palestinian conflict? The establishment of Israel’s relations with Arab countries has helped its economy. Israel’s trade with these Arab countries has reached $700millin and will reach $1 billion in the next few years.

  The Middle East is a market of 350 million people. There are opportunities for trade and economic development. Israel should talk about establishing relations with Syria before looking at establishing relations with Saudi Arabia. When Israel’s relations with Syria will be expected, then Iran’s position may be neutral towards Israel. The United States has agreed on the maritime border dispute between Lebanon and Israel in the Mediterranean. Lebanon and Israel had a dispute over oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean. The area in question touches the Karish oil and gas field and a region known as the Qanaa prospect. The deal gives Israel oil and gas rights in the Karish field, while Lebanon gets access to the Qanaa prospect, with Israel earning 17% of the profits. Without establishing diplomatic relations between Israel and Lebanon, the oil and gas trade has brought peace to the borders of the two countries. There has been calm in Hezbollah’s position.        

Sunday, December 11, 2022

The War In Ukraine is a War Designed to Destroy The Country and the Lives of People, President Zelensky Failed to Save His Country and His People from the Destruction of the War

The War In Ukraine is a War Designed to Destroy The Country and the Lives of People, President Zelensky Failed to Save His Country and His People from the Destruction of the War


What lessons has President Zelensky learned from the destructive war in Syria?

Mujeeb Khan

War destruction in Ukraine



war destruction in Syria


  The world felt relieved at the end of the Afghan war. The world expected that there would be no new war. Everyone had prayed to God to make the new year a year of peace as 2022 began. But NATO and America hacked people’s prayers before they reached God. Within 44 days of the end of the Afghan war, the vacuum left by the war was filled by pushing Ukraine into a new war. In the opinion of a large majority of the world, the Ukraine war was an unnecessary war. The United States created a conflict between two neighboring countries, Russia and Ukraine, and handed over this conflict to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Secretary General NATO took this conflict to the brink of the third world war in Europe. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was not a political leader nor an outstanding politician. So, it was easy to manipulate him. President Biden had forty years of experience in world politics, like Secretary General Stoltenberg. In Europe, President Zelensky had no experience in European politics. He did not know the war politics of NATO. It was not necessary that an attack on one NATO member would be considered an attack on all member states. In Turkey’s case a member of NATO, Kurdish terrorists had carried out several bomb blasts in Turkey in which three hundred Turkish citizens were killed. But NATO did not come to help Turkey. Instead, considering this situation in Turkey as appropriate, the Obama administration overthrew President Erdogan’s government through the Turkish army. The Erdogan government survived. The Kurds, whom the Turkish government called terrorists, were allies of the United States and were fighting against the Assad regime in Syria.

  Being a member of NATO does not mean full insurance coverage. The member must first spend the deductible on self-defense. After that, if America is interested, NATO troops will come, and if is not in America’s interest, NATO will not come to help. When three million people died in Bosnia, US and NATO decided to take military action against Yugoslavia. Although this decision could have been made earlier. The European perception is correct that the US is making money from the war in Ukraine. The United States has sold almost a trillion dollars’ worth of arms to Ukraine in ten months. How easy it has become today to sell weapons, destroy the country, and destroy people’s lives. What is the difference between violating human rights and destroying people’s lives? NATO countries had seen in Syria that the use of weapons was not the solution to the problem.

  People were affected the most, their homes and families destroyed. Their countries were destroyed. Although they are innocent and helpless. With this attitude of the United States, the tendency towards a third party is increasing among the American people. The American people are not happy that they elect their representatives and they become employees of military contractors.             

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Last December, President Biden Held the Summit for Democracy and Asked to Renew Democracy Around the World, Four Months Later, in April Democracy Ends in Pakistan, How Will President Biden Define Renewing Democracy Around the World?

Last December, President Biden Held the Summit for Democracy and Asked to Renew Democracy Around the World, Four Months Later, in April Democracy Ends in Pakistan, How Will President Biden Define Renewing Democracy Around the World?


With the new Congress coming in January, the people of Pakistan are asking the new Congress to restore democracy and the rule of law in Pakistan, hold snap elections, and exonerate corrupt leaders through a legal process.

Mujeeb Khan  


PDM is an alliance of corrupt leaders from thirteen political parties

 The way democracy is a joke in Pakistan, the supremacy of law has scattered. The corrupt and criminal leaders dominate the Islamic State of Pakistan. In two by-elections, the ruling government suffered a humiliating defeat, the people rejected them Overwhelmingly. Tehreek-e-Insaaf’s long march against the government is proof of the people’s lack of support for the government. Calling Shahbaz Sharif, the Prime Minister of Pakistan is an insult to Pakistan. The British newspaper Daily Mail has confirmed its report by the British court that the British government financial aid for the victims of the earthquake in Pakistan in 2012 was deposited by the then chief minister of Punjab Shahbaz Sharif in his personal account. Shahbaz Sharif had called the Daily Mail report lie and filed a defamation case against the newspaper in a British court. Shahbaz Sharif failed to prove his case, after which the UK court judge ordered Shahbaz Sharif to pay a fine of thousands of pounds. America and Europe had a cold reaction to it, no one in the western media, except the British media, gave it importance. Criminals corrupt are running rampant in power. These western countries lecture the Islamic world on their high moral and democratic values. They criticize Islamic countries on human rights, rule of law, and corruption. But the tragedy is that undemocratic, ruthless, most corrupt leaders in the Islamic world are the best allies of America and the West. Those who are in power in the so-called democracy in Pakistan are America’s Poodles. The military government used to be puppets of America. But in the Islamic world, a systematic character assassination campaign starts against the leaders who are not the poodles of America and the West. In a democracy, there should not be a question of whether a party or a leader is pro or anti-America. In a democracy, people choose how much he is pro-people, and what he wants to do for the country.

