Friday, April 16, 2021

New Name of Anti-Semitism: Benjamin Netanyahu, in Ten Years He Damaged Jewish State Tremendously, He has Lost Popularity among Israeli People, He has no Credibility in the World, He is not Peace Maker, He is Peace Breaker, He has been Indicted in Serious Corruption Cases, in the Court of People, People are Demanding “Netanyahu has to go, ten years are enough.”



New Name of Anti-Semitism: Benjamin Netanyahu, in Ten Years He Damaged Jewish State Tremendously, He has Lost Popularity among Israeli People, He has no Credibility in the World, He is not Peace Maker, He is Peace Breaker, He has been Indicted in Serious Corruption Cases, in the Court of People, People are Demanding “Netanyahu has to go, ten years are enough.”


Eighteen years ago, President George Bush had said no talks with Chairman Yasser Arafat, Palestinian bring new leader. Today President Joe Biden should have supported the Israeli people’s “Netanyahu has to go.”

Mujeeb Khan


Anti-Corruption  protesters rally outside Prime Minister Netanyahu's residence 

Prime Minister Netanyahu facing corruption charges in the court



Anti-Netanyahu protests in central Jerusalem

   If Saddam Hussein had said that we would not allow Israel to have nuclear weapons, it is a threat to our security and survival. Israel has occupied the Arab land with conventional weapons and if Israel has nuclear weapons, it will occupy all of Arabia, and if Saddam Hussein had carried out a cyberattack on Israel’s nuclear facility, and assassinated an Israeli nuclear scientist, what would have been the reaction of the United States and European countries?

  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been in power for ten years. What has Prime Minister done to promote peace and human rights? Looking at the political map of the Middle East, one can say Israel is a Pseudo democratic state, and in the region, nobody is interested to adopt Israel’s style political system. Prime Minister Netanyahu has destroyed many Arab countries. Palestinians have been displaced and confiscated their land settlements have been built on their lands. Hamas and Hezbollah has been declared terrorists for resisting Israeli military occupation and aggression. The Arab King, the Crown Prince, began to look like a paper tiger, Prime Minister saw it as the best opportunity for peace with the weak Arab leaders, but perhaps no peace with Arab peoples. Keeping tension in the Middle East and making peace with Kings and Crown Princes is not a good solution to the chronic conflicts.

  If after World War II peace and stability were considered necessary in half of Europe and half of Europe was deprived of peace and stability, would there be peace in Europe? What would be the map of peace and collective security in Europe? Reconstruction and Economic stability was important in Europe, on which collective security was established. Collective security was a successful system in keeping peace in tensions between two different ideologies. Collective security systems can also be adopted in the Middle East. This will allay the nation’s security concerns.

  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees the Middle East only in Israel’s security. There is no leader in the Middle East to counter this narrow-mindedness of Prime Minister Netanyahu. In ten years, the situation around Israel is one of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s worst political failures. The Prime Minister has lost his credibility. The Prime Minister has failed to win a majority in Israel’s four elections in two years. Israel’s diplomatic relations with four Arab countries were not hailed by the Israeli people as a major victory for Netanyahu. In any democracy in the world, when the president or prime minister is indicted on corruption charges, he separates from the government and clears his name by going through the judicial process. But Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has been indicted on serious corruption charges, remains in office in Israel’s democratic system, manipulating Israel’s judicial system. Netanyahu is still in the prime minister's office and is now seeking a majority with the help of other parties to become prime minister for the fourth time. During the election campaign, thousands of Israelis demonstrated at Prime Minister Netanyahu’s residence, chanting “Go Netanyahu Go.” We hope President Joe Biden Protects the democracy in Israel.


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