Monday, May 24, 2021

Hamas a Terrorist Group? Israel’s ‘mutual and unconditional’ Ceasefire with Hamas, Leaders in Israel Politically Retardants and Mentally Lunatic


Hamas a Terrorist Group? Israel’s ‘mutual and unconditional’ Ceasefire with Hamas, Leaders in Israel Politically Retardants and Mentally Lunatic

Mujeeb Khan

Gaza could have been saved from this catastrophe. The Arab governments’ relationship with Israel has made no difference, although the mischief was of the Israeli police, why did they enter in Al-Aqsa Mosque with shoes. The last few days of Ramadan are very sacred and devotional. The mosque was full of worshipers. The presence of much Israeli police in the mosque interfered with their worship. Hatred is deep in the heart on both sides, for Muslims, the entry of Israeli police inside Al-Aqsa Mosque was like Israel dropping a bomb on Al-Aqsa, 200 worshippers were injured in clashes with Israeli police, 3 or 4 were reported dead. The President of the United States was responsible for world peace. he could have prevented the event from becoming the catastrophe of a bloody war. He called on Israeli leaders to immediately remove the police from Al-Aqsa Mosque and apologize to the Muslims. The President of the United States asks those Arab leaders who have established relations with Israel and those Arab governments who have contacts with Israel under the table, to use their influence to prevent the situation from escalating into war.

Al-Aqsa Mosque was the site of Israeli police terrorism, as a terrorist killed 12 Jews at a synagogue in Pennsylvania. The Muslims expressed solidarity with the Jews in their grief, and for Muslims, they were human family.  


Israeli police enter Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem

Jerusalem clashes as Israeli security forces block Muslim pilgrims arriving at ai-Aqsa mosque for the holiest night of Ramadan


  Last year, it was said that over 500,000 people died in America because of President Trump’s irresponsibility to the coronavirus. If President Trump had made responsible decisions about the dangers of the coronavirus, perhaps so many people would not have died. Now President Biden has made the same irresponsible decision on the Gaza war. If President Biden had taken the plight of the situation in Gaza seriously, 300 Palestinians would not have died and the homes of innocent Palestinians would not have been destroyed. One right decision can save humanity from catastrophic. President Biden was vice president for eight years in the Obama administration. He had horrific scenes of the Israel-Palestinian war in 2012 and again in 2014, the Palestinians are not comparable to Israel’s military might.

  President Biden was aware that Israel’s leaders would never hesitate to drop bombs on Palestinians. In 2014, Israel killed 2,200 Palestinians, mostly women, and children, Gaza did not recover from the devastation of that war. This time the war would bring more human, building, and economic destruction. In any case, President Biden should have stopped Israel from using its might just for the sake of humanity. But President Biden authorized Benjamin Netanyahu to defend his country with full force. President Trump was pressured by Benjamin Netanyahu, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton to use military force against Iran, but President Trump refused, saying he did not want to kill innocent people. where was humanity now? Let the American people make that decision. Not only that, but the Biden administration also vetoed a ceasefire resolution in the Security Council. However, President Biden said he would work with the Allies. But his administration vetoed a Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire in Gaza. Israel had the opportunity to kill Palestinians in Gaza, destroy their homes and destroy their infrastructure. But what has Israel achieved from Palestinian miseries, destroying lives and their property is not the answer.

  In 11 years, the Netanyahu government has built 700,000 new settlements in densely Palestinian populated areas, and the number is growing. Now, on the one hand, Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinians is illegal, and on the other, the establishment of a new settlement between them is illegal. In this case, the Palestinian resistance movement against Israel is in accordance with international law. And it is illegal for the Israeli government to evict Palestinians and settle Jews on their land. If it were the other way around, there would have been a thousand kinds of sanctions on the Palestinians.

  Libya was bombed by the United States, Britain, France, and NATO because President Gaddafi’s forces were going to genocide his political opponents in Benghazi, Joe Biden was vice president in Obama administration, however, there was no evidence that President Gaddafi was genocidal to his opponents. Everyone in the United States was aware of Israeli leaders’ hatred of Palestinians for 70 years. Prime Minister Netanyahu has been in power for 11 years, and five-time in 11 years, the Israeli army has carried out carpet bombings on Gaza. Thousands of Palestinians were killed, and infrastructure destroyed. All these facts were before President Biden, but despite this, President Biden gave Prime Minister Netanyahu a green light to defend himself, and then five days later, when President Biden saw that Israeli bombing was increasing the death toll and buildings destroyed in Gaza, President asked Prime Minister Netanyahu to de-escalate. Began to be called for. The way the situation has been handled is the first blunder of President Biden’s foreign policy.

  If anybody desperate for peace in the world that are Palestinians. Palestinians are wandering from place to place in search of peace. The United States has not included Palestinians in its humanitarian policy because of Israel and put the Palestinians in the terrorism. The Palestinians are the only stateless nation in the world that has had no future for 70 years. What a tragedy for the Palestinians that Saddam Hussein settled several thousand Palestinians in Iraq. The United States invaded Iraq and destroyed it. The US military displaced Palestinians from Iraq. The Palestinians had settled in Syria, the United States destroyed Syria. Palestinians were displaced from Syria. President Muammar Gaddafi settled several thousand Palestinians in Libya. The United States destroyed Libya, and Palestinians will also be displaced from Libya. This US Middle East policy has made the atrocities against the Palestinian a Holocaust.

  Dozens of agreements to resolve the Israel-Palestinian conflict are in the archives, and about 90 percent of the issues in the Oslo Accords were agreed upon between Israel and the Palestinians. Now, the Palestinians should insist to restore the Oslo Accords instead of renegotiating with Israel. In the minds of Israeli leaders, nonsense solutions come more quickly than common sense. Like the Arab rulers are being asked why they are wasting time in the Palestinian conflict, but they are not talking about the Arabs land, which Israel captured in the 1967 war, they only emphases establish economic relations with Israel, promote trade with Israel and Israel will assist them in science and technology projects. The UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco have established relations with Israel. But after the global reaction to Israel’s war against Gaza and the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza, these Arab countries will reconsider their decision. It is a shame that these Arab rulers could not stop Israel from using full force against the helpless Palestinians. Israel is in a big crisis. They are afraid of the solution.






















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