  The Obama-Biden administration spent $500 million of American taxpayers’ money to transform the Middle East into freedom and democracy, democracy came for the first time in the history of Egypt. The government that came to Egypt because of democracy was not liked by America’s undemocratic close allies. Democracy died in Egypt prematurely. Now the Biden-Kamala Harris administration has announced the renewing democracy around the world. On December 9-10, 2021, President Biden hosted the first-ever Conference for Democracy virtually, and in December of this year, he asked for an in-person conference for Democracy. Four months after the First Conference for Democracy, in the Biden-Kamala Harris administration, at 2a.m. in Pakistan, Army Chief General Bajwa and Supreme Court Judges decided to end the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Imran Khan and provided an opportunity for most corrupt leaders of thirteen parties to seize power. Sixty percent of these leaders were on bail, and their corruption cases were before the courts. And they become the new rulers of Pakistan. Who helped them to seize power? Biden-Kamala administration was silent on the casualty of an elected democratic government in Pakistan. Senator Chuck Schumer said on the change of government in Pakistan that “Imran Khan was an anti-America.” This anti-America and pro-America was a new politics in a democracy. Therefore, Senator gave priority to the most corrupt leaders over the government of an honest, sincere, and committed leader. Pakistan’s democratic system has destabilized under the Biden-Kamala administration. instead of helping to make the democratic system more transparent, it has helped hand it over to the most corrupt leaders. The person of interest in plotting a conspiracy against democracy in Pakistan is assistant Secretary of State David Lu.

 The new Congress is coming in January. The people of Pakistan will expect the new Congress to restore democracy and the rule of law in Pakistan, and the leaders who have ended their corruption cases by making new laws of their choice. These leaders should ask to prove themselves innocent by going through the legal process. Congress should press for immediate elections in Pakistan through a binding resolution.      


Sunday, November 27, 2022

China, From the Trade War to the Strategic Enemy, is Now Back to a Significant Trading Partner

China, From the Trade War to the Strategic Enemy, is Now Back to a Significant Trading Partner

Mujeeb Khan  


President Xi -President Biden meeting ahead of G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia

President Trump Welcomes Chinese President Xi to Mar- a- Lago

Chinese Containers at Seattle Ports

  In the 20th century, it was said that religion should be kept separate from politics. In the 21st century, business leaders insist that political leaders separate business from politics. The politics of religion was exploited in the Cold War. The final decisive war of the Cold War took place on Islamic jihad in Afghanistan, and then as a result of Islamic terrorism, it was agreed that religion should be kept separate from politics. China is a business powerhouse. Containing China through the politics of strategic adversary is harming businesses. China is like Amazon. Amazon has quickly become the giant retail store of the world. But Walmart, Cosco, and other big retailers have not started a trade war against Amazon. They all focus on promoting business and business profits. What are the disadvantages of the US from China? China as a Strategic adversary can cause major economic and trade war losses.

  President Donald Trump was not an experienced politician but an experienced businessman. It was surprising that President Trump started a trade war against China. Businessmen do not believe in trade wars, because a business war means destroying each other’s businesses. After becoming president, Donald Trump first invited Chinese President Xi Jinping to Mar-a-Lago. Florida. A grand banquet was given in honor of President Xi. President Trump was impressed by President Xi in this first meeting. President Trump called President Xi my friend. The trade war was the brainchild of Peter Navarro, assistant to President Trump’s director of trade and manufacturing policy for China.

 All 50 US states traded with China. US retailers and manufacturers depended on China; they were making billions of dollars from trade with China. Their profit markup was 300% to 500%. In the 1990s, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji gave a question-and-answer session to students at Washington State University in response to a student’s question that China was making a lot of money from the United States. Prime Minister Zhu Rongji said, “It costs $10 to make Nike shoes in China, including materials and labor, and we make only 2 dollars, and in Chicago, Nike shoes are sold for 280 dollars. Now, who is making the money, your American company or China? They were making billions of dollars from trade with China. These facts were in front of every administration, but nevertheless, the trade war was beyond reason.

 This is not a trade war; the real trade war was between the countries of the North and the South. When the industrialized countries of the North did not pay a fair price for raw materials of the countries of the South, they exploited their raw materials. They used to make goods from their materials and then sell them at a high price. And it was an exploitative trade. After losing the war with the Taliban, the US had to make an enemy of a giant country with a large population, and that was China. China was made an enemy by the trade war. As a result of US sanctions against Chinese companies, thousands of Chinese were unemployed. While China saved the middle class from collapsing during the 2008 US recession. There is a public interest in trade and business. The trade war that President Trump started with China was not in the interests of the people. It was in the interests of the Pentagon, the national security establishment. In order to keep the tension in the world, the arms industry should be prosperous. The defense budget should not be cut but increased. But the problem is that America’s militarism policies are becoming unpopular with the American people. Most of the American people do not support the Biden administration’s Ukraine policy. The billion dollars that were being spent on the Afghan war are now being spent on Ukraine. What would have been spent on the American people is now being spent on saving Ukraine. As President Biden has said that 18 veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars commit suicide every day and are involved in various shooting incidents in the United States. They are suffering from mental and psychological diseases due to spending twenty-two years on the front of wars. Wars are not solving as many problems as they are creating more problems. And China is appraising the situation with satisfaction. China knows that its market is vital for the US and Europe.

