Tuesday, March 30, 2021

In an Unpredictable World Sales of Weapons and Wars Making the World More Dangerous, Britain’s Foreign Minister Dominic Rabab talks about the Dangerous World, but Nobody asked Why are They Selling Weapons and Spreading Wars? President Biden talks Rebuild America in a Dangerous World



In an Unpredictable World Sales of Weapons and Wars Making the World More Dangerous, Britain’s Foreign Minister Dominic Raab talks about the Dangerous World, but Nobody asked Why are They Selling Weapons and Spreading Wars? President Biden talks Rebuild America in a Dangerous World

Mujeeb Khan  



America's Crumbling, Bumbling Roads and Bridges

 “The world is dangerous,” said Dominic Raab, Britain’s Foreign Minister. Twenty years ago, Britain Prime Minister Tony Blair said Saddam Hussein was a major threat to the world. President George W. Bush, his national security team, and military generals also called Saddam Hussein a major threat to the world. President Bush and Prime minister Tony Blair have told the people of the Middle East and Asia that many of the Middle East’s conflicts will be resolved once Saddam Hussein is ousted. Eighteen years after the fall of Saddam Hussein, the world is more dangerous today. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Rabab has expressed concern that the world is dangerous. But why is the world dangerous under United States’s Superpower and Britain-French military powers? The Cold War is over, Saddam Hussein’s rule is over, Gaddafi’s rule is over, Libya is destroyed, Syria is destroyed, is the world still in danger? If the world is still in danger today, it means that these countries and these leaders were not a threat to the world. The United States and Western countries hid the real dangers from the world and now these dangers are coming to the fore. Is Ukraine in the worst condition today? Or are Syria, Libya, and Iraq more dangerous?

   In 1998, the United States and Britain were preparing to bomb Iraq because Saddam Hussein was not implementing Security Council resolutions. The American people were against military action against Iraq. Secretary of Defense William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright were campaigning for public support for military action against Iraq. Secretary of Defense William Cohen and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright were answering questions from students at Ohio University on Iraq, Secretary Cohen showed the students a vial with anthrax. He told the students that just one drop would kill thousands. Defense Secretary Cohen says Iraq has a dangerous stockpile of chemical weapons. But 22 years later, such a virus killed more than half a million people in the United States, two million people worldwide have died from the virus. The Secretary of Defense thought that bombing Iraq would eliminate all chemical viruses in the world. President George W. Bush says, “the world is much better today than it was when Saddam Hussein left.” The current situation is proved otherwise. President George Bush is angry at those who attacked the Capitol Building, and the American people are angry with President Bush for lying to them about deadly weapons in Iraq. How will China and Russia become strategic enemies of the United States in this politics of American leaders?

  President Joe Biden is now awakened after 47 years in US politics, President Joe Biden is now talking about US infrastructure, talking about rebuilding bridges, airports, and schools. President Biden did not talk about infrastructure in the Obama administration when he was Vice President for eight years, but its credit goes to President Trump, who has shaken up American politics and the conscience of political leaders, The The United States wasted 16 years in waging wars against poor countries, did not get anything, only destroyed the infrastructure of these countries. President Joe Biden is asking for $3 trillion to build America’s infrastructure and the United Nations is asking for $1 trillion to build infrastructure in Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen.

  The easiest way to tell the world is that the world is dangerous, but why is it difficult to tell the world who is making the world dangerous? The United States has imposed economic sanctions on many countries for its own interest. These closures have locked down people’s economic lives. These economic sanctions are not short-lived, but indefinite. After the destruction of the Syrian economy, economic sanctions have been imposed on Syria. The people of Syria cannot rebuild their lives and homes. There was no reason for the Iranian people to suffer economic sanctions. Russia ended the Cold War and Communism, but Washington’s political and bureaucratic-military establishment still does not believe that Russia no longer has a communist system. How long will the people of these countries endure economic sanctions? The answer in front of them is a cyber attack and cyber hacking. Their governments will have no role in this, but the United States will blame the governments of those countries.    





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