Thursday, June 13, 2024

America Is a Country That Has Been Involved in Wars Including World War II, the Cold War, And Post-Cold War, It Has Aso Spread Wars Around the World

America Is a Country That Has Been Involved in Wars Including World War II, the Cold War, And Post-Cold War, It Has Also Spread Wars Around the World


After conquering Normandy, Vietnam becomes America’s longest war, resulting in the deaths of fifty thousand American soldiers. The United States also conducted a bombing campaign in Cambodia, including in the Vietnam War. The United States lost the Vietnam War, and both Vietnam and Cambodia remained communist countries. Interestingly, the descendants of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives in Vietnam now wear clothes manufactured in Cambodia and Vietnam. Despite the historical conflict, the United States currently maintains a free trade agreement with communist Vietnam. So, why did the US engage in war with these countries?


The Battle of Normandy, World War II, the deadliest war of all time, 1944 


Vietnamese leave Vietnam after the fall of Saigon

40,000 American soldiers leaving Afghanistan

  The 80th anniversary of the D-Day of the Allies forces was held in Normandy, France, in which the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and other European countries participated. Germany was omitted because the Allies had defeated Germany and liberated Normandy. This was the first and last battle the Allies won. In those 80 years, the wars did not end. In Europe, the Cold War was between Eastern and Western Europe. Eastern Europe was in the orbit of the Soviet communist bloc and Western Europe was under United States capitalist democratic system. The Soviet Union and the United States held the balance of power and détente during the Cold War. There was no new war in Europe in 79 years, but Ukraine was the first war in Europe in 80 years. The Cold War was for Europe, and Hot wars were fought in Asia, Africa, and Latin American countries.

  Western democratic countries made Asia, Africa, and Latin America their hot war fronts against the communist fascist system. These were the newly independent countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America. In these countries, the progressive liberal leaders wanted to establish a democratic system; an election was held in many third-world countries and elected governments came to power. In the hot war against the communist fascist system, these democratically elected governments in the many third-world countries were not considered by the United States to be in its interest. Progressive-elected governments were overthrown with the help of the CIA by military generals. They were replaced by a system of far right-wing military dictators who were pro-American. These pro-American brutal military dictators were fighting against communist fascism in their country and region.

  American troops went to Vietnam to prevent the spread of communism in East Asia, nine years after the end of World War II, the United States invaded Korea and invaded Vietnam against communist forces. The Vietnam War was America’s first longest war, which lasted 21 years. The United States had heavily bombed Cambodia and involved Cambodia in the Vietnam War. The United States Army said that Vietnamese guerillas were attacking American troops in Vietnam from Cambodia. America’s Western allies and Japan were on the sidelines. Today, China’s electronics, garments, and industrial goods flooded America’s markets, back then, in the sixties and seventies the US markets flooded with Japanese electronics and automobiles. At that time, Japan was bankrupting and throwing out-of-business American electronics and automobile companies, Wars were important to America. The American people’s standard of living depended on imports from Japan and Western Europe. In the Vietnam War, fifty thousand American soldiers were killed, and sixty thousand American soldiers were wounded and disabled. More than thirty thousand Cambodians, including women and children, were killed by the US carpet bombing of Cambodia. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger ordered the bombing of Cambodia.

  After the end of the Cold War, the world’s pacifists felt relieved that the tension and rivalry between the great powers had ended and now there will be peace. Now world attention should be paid to the socio-economic problems of the world. The conflicts that were not resolved due to the Cold War will now be resolved, in which the Palestine-Israel conflict was at the top. And the people will get peace, freedom, and democracy in the Middle East. But the Bush-Cheney administration and the Obama-Biden administration made the Middle East a region of endless wars, and preemptive attacks on Iraq, attack on Libya, attack on Syria, and Yemen, the United States sold billions of dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia, and UAE in the Yemen war. Providing weapons to Israel and turning them into Hitler’s Nazis to commit genocide against Palestinians. The United States' pre-emptive war in Afghanistan, was America’s second 21-year longest war after the Vietnam War. Just as America had to leave Vietnam, it was the same way America had to leave Afghanistan. After the end of the Cold War, all these wars were unjustifiable. None of these countries had attacked the United States. After the end of the Cold War in the United States, its armed depots were full of weapons and these pre-emptive wars started to empty them and make room for new weapons.


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