  President Trump was a businessman, and he knew that capital goes where business goes. President Trump was asking American companies to leave China and come back to America. Will there be a businessman and company in the world who will leave a $100 billion business and come to America to do business for $50 billion dollar? The chairmen of major US financial institutions, chief executives of companies, and retailers had urged President Biden to settle matters with China and separate politics from business. A three-hour meeting between President Biden and President Xi in Bali, Indonesia, appears to have made progress in settling matters. President Xi had a smile on his face.  




Saturday, November 19, 2022

Elections in America: Are the Post-Pandemic Elections Fair?

Elections in America: Are the Post-Pandemic Elections Fair?

Mujeeb Khan

1.2million mail votings in Florida, two weeks before midterm elections


  We fought for democracy in our countries and now it looks like we must fight to save democracy in America. During the mid-term elections, we used to get these messages on our mobile phones saying “everything- our very democracy is on the line, are you casting your vote?” Fair elections promote strong democracy. Surprisingly, democracy was never in danger in America during the Cold War, but when the Cold War does not exist, there will be more threats to democracy in America. Why? In the opinion of many Americans, the midterm elections were no different from the 2020 presidential election. There are reservations about the election in the minds of the people. People are afraid to say the word “rigged election” because they will be associated with the incident of January 6. However, the people are not satisfied with the way the election is being conducted. It took 10 days to decide who would have the majority in Congress. Within 72 hours of the election, Democrats held 204 seats in Congress, and Republicans held 211 seats. Republicans needed 7 seats for a majority in Congress while Democrats needed 14 seats for a majority. Democrats have a one-vote lead in the Senate. A run-off election for one Georgia Senate seat will be held on December 6. California’s Congressional results are not out yet. It has been 10 days since the election and the counting of votes is going on. A few hours after voting closed in California’s 2020 presidential election, CNN reported that 55electorate votes had gone to Biden. It is the sixth day of voting, and the counting of votes was going on in Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, Alaska, Georgia, and Pennsylvania.

  America is the world’s only democratic superpower. It is a high-tech advanced country. It is fully capable of transporting its weapons from one corner of the world to another in a matter of hours. But America is slow to count its votes. It is a high risk for Congress to be controlled by Republicans. The Speaker is the third in line, that is, if something happens to the President, the Vice President will be the President, and if something happens to the Vice President, then the Speaker will be the President, and the Speaker is a Republican. The gap has narrowed, but it is not possible for Democrats to control Congress. This method of conducting the election gives rise to the illusion of fair elections in the minds of the American people. In the 2020 presidential election due to covid-19, early voting, mail-in voting, and drive-by ballot had created a rig election problem. Mailmen were delivering bags full of votes even on the second, third, fourth, or fifth day after voting ended. This time there were 6 million early votes, the midterm elections are no different than the 2020 presidential election.

  Covid-19 is now over, business life is back to normal, and elections should be held like pre-Covid-19. The presidential election of Carter, Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bill Clinton, before them Kennedy and Nixon, and Trump’s had the first undisputed election. Elections started on November4 at 7 am in 50 states and ended at 8 pm., and the results were announced, and the election results of 50 states were completed by midnight. The next day's post-elections were the topic.

  Now, if as a result of Covid-19, the procedure of conducting elections is made permanent, it will be against the democratic rights of the people. There are flows in this procedure of conducting elections, this creates the impression that a candidate who is perceived as weird and strange will be prevented from being elected.      

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

In Latin America, When People Said Yankee Go Home, Gone Those Days with The Wind When You Imposed Dictators Upon Us, Now We Elect Our Leaders, Great Come Back Lula da Silva, President Brazil

In Latin America, When People Said Yankee Go Home, Gone Those Days with The Wind When You Imposed Dictators Upon Us, Now We Elect Our Leaders, Great Come Back Lula da Silva, President Brazil

Mujeeb Khan

Lula da Silva: I want to clear my name to help rebuild Brazil's Trust in the government

