Thursday, March 25, 2021

Sino-American Cooperation on Climate Change is Good Steps in the Right Direction; Wars and Use of Weapons are Polluting the Planet and Harming Humanity the Most



Sino-American Cooperation on Climate Change is Good Steps in the Right Direction; Wars and Use of Weapons are Polluting the Planet and Harming Humanity the Most

Mujeeb khan


Senior Biden administration officials held a face-to-face meeting with their Chinese counterparts in Anchorage, Alaska, March19, 2021

US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He Lead their delegations, Trade negotiations in Washington


  Before negotiating with China, if the Biden administration decides on some important foreign policy issues and proves that the Biden administration is not a new administration in the bag of the former Trump administration. This administration has come to power with the idea of new policies. The Biden administration would change President Trump’s Iran policy before negotiating with China, announcing the United States participating in the global nuclear deal with Iran, which the United States had signed, and its allies were demanding. The United States saw the uprising in Hong Kong in its own short-sighted interest and it supported the insurrectionists without thinking of far-reaching consequences. This policy of the United States has severely damaged the political freedom of the people of Hong Kong. China called off for the continuation of British-era political freedom in Hong Kong under one country and two systems. The United States and the West should have cooperated with China in maintaining Hong Kong’s special status. Hong Kong was of commercial importance to the United States and the West. Politics should not have taken precedence over commercial importance. The uprising in Hong Kong, the riots at the Capitol Building in Washington DC were no different from those in Hong Kong, but China and Russia did not exploit it for their own political interests, just as the United States exploits the internal politics of others.

  The United States signed the Shanghai Communique 49 years ago, the United States recognized Taiwan as part of China in the communique and reiterated its commitment to one China policy and China called for Taiwan’s annexation in a peaceful manner. In recent years, trade and people-to-people relations have flourished in Taiwan and mainland China. The same thing that happened with the Iran deal in the Trump administration, happened unannounced with Shanghai communique. The Trump administration has announced that it will sell millions of dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan. Top US officials were visiting Taiwan. Plans to establish trade relations with Taiwan are under consideration. These are steps to spoil bilateral relations. President Biden’s secretary of state and national security advisers has resumed talks with China where the Trump administration left off. President Biden said in a foreign policy speech that he would continue President Trump’s policy toward China, tariff and economic sanctions will not be removed. Trade and regional issues will be discussed with China. The atmosphere of bad relations with China that President Trump gave to the Biden administration, President Biden did not create a climate of trust before talks with China, and when Secretary of State Antony Blinken. came with National Security adviser Jake Sullivan to talk to Chinese Counterparts, he loudly said to the Foreign Minister Wang Yi in front of TV camera, “What is China doing in Taiwan, what is China doing in Hong Kong, China is violating human rights in the Xinjiang region, China’s military activity in the South China Sea has increased. The Secretary of State said all this in two and half minutes non stopped. Instead of answering in Doom, the Chinese delegation gave a 17-minute lecture to the Secretary of State and National security Adviser on what is happening in the United States and what the United States is doing in the world. The US delegation failed in negotiation on Taiwan, Hong Kong, human rights, and the South China Sea. These were China’s internal affairs if the United States did not like Russia’s interference in its internal affairs. So how does the United States expect other countries to accept US intervention in their internal affairs? Interference should be reciprocal. However, the US delegation has succeeded in climate change. China and the United States will set up a joint working group on climate change, after the meeting, the Chinese delegation said that the two countries would expand communication and cooperation in the field of climate change.

  Wars, use of weapons, missiles, bombs, rockets, use of depleted uranium missiles, are a major factors in climate change. The US and Western media do not focus on this factor in climate change. The United States dropped Atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, seventy-five years later the effects are still felt in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the soil has radiation effects. The United States used Agent Orange in the Vietnam War, fifty years later, the effects are still felt in Vietnam. The use of depleted uranium missiles in Iraq, its effects are being seen in birth defect. The use of bombs, missiles, and ammunition in the 18 years-old war in Iraq has polluted the air, soil, and water. The continued presence of US and Western Aircraft ships in the Gulf, and in the Middle East Poisoning soil, air-water. Wars and military adventures are changing the climate in the Middle East. Observing the pollution in the Climate in the Middle East, China wants to keep the United States and Western countries away from the South China Sea. It is one of the largest seafood industries in the region, and it is the responsibility of every country to protect this industry from the toxic contamination of deadly weapons.











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