Monday, September 30, 2024

In Lebanon, Christians are the Majority and They Do Not Consider Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization, Lebanese Christians Consider Hezbollah as Lebanon’s Security force, Southern Lebanon was Liberated by Hezbollah from the Israeli Zionist Army, and Thousands of Hezbollah Soldiers were Killed

In Lebanon, Christians are the Majority and They Do Not Consider Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization, Lebanese Christians Consider Hezbollah as Lebanon’s Security force, Southern Lebanon was Liberated by Hezbollah from the Israeli Zionist Army, and Thousands of Hezbollah Soldiers were Killed

America Sees the Middle East only through a Made-in-Israel Lens and sees every Arab citizen as a terrorist

Mujeeb Khan

Hassan Nasrallah was killed by Israeli Zionist

Hamas's blind leader was killed by an Israeli Zionist strike 

Ismail Haniyeh,  Hamas leader was killed by Israeli Zionist

European Court Reverses Designation of Hamas as a Terrorist Organization

The Zionist army Killed Chairman Yasser Arafat because he was a terrorist, Why did he recognize Israel? terrorist


Israeli Zionist kills top Palestinian Islamic Jihad militant

  If Benjamin Netanyahu were in an Islamic country, the world order of America and Europe would have been moved and Netanyahu would have been in jail. But America and Europe are appeasing Netanyahu and handing out weapons like boxes of chocolates, for twenty-four years, Netanyahu has been non-stop killing Palestinian women, children, and men, the Palestinians have not been given a minute to breathe, just killing, the Netanyahu's regime has never talked about peace in twenty-four years, hatred of Palestinians is in his blood. Netanyahu assassinated his Jewish Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin for making a peace deal with the Palestinians. George Bush a warmonger brought Netanyahu with him on the path to war in the world. President Clinton refused to meet with Netanyahu. President Bush embraced Netanyahu. Secretary of State Eagleburger, who himself was Jewish, said that Netanyahu is a lair, when Netanyahu was Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, he told ambassadors of other countries that America could not be trusted, Secretary of State Jim Baker said, “I banned Netanyahu from the State Department.”

  Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon had previously conducted major military operations against Hamas, PLO, and Hezbollah and killed many leaders. The Israeli army Bulldozed the Sabra Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. They killed three thousand Palestinians. The world had also seen this terrible and painful scene for many days, bodies were scattered everywhere. At that time, America and Western countries did nothing but rhetoric. Playing with the blood of the Arabs was the hobby of the Israeli army. Netanyahu or any Israeli leader has never been reprimanded.

 The Israeli army ground zero the Palestinian territories with bombs, missiles, and rockets, and killed 50,000 Palestinian and Lebanese. Has the problem been solved? Hatred and contempt will always remain in the hearts of every Arab and Palestinian child, children who are born will also be shown this history and films, as eighty years later, the Nazi Holocaust is still taught today, and movies are shown. In the same way, the Zionist Jewish holocaust will be taught and shown.

  America sees the Middle East only through a Made-in-Israel lens. America has never taken off this lens and looked at the Middle East. King Abdullah of Jordan correctly said, “America knows nothing about the Middle East, but America thinks it knows everything.” There was a bloody civil war in Lebanon in the eighties, Christians were the majority in Lebanon, Shiites were the second largest number, and Sunnis were in third place. Israel intervened in the Lebanese civil war and supported a Christian group. The Christian, Shia, and Sunny decided to end the civil war and agreed to form a democratic coalition government in which the president was Christian, the prime minister was Shia, and the speaker was Sunni. Since then, Lebanon has had political stability. Israel and America tried to destabilize Lebanon many times, but they failed. Hezbollah is the security force of Lebanon. Israel occupied southern Lebanon until near Beirut for 22 years. Hezbollah fought to liberate Lebanon from Israel. Thousands of Hezbollah soldiers gave their lives and drove Israel out of Lebanon. Lebanon was the only Arab country to take back its territory from Israel. Iran helped Hezbollah. It was just like America did, France was liberated from the Nazis. But America sees Hezbollah through the lens of Zionist Israel. At the behest of Israel, the United States declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization. The Zionists bombed the King David Hotel in Palestine, which housed the British Army. More than two hundred British soldiers were killed. The American military barracks in Beirut were blown up by a bomb in which 250 American soldiers were killed. The Zionists committed terrorism for the establishment of Israel, at the time, the Allied forces were fighting the Nazis and their soldiers were dying. Today the Arabs are fighting to take back their territories from the Zionist army and for their rights and a peaceful future for their children. But the US has been patronizing Israel’s aggression in the Middle East for 75 years. Every second Arab in the Middle East is a terrorist. For Israel, the United States declared the judges of the International Court as terrorists. They were banned from entering the United States because they called the brutality of the Israeli army in Gaza a genocide against humanity. In the United States, Gaza and the West Bank are considered independent countries. But it has been under Israeli military occupation for 70 years, the longest military occupation in human history.       

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