  Democracy, political process, and economy are moving in the right direction in Latin America, the region of developing countries. There is political stability, democracy is getting stronger, and the economy is booming. After the end of the cold war, left-wing governments came to power in Latin America, which were fighting against American imperialism in the Cold War. Right-wing iron-fisted military dictators were America’s proxies’ rulers. Fifty years of the Cold War in Latin America killed many times more people than in World War II. It was not the cold war of the Latin people. It was a war to deprive them of freedom, to keep them behind in economic development. After the end of the Cold War, it was a reasonable consensus among the leaders of Latin America that no military rule would be supported in any country, and America will not be allowed to interfere in the internal politics of Latin countries. The governments of the Latin countries had decided to keep their natural resources under their control. Coffee, coca, and other minerals prices went up, before that, developed countries used to buy their natural resources cheaply. Venezuela was the fifth-largest oil-producing country and was ahead in economic development. While Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Panama, and some other countries made economic progress, poverty was also reduced. Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez provided financial support to Cuba. President Chavez was a Nationalist and Socialist. He did not like President George Bush, a strong critic of President Bush on the regime change attack in Iraq. Post-Cold War Venezuela was the first country in Latin America in which a CIA- assisted Venezuelan army general overthrew the government of President Hugo Chavez during the Bush-Cheney administration and had recognized immediately the military government. But the Organization of Latin Nations condemned the Bush administration’s decision. And demanded that the Hugo Chavez government be restored immediately. The military general that America had brought to power had to flee the country. President Hugo Chavez returned to his presidential palace. Latin American leaders rejected US intervention in their region. The US foreign policy establishment still has a Cold War mindset. And they believe that the governments in these countries are not in line with the interest of the United States, so they should be removed from power.

  The Trump administration once again tried to change the government in Venezuela. President Nicolas Maduro was the president. The plan was that President Trump declared Maduro’s opponent, Juan Guido, as the legitimate president of Venezuela. And invited Juan Guido to a meeting at the White House. While President Maduro said that he has been re-elected as president. The general impression about Guido was that the CIA was on his back. President Trump imposed economic sanctions on the Maduro government. Latin American countries did not follow President Trump’s decision, only a few right-wing governments of the Cold War era leaders supported Trump’s decision. Venezuela’s neighbor Colombia was among them. President Maduro broke diplomatic ties with Colombia. President Trump sent the fleet to Caracas to invade Venezuela and remove President Maduro from power. But Latin leaders strongly opposed any action against Venezuela. They jointly thwarted every US attempt to derail the political and democratic process in their region. Nicolas Maduro is still the president of Venezuela. Peace in Venezuela is the stability of the region and peace in the region is the stability of Venezuela. The people of Venezuela have faith in a better economic future. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Latin countries last month to drum up support against China and Russia. Obviously, he failed in this goal. Latin leaders urged Secretary of State Blinken to lift the embargo on Cuba.

  America’s policymakers do not like leaders in developing countries who are honest, sincere to their people, and committed to their wellbeing, and the more corrupt the leader, the closer the US ally. Fidel Castro was very honest, sincere, and committed to his people. He had never stolen from the national treasury in his life. He had a 1956’s car was also official. Castro did not even have personal property. He lived a very simple life which was taught by Prophet Mohammad Salem. In Castro’s Cuba, doctors were like an industry. Cuban doctors used to go to African and Latin American countries to treat people in hospitals. Castro dedicated his life to the people and worked for the people till the end. He never extended a hand to anyone seventy years in America’s strict embargo, he kept its people alive with dignity.

  In Pakistan, Maulana Fazlur Rehman’s family has devoted their lives to Islam, but in Pakistan, no one has Islam in their life.                        


Friday, October 28, 2022

The Bellicose and Bellicose Policies of America have Undermined the Democratic Process in the World

The Bellicose and Bellicose Policies of America have Undermined the Democratic Process in the World

U.S. Iran policy pleases Israel and Saudi Arabia, not the Iranian people who are suffering terribly from sanctions

Mujeeb Khan


Protest in Iran September 2022

Hong Kong, protest Aug30, 2019

Ukraine's war with Russia

  If it is said that America’s hawkish and war-mongering policy has damaged the process of democracy in the world, then it will not be an exaggeration, but this is a fact, and it is also seen in America and Europe. It was the policy of America that the process of economic reforms should continue in China. And the Chinese government promoted economic reforms. China was opening to Western investment and companies. Along with economic reforms, political reforms also started in China. Internet was becoming popular in China; social networking was on the rise. The strong grip on freedom of expression was also slightly loosened. Hong Kong was kept by China under the British era system; it is called the one country and two systems. And it was working very well. China had not interfered in Hong Kong as much as the United States had begun to interfere in Hong Kong. In view of this, China was forced to take measures to reduce the freedom of the media. US intervention in Hong Kong was in the interest of its short-sighted foreign policy, but in the long term, Hong Kong citizens had to pay a heavy price.  Their freedom was curtailed. China has never intervened in Taiwan. Mainland China is a major trading partner of Taiwan. China did not set any conditions for making Taiwan its trading partner. The current government of Taiwan has elected twice, strongly against China, by getting close to America, it became an enemy of China’s interests, but China did not try to install its own man in Taiwan by interfering in Taiwan’s elections. If America were in China’s place, it would have rigged the elections and installed its own man in Taiwan. But China respected Taiwan’s people’s democratic system and has not sabotaged their system in its own interests. America’s policy of confrontation with China has forced the Chinese government to roll back its political reforms, and political freedoms must curb. China’s Political reform has dealt a huge blow by America’s unwise policy. To promote our democratic values, it is necessary to have a democratic attitude.

