Thursday, May 20, 2021

States Department’s Top Diplomate went to Israel with a First Aid Kit for Mahmoud Abbas, and Weapons for Benjamin Netanyahu



States Department’s Top Diplomate went to Israel with a First Aid Kit for Mahmoud Abbas, and Weapons for Benjamin Netanyahu

The rule base order is not working for Arab Palestinians, it is working for Israel, for America’s European allies, NATO, for wars, but not working for peace, and Humanity, it should be abolished.

Mujeeb Khan


 Gaza, Israel's war of aggression 2021 


Gaza, Israel's war against  humanity 2021

Gaza, Israel's war against Palestinians 2014


Gaza, Israel's war against Palestinians 2012 


Gaza, Israel's war against Palestinians 2008

  Saddam Hussein was a dictator, as the Bush administration had told the world, he was a bad leader. However, he was as human, he had more humanity than Benjamin Netanyahu. Saddam Hussein’s troops went to Kuwait, Saddam Hussein’s forces did not kill people in Kuwait City. Kuwait’s infrastructure was not destroyed. Kuwait’s oil ministry building was not bombed. Saddam Hussein’s troops did not enter the palaces of the Emir of Kuwait. Saddam Hussein did not kill women and children in Kuwait City, and that was humanity in Saddam Hussein. Benjamin Netanyahu calls himself the leader of the civilized world, but Netanyahu’s character is neither civilized nor democratic, his behavior is iron fist fascist with Palestinians. Netanyahu has been in power for eleven years and what has his government given to the Palestinians in eleven years? Gaza was turned into a concentration camp by the Netanyahu regime. They built a tunnel to get out of Gaza because the Israeli army has a strict Blockade of Gaza, and other reason to built a tunnel that after the Oslo Accords in the 1990s, Britain, France, and the United States told the Palestinians that there was light at the end of the tunnel, maybe that's why the tunnel is for seeing this light. The number of times Netanyahu’s government has taken military action against Hamas in Gaza in 11 years is the only reason why Hamas has fired missiles at Israel. And in response, Israeli bombs begin to fall on Palestinian homes. People in Asia, Latin America, and Africa sympathize with the Palestinians and strongly condemn Israeli aggression, coercion, and suppression against the Palestinians, while governments in Europe condemn the firing of Hamas rockets at Israel, and Israel’s attack on the Palestinian population is called it is right to defend itself.

  The humanity, justice, human rights of the United States and Europe ends in the Israel-Palestinian conflict and they always support Benjamin Netanyahu’s position, even he is wrong. The governments of the United States and Europe do not question that the Palestinians are insane. The Palestinians are under the most brutal Israeli military occupation. The Israeli government has an agenda behind its every action. And the Israeli army is inciting the Palestinians to take extreme actions, and what Israel says to the United States and Europe is blindly believed, and deliberately omit the real facts on the ground. Israel’s bombing of Gaza in 2014 killed2000 Palestinians, most of them were women and children. Israel destroyed the homes of thousands of Palestinians, displaced them, destroyed their infrastructure, bombed school, and hospitals. The war ended with heavy casualties and financial losses, but then what happened? Was the problem solved? How many rockets did Hamas’s fire in Israel between 2014 and 2020? How many Israelis were killed? And how brutally did the Israeli military treat the Palestinians? In six years, the Israeli military has killed as many Palestinians as it has bombed them. Palestinian home was destroyed by Israeli bulldozers. The movement of Palestinians was hampered by the Israeli army. How did stopping rocket fire in Israel change the lives of Palestinians? The conscience of the international community dies at the barbarity of the Israeli army against the Palestinians.

It is the rule base order that has consolidated Israeli military occupation for 60 years. It has created chaos in the lives of Palestinians. It has defended every crime committed by the Israeli government against humanity. Under rule base order, Israelis are the victim of Palestinians aggression. The United States has previously declared Palestinian terrorists in the West Bank at the blame of the Israeli government, and Hamas at the blame of the Netanyahu government. This is a rule-based order in which only the United States and Israel make war decisions bypassing 190 countries of the world. Israel has veto power in decisions about Iran. President Biden has been in power for four months, but President Biden has not yet decided whether to rejoin the United States in the Iran deal. After the way Israel has shown its air power and ground power in Gaza, Iran will also have to match its power with Israel in the interest of its security. There is a huge gap in the balance of power in the Middle East, and Israel is cashing in on that gap. This is the result of America’s Middle East policy. What has America’s closest Arab allies gained by becoming US allies in every war in the Middle East? People are suffering everywhere in the Arab world. Diplomatic relations should not be established with Israel until Israel becomes a normal country, like other countries. Israel is not accountable to international law; Israel should act by the rule. Do not make Israel above the law.



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