Friday, March 19, 2021

Ten Years of Human Destruction in Syria, who is Responsible and Who will Fix It, Sitting on Human Destruction and Talking about Human Rights in China is a Contempt of the Law of Human Rights



 Ten Years of Human Destruction in Syria, who is Responsible and Who will Fix It, Sitting on Human Destruction and Talking about Human Rights in China is a Contempt of the Law of Human Rights

Mujeeb Khan



Worst than 9/11, Worst than Holocaust, destruction of a country, destruction of a society, destruction of families, for what?


  As a result of foreign intervention and terrorism in Syria, 400,000 innocent people have been killed, 2million families were destroyed, and more than 2million Syrians are in refugee camps in several countries. There are at least two generations who have no future in Syria. March 16 marks the 10th anniversary of the humanitarian catastrophe in Syria. President Biden was a vice president in the Obama administration ten years ago, People in key positions in President Biden’s administration have been supporting President Obama’s Syria policy. Neither President Biden nor they have commented on the 10 years of a humanitarian catastrophe in Syria. The people in the Middle East have neither found democracy nor economic prosperity. They have just been destroyed. There is no peace. There is no stability, and they have an uncertain future. Leaving the people of the Middle East in this situation, the United States is now taking the circus of its adventurism to East Asia. Where China’s capitalist industrial development is to be hampered.

  The lives of 22 million people in Syria have been ruined. It is a question of the lives of one billion people in China. China is not in a state of confrontation with anyone in the world. China does not want tension in its neighborhood, nor does it want war with anyone in the world. China’s foreign policy does not tend to be colonial, nor does China want to dominate any country or region. For China, its independence and the well-being of its people are supremely important. Western countries are leaving the Middle East in ruins and wars and fleeing to East Asia. The aircraft of the United States, Britain, France, and Germany surrounding the South China Sea. The world is already facing Coronavirus and now the dark clouds of World War III are hovering over the world. Soon, NATO will be here, military build-up, and tension is growing. The people of East Asia call on their governments to ask the United States and the West to rebuild devasted humanity in Syria. The United States and the west should focus on building Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen instead of looking to East Asia, East Asian Leaders are fully capable to solve regional issues without any foreign help. Leaders of East Asian countries should learn from the Middle East, regional conflicts and regional security are the responsibility of regional governments.

  China has made great strides in the international order, and great achievements have been made along with China, countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia have economic development. The declarations of the Communist Party of China are not being imposed in any country. As the excessive executive order of the President of the United States and the implementation of congressional law on countries and governments are changing the international order. Unilateral decisions, pre-emptive strikes, the use of excessive economic sanctions, depriving people of necessities is a violation of human rights. The unilateral decision has changed the international order, now the world must restore the international order.

  If we knew that President Obama would escalate the wars in the Middle East to a dangerous level, we probably would not vote for Obama. President Obama voted to be the first black president of the United States and would follow Dr. Martin Luther King’s nonviolence concept and keep the United States away from wars, which are extreme forms of violence. But President Obama disappointed all those who voted for him. How stupid were President Obama’s advisers who were advocating for democracy in Syria after the demised of elected democratic government in Egypt. People, whose democracy and freedom were opposed by Israel and Saudi Arabia in Egypt. In Syria, Israel and Saudi Arabia supported them, and President Obama sided with them. President Obama was talking about regime change in Syria. The Sunni rulers of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf were asking the United States that there was a Shiite majority in Iraq and that the United States had abolished The Sunni government in Iraq and given the government to the Shiites. There is most Sunnis in Syria, the United States should now end the Shiite rule in Syria and give the rule to the Sunnis in Syria. The allies with President Obama in this crusade were the worst dictators. They were not interested in democracy. Their prisons were full of political opponents, they did not tolerate Freedom of the press, and the Obama-Biden administration was fighting with them for democracy and freedom in Syria. Being stupid with fools is also politics.

  African leaders did not expect that the first black president of the United States, along with the colonial powers Britain and France, would destroy the North African country of Libya in this way. I ask a black American that the first black had become president in hundred years, do you think after Obama Presidency, any black American can become president of the United States in the next hundred years? “you got that right” he said with a loud laugh. I said to him, tell me ‘Why am I right?’



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