  When the Iranian people come to the streets, they loot and burn. America supports them when the Iranian people overwhelmingly elect reformists for change while staying within the system through peaceful means. There is no meaningful change in America’s attitude even under a reformist government. Mohammed Fatemi a reformist elected president of Iran twice, did reforms. America should have relaxed the sanctions on Iran under his administration. This would have helped build a powerful base of moderates and reformists in Iran. Moderates and reformists failed to win the next elections, and this time the ultra-conservative Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was elected, he was also elected for the second time as Iran’s President. After the Ultra-conservatives in Iran, the Iranian people once again elected a moderate and reformist Hassan Rouhani by a large majority. President Rouhani signed an agreement ‘with the United States and the European Union to end Iran’s nuclear program. Under this agreement, the economic sanctions on Iran would lift. Iran’s nuclear program was compromised by the Obama administration. But the Trump administration terminated the Iran deal at the insistence of Israel’s rogue Prime Minister Netanyahu. President Trump made the Israeli leader happy, but the far-reaching consequences of this mistake were unhappy. Hardline ultraconservatives in Iran strengthened. After the nuclear deal was terminated by the United States, Iran resumed work on its nuclear program. The US's stiff economic sanctions on Iran were strangling the Iranian people. America’s policy was to strengthen the hardline conservatives. Ebrahim Raisi Iran’s next president is the second hardline ultraconservative president in 22 years. America’s Iran policy pleased the Israeli hawkish conservative Benjamin Netanyahu and the Saudi conservative government. But this US policy is hurting moderates and reformists in Iran. It would be in the interests of the reformists if the economic sanctions on Iran were lifted. Iran’s democratic system has a tussle between two political sections hardline ultraconservatives and moderate and reformists, both are trying to dominate each other which is a good thing in a democratic framework. But nobody in Iran wants to go back to 1979.

  In Russia, President Putin’s interest was in political economy. Oil and gas were the pillars of this economy, with the development of the economy, political institutions would develop- democracy and freedom would spread in Russia. It may have had its difficulties, but it was the sure future of Russia. America and NATO’s political wars have damaged democracy and freedom in Russia. China has not damaged democracy and freedom anywhere in the post-Cold War world as America and NATO destroyed democracy and freedom in the world. On the performance of the Russian troops in the Ukraine war, pundits in America say that the Russian troops not trained are right, because no one thought that Russia would have to fight a war like the second world war in Europe one day. Most Eastern European countries had joined NATO, but Russia did not expect war. Russia was a major trading partner of the European Union. Russia was a major trading partner of Germany. Russia did not even think that when America was giving military training in Ukraine, these Ukrainian troops would fight against Russia.  




Wednesday, October 19, 2022

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's Ukraine War, The United States, and Europe are Actors in the War

 NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's Ukraine War, The United States, and Europe are Actors in the War 

Why would Asia, Africa, and Latin America be prisoners of the Ukraine war?

Mujeeb Khan


NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky

Russian Missiles Strike Ukraine



  In history, President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine will see as a foolish president of the 21st century. A leader is one who saves his people from the ravages of war. If President Zelensky used his wisdom, Ukraine’s beauty would never turn ugly. The world asks Zelensky what the reason for this war was. The world knows that America and NATO had 101 reasons for this war, but the world wants to know Ukraine’s reasons for this war. How the decision to enter Ukraine into the war was made in Brussels. Why was this decision not made in Kyiv? This is NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg’s war, and America is a stakeholder in this war. One person who is the Secretary General of NATO and one country America has made the entire world a prisoner of this war. This is not Asia’s war, this is not Africa’s war, and this is not a Latin American war. This is the war of Europe. There was no war in Europe in 77 years. If Europe wanted, this war would never happen. US and NATO could have prevented intervening in Ukraine. The Ukrainian military has been waging a civil war against its Russian citizens since 2008. Then in 2014, the Minsk agreement reached to end the civil war, signed by the Ukrainian government, France, Germany, and Russia, but Ukraine did not agree to the agreement. And Europe has done nothing to make the Ukrainian government implement it. In January, President Putin asked European leaders to end the civil war in Eastern Ukraine and enforce the Minsk agreement, but the mindset leaders ignored was that NATO would resolve it. This war was not President Putin’s choice. This war was the choice of NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg. On the one hand, the NATO Secretary General misguided President Zelensky, and on the other hand by giving statements that 4000 NATO troops are going to Poland. Then it said that NATO troops have alerted in the Black Sea. President Putin got the impression that NATO was serious about attacking his country. On all sides of Russia, there were enemies standing with deadly weapons. What would Poland do in this case? The US had gone 8,000 miles away in case Iraq could attack it with lethal weapons and damage it. And here Russia is surrounded by NATO countries with deadly weapons. Therefore, thirty-seven countries did not participate in the voting on the UN resolution on this unfair situation.

  America’s real enemies are those who drag it into another war after the Afghan war is over. America used to spend billions of dollars a month on the Afghan war, and now they ask America to spend on Ukraine war-will America get out of these wars when it is one hundred trillion dollars in debt? Thirty-seven countries abstained from voting on the US resolution in the UN General Assembly condemning Russia’s missile attack on Kyiv, Ukraine. Every administration since 9/11 has given wars to the American people. George W. Bush fought three wars, the global war against terrorists, the Afghan war, the war to eliminate the Taliban, and the regime change war in Iraq. Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but Obama started four new wars and a drone strike. What was the purpose of the wars in Libya and Syria? Did not President Zelensky learn from Syria and Libya? One day, the people of Ukraine will want an answer from President Zelensky, why did he take their country to war? And now who will build these countries and their house?

  Three hundred million people in Europe are in extremely inconvenient situations there is a severe shortage of food items and prices have skyrocketed. There is also a shortage of oil and gas. Its rationed and its prices are beyond their purchasing power. Due to the shortage of heat and energy in factories and companies, only four or five hours of work are done. The harsh winter season is approaching in Europe and people are worried about how they keep their homes warm. The fear is that the number of elderly people who died in the United States due to the coronavirus, will be the same number of elderly people who die due to lack of heat in their homes in Europe? This unnecessary war in Ukraine has brought misery to people in Europe. The media in America and Europe are not telling people what the short-term and long-term effects of this war will be.

  When Ukraine wanted to join NATO, and when it opposed joining NATO, it said that Ukraine was a sovereign country and had the right to decide. Then why Saudi Arabia and oil-producing countries do not have the right to cut or increase oil production? Aren’t these countries sovereign? These countries are oil producers, and they raise and cut oil production according to market demand and supply. Surprisingly, the US government does not ask its oil companies to cut prices at the petrol pumps, which make $30 billion a month in profits.





Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Biden Administration Supports the Corrupt Leaders in Pakistan, Those Leaders Will Shut Down Their Own Corruption Cases, and Then They Will Recognize Israel, is That a Quid Pro Quo?

The Biden Administration Supports the Corrupt Leaders in Pakistan, Those Leaders Will Shut Down Their Own Corruption Cases, and Then They Will Recognize Israel, is That a Quid Pro Quo?


The bizarre values of the United States, support people in Iran, but side by side in Pakistan support the government

Mujeeb Khan    



Handoff  Judges and Generals these are our men

Shahbaz Sharif

Pakistan Democratic Movement Chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, Asif Zardari


  Five Arab countries UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco, and Sudan had recognized Israel saying that it would help solve the Palestinian issue. But two years on, there are still no signs that Israel has made progress in resolving the Palestinian conflict. Rather, Israel’s aggressive policies against the Palestinians continue. Five Arab countries have not been able to change this Israeli policy. The Biden administration is also continuing the policy of the previous administration. More Islamic countries bullied to recognize Israel. The gulf rulers had political and security problems, and economic and commercial opportunities for Israel. Israel had told the Arab rulers that the military presence of the United States was not providing them with security but increasing threats. Now, Israel is a political defense shield for the rulers of the Gulf. America will no longer intimidate them with human rights abuses. They will not pressure press freedom. Israel had thwarted America’s plan to transform the region into democracy and freedom by overthrowing the democratic government in Egypt. The military dictator's rule was restored in Egypt. Nine hundred supporters of democracy announced to sentenced to death by the military government, while thousands of political activists were tortured in jails. President Obama turned away from Egypt and did not resist and tacitly accepted this move by Israel and Saudi Arabia in Egypt, meaning that America’s mission to spread democracy and freedom was fake. It was only a nuclear political weapon; Israel had a veto over when and where the US could use it. By restoring a military dictatorship in Egypt, Israel showed what it could do for them that the United States could not.

  Prime Minister Ariel Shorn told Indian leaders during his visit to India in 2003, “Do what we say, don’t worry about America, we run America.” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, when he was Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, he used to tell ambassadors of other countries that “America cannot be trusted.” US Secretary of State Eagleburger stated this. What two Israeli Prime Ministers have said about the US, which is a close ally of the US, is true. The United States had not implemented the agreements that Israel had made with the Palestinians. But only those parts of the agreements that Israel considered to be in its interest were implemented. The Trump administration terminated the Iran deal, which was signed by the Obama-Biden administration, and President Biden has not yet reinstated the deal—Gulf rulers have forged diplomatic ties with Israel under pressure from security threats. It had been six years since the war with the Houthis in Yemen fought by a coalition of Gulf countries led by Saudi Arabia. America and Israel used to claim that Iran was giving arms to the Houthis. But after the Gulf countries established diplomatic relations with Israel, America helps to end this war in a matter of days, it was proof that Iran had no role in this war.

  Sudan and Israel established diplomatic relations in October 2020. After the normalization of relations between Sudan and Israel, the isolation of Sudan was over. Sudan had strategic importance for Israel, Sudan had a long coastline along the Red Sea that was of commercial importance to Israel. Sudan and South Sudan are now in peace and stability. In Sudan, General Abdel Fateh Burhan is the president of Sudan. The talk of democracy has ended in Sudan. The US has resolved the Gas distribution dispute between Lebanon and Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Both countries will reap the benefits and Hezbollah has supported the deal. The United States declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization. But Hezbollah has supported the US solution to the gas dispute in Lebanon and Israel.

  Pakistan has asked to establish relations with Israel since the time of the Clinton administration. Pakistan had detonated nuclear bombs at that time, Israel’s concern was that Pakistan would provide nuclear technology or nuclear bombs to the Arabs. Though, Pakistan had made it clear to America and European Union that nuclear weapons are not chocolates to share among the Arabs. However, Israel’s concern remained. To remove this Israeli concern, Pakistan advised recognizing Israel. But with the position Pakistan was in and the situation the Arab-Islamic world was facing, it was difficult for Pakistan to recognize Israel in this situation. President General Pervez Musharraf and Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak at a meeting in Paris in 2006. Both had come to attend an international conference, and both stayed in the same hotel. The meeting took place in the lobby of the hotel, and it was a short meeting. But a brief meeting quickly clears up major misunderstandings. No one in Pakistan objected to this meeting. But the question of recognizing Israel is linked to the problem. Pakistan is not Sudan, and neither is Pakistan UAE. Pakistan has founded the Islamic Countries Conference; Pakistan has given representation to the PLO in the United Nations. Pakistan has led the Islamic world. Therefore, Pakistan is in a different position in recognizing Israel. According to a survey of the Arab League and Saudi Arabia, 90 percent of the Arab people are against recognizing Israel, and public opinion in Pakistan is no different.

  In 2007, President Bush recommended President General Pervez Musharraf grant NRO to corrupt political leaders who had fled Pakistan and allowed them to come to Pakistan and participate in politics. The PPP and PML-N governments fought a war for America, eighty thousand innocent Pakistanis were killed in this war. In 2018, both parties lost the election. After taking NRO, both parties did more corruption than before. This time Imran's government and the people of Pakistan are not in support of giving another NRO to these corrupt leaders. The Trump administration had a good relationship with the Imran Khan government. President Trump did not face the corrupt leaders of Pakistan, taking NRO has become their habit, when they go to Allah, they will also ask for NRO. Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif had good relations with Joe Biden, and Joe Biden became President. Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif were reborn after dying in the politics of corruption. Asif Zardari approached the Biden administration for NRO. The Biden administration saw this as a good opportunity to get Pakistan to recognize Israel. The deal was that they would first give themselves the NRO and make changes in the law. After that, the National Assembly would recognize Israel. The courts and the military have been in the US pocket. But this plan seems doomed to fail. Now, what is happening in Pakistan?





Thursday, September 29, 2022

The End of the Cold War Marked the Beginning of Violations of International Law and the UN Charter, the US and European Sanctions are a Violation of Law of Sovereignty, These Countries Impose Sanctions in the Interest of Their Foreign Policy and Force One Hundred and Fifty Countries of the World to Follow It


The End of the Cold War Marked the Beginning of Violations of International Law and the UN Charter, the US and European Sanctions are a Violation of Law of Sovereignty, These Countries Impose Sanctions in the Interest of Their Foreign Policy and Force One Hundred and Fifty Countries of the World to Follow It


The recent victim of this policy is Pakistan, why did Prime Minister Imran Khan go to meet Russian President Putin? Imran Khan violated US sanctions on Russia, so he must remove from power. The governor of California has more sovereign rights under the US Constitution, he can go to China and do trade deals, but the Prime Minister of Pakistan cannot do trade deals with Russia under the sovereign rights of the UN Charter

Mujeeb Khan


"Ukraine has the same rights that every sovereign nation" President Biden addressed to the UN GerenalAssembly, Sept26, 2022 

President Bush's address to the nation regarding the war with Iraq "The regime has a history of reckless aggression in the Middle East, it has aided, trained and harbored terrorists, including operative of al-Qaeda

President Barack Obama about the Situation in Libya at the White House, March 18, 2011


  Three decades after the end of the Cold War, when the world is on the brink of World War III, now it said that the UN Charter of 1945, which said to respect the sovereignty of nations, should also be implemented on the international laws related to it. After the end of the Cold War, it was the US, its European allies, and NATO that ignored the laws of sovereignty and made a policy of attacking sovereign countries, and international laws were violated. At that time, violations of international law were considered their right. The US had attacked sovereign countries that were never a threat to its security. They were dragged into the so-called war on terror. The CIA had conducted operations against terrorists on the territory of sovereign countries. And all those who were caught were later found innocent. NATO’s involvement in these military operations with the US was a violation of international law.

  The NATO military pact was created for the security and defense of Western Europe during the Cold War. The charter which was signed only by the countries of Western Europe, and NATO will place on the border of Western Europe, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, NATO should dismantle it. But their hidden ambition was to militarize the world and for that purpose, NATO gave a new mission. After 9/11, international law was suspended, and the law of President America came to the world. Congress had given war powers to the President. The President had misused the war power. The Taliban did not attack the United States. The Taliban, who became Mujahideen for the United States in the war against the Soviet Union, fought the Soviet forces. They destroyed their own country in this war, but the United States won the Cold War, and now America had become their enemy. Even then it said that Soviet forces had occupied a sovereign Islamic country, and it was called a violation of the UN Charter. But 23 years later, the United States invaded Afghanistan to eliminate Al-Qaeda. The US claimed that Al-Qaeda had conducted the 9/11 attack on the US. This war could have been avoided; Mullah Omar was willing to hand over al-Qaeda leaders to a third country. the President had to use the war power in all cases. This war aimed at eliminating al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. But then it said that the war would continue until the Taliban was eliminated. In this mission, the United States called for NATO troops in Afghanistan. Under which international law and UN charter were foreign forces going to eliminate the Taliban? The armies of the world’s richest countries were fighting with the world’s poorest people in a war-torn country. Even a lion in the forest, when it sees animals sick and dying, the lion does not kill it. It was NATO’s pre-emptive war against Afghanistan. NATO forces from Afghanistan conducted four hundred drone strikes inside Pakistan. This NATO strike was the cornerstone of bringing the war on terror to Pakistan. Pakistan was given the honor of being a non-NATO member by President Bush. The general was delighted with the honor and their cooperation with NATO increased four-fold. NATO’s strikes inside Pakistan were a violation of international law and the UN law of Sovereignty.

 The US-UK pre-emptive attack on Iraq, a sovereign country, was illegal, as Secretary General UN Kofi Annan said. Iraq did not attack America or Britain, but they attacked Iraq. The United Nations Security Council did not authorize to attack on Iraq. But the United States and Great Britain occupied Iraq and established their own government in Baghdad. They fired Iraqis from all government offices. It was a gross violation of a country’s sovereignty. How the most powerful countries were occupying and destroying the poor, small, and weak countries. International law and the UN Charter were not with them, they were so powerful. Colonel Muammar Gaddafi handed over all his deadly weapons to the 43rd President George Bush. President Gaddafi now can remain in power and no action will take against him, assured by President Bush. When 44th President Barrack Obama came to power, he along with France, Great Britain, and NATO, bombed Libya and ended the Gaddafi government. The reason given was that President Gaddafi was about to commit genocide against his opponents in Benghazi. They handed over Libya to Islamic extremists. America and NATO have destabilized the region. This is the way they expand the war against terror. Under which international laws NATO bombed a sovereign Libya? Where was the UN Charter? Even under the leadership of 44th President Obama, ruins have been created in Syria. Syria did not attack America. Then why was Syria a sovereign country destroyed? And under what law was it destroyed? President Obama was a professor of law. But he was violating international laws and the UN Charter. It is a history of continuous violations of international law and the UN Charter. Israel also participates in this, which continues to bomb sovereign countries in the Middle East.      


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

"We have questions and concerns about the Ukraine war,” Xi said to a Close Friend Putin, this is China’s Greatness Talking to a Friend Frankly and Openly, America Never Talks to Its Close Friend Israel Like That

 "We have questions and concerns about the Ukraine war,” Xi said to a Close Friend Putin, this is China’s  Greatness Talking to a Friend Frankly and Openly, America Never Talks to Its Close Friend Israel Like That


Before we condemned Russia, there is a question from America and Europe that the way democracy has been overthrown in Pakistan, and brought in power the most corrupt people, whose corruption cases are in the courts, and they are on bails if Russia has done it, then what would be their reaction to it? Pakistan, which is an Islamic country, has taken democracy from it and given it “corruptocracy” and then there is talk of democracy and aristocracy

Mujeeb Khan



President Putin and President Xi are meeting in the ancient Silk Road city Samarkand, Uzbekistan 

President Putin and Prime Minister Modi attend a meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Sept16, 2022


  China is not America and America is not China. China’s foreign policy is principled and very consistent. China is against interference in sovereign countries. If China is against US intervention in Taiwan, then how will China support the intervention in Ukraine? Then China also knows how the military powers are doing aggression in the world, and how these military powers pose a threat to China’s national and economic security in Taiwan and the South China Sea. This act of aggression is forcing China to resort to retaliatory military action. While Russia is surrounded by NATO forces from all sides in Europe, and NATO has put Ukraine at the forefront of its war against Russia. China also considers Russia’s special military operation imperative. Therefore, China has neither opposed nor supported Russia’s war against Ukraine but maintained the importance of its relations with Russia. It is no sense that America has declared China as a strategic enemy and now China should oppose Russia for America. The world also understands very well that since the end of the Cold War, who has the passion to fight wars with weapons, missiles, and drones? These wars are being waged to keep arms manufacturing companies alive. And then these wars continue for years. Thus, all the resources spent on human development are spent on inventing weapons that do more harm to humanity.

  Forty million Americans are living on government assistance. The US will pay the salaries of Ukrainian government employees for six months after which the European Union will pay. The war has bankrupted Ukraine’s government. The United States has given almost 20 billion dollars to Ukraine, while billions of dollars worth of weapons are in addition. When the Internal Revenue Service reported that this year, it collected the highest income tax in history at $1.3 trillion. Congress and the administration have opened the treasury on the Ukraine war. President Biden is not spending as much on his plan to Build, Back, Better America as he is on the war to defeat Russia. Americans work hard, pay taxes to the government, and the government fights wars with it. The American people live hand to mouth.

  When President Xi asked President Putin to end the war in Ukraine, on which President Putin said that war has been imposed on us. Until the end, we tried to resolve the conflict through talks with Ukraine, but US weapons and NATO’s troops have reached our borders. We did not want this war at all. The United States is giving Ukraine more deadly missiles and weapons that Ukraine is using against Russia. After listening to President Putin’s answer, President Xi came to Taiwan, to which the United States is giving billions of dollars worth of weapons, and one day Taiwan will be made Ukraine for China, and these weapons will be used against China. And there the interests of China and Russia deepen. No country in the world will sacrifice its national interests for these inhumane nonsense wars of NATO. The world cannot believe that the US and NATO fought a war in Afghanistan for 20 years and lost. When the team loses, it goes home and does not go to the championship. But the US and NATO have come to Ukraine for the championship in war. Ukraine is an unnecessary war. There could have been a peaceful solution, but NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg blocked every attempt at peace at every step. Indian Prime Minister Modi told President Putin “I know that today’s era is not of war.” Prime Minister Modi’s allusion was to the US and NATO countries who have been waging wars around the world for 21 years.