Friday, June 18, 2021

President Trump met President Putin with this Mind-Set “we are not innocent” President Biden met President Putin with this Strong Belief “Russian meddling and Hacking” President Putin answered was “innocent until proven guilty,” President Biden “Russia is a great power,” Is President Putin Successful to Bring President Biden on President Trump’s Page?



President Trump met President Putin with this Mind-Set “we are not innocent” President Biden met President Putin with this Strong Belief “Russian meddling and Hacking” President Putin answered was “innocent until proven guilty,” President Biden “Russia is a great power,” Is President Putin Successful to Bring President Biden on President Trump’s Page?

Mujeeb Khan



US President Joe Biden and President Vladimir Putin meet in Geneva, Switzerland, June 16, 2021 

President Donald Trump and President Vladimir Putin, 2017


President Barack Obama and President Vladimir Putin, 2015


   At the G7 conference, European leaders had to listen to President Joe Biden’s lecture on ‘America back’. And then President Biden had to listen to a lecture by European leaders on the confrontation with China and Russia. Germany, France, Britain, Italy, Japan reported their trade figures with China ranging from $200 to $300 billion, while US trade with China was about half a trillion dollars. The EU’s total trade with China was also close to half a trillion dollars. When trade relations with a country are in the billions and trillions, war with it leads to economic suicide. European countries do not want a confrontation with Russia, nor do they support a new Cold War with China, after which President Biden had to say that the United States does not want conflict with Russia. “I’m going to make clear to President Putin that there are some areas where we can cooperate if he chooses. And if he chooses not to cooperate and acts in a way that he has in the past, then we will respond.” In the past, President Putin has not cooperated with the United States in Syria. President Putin did not cooperate with the United States in Libya. The United States has responded by imposing economic sanctions on Russia. US regime change policy was terribly destabilizing the Middle East. Russia intervened in Syria in the interest of humanity. Behind the scenes, the US’s European Union and some Arab governments have welcomed Russia’s intervention.

  The intervention of the United States and NATO countries in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen is a serious violation of human rights. Violations of human rights by a government with its own citizens or in the case of aggression by foreign governments to destroy the lives of citizens of another country and mentally torture them is a violation of human rights. The treatment of Iraqis at the Abu Gharib prison in Iraq is clear evidence of human rights abuses. The treatment of Afghans at the Bagram detention camp in Afghanistan is a human rights violation. America has a very narrow definition of human rights The United States does not consider the Israeli military’s treatment of Palestinians in occupied Palestine to be a human rights violation. Human rights violations are in Russia and if not in Russia, then it is happening in China. Record-breaking human rights abuses in the history of the world are taking place in Israel with Palestinian peoples. There are reports from Amnesty International and other international organizations on the Israeli government’s human rights abuses. But the United States has always defended Israel’s human rights abuses. The United States has turned a blind eye to the human rights abuses of those close to it.

  President Biden has spoken of democracy, but nothing has been done to restore democracy in Egypt. The Arab Spring began under the Obama-Biden administration, the United States supported it. As a result, democracy came to Egypt for the first time. But the Egyptian military overthrew democracy, and the Obama-Biden administration quietly accepted the end of democracy in Egypt. The military regime has announced the execution of 900 members of Egypt’s democratically elected government. Egypt’s prisons were filled with political activists. They were tortured in prisons. But the Obama administration did not take any action on the serious human rights violations of the Egyptian military government. Joe Biden is now president, but the administration has no policy on human rights and democracy in Egypt.

  When India had an alliance with the Soviet Union, India was a democratic secular country. The Soviet government never tried to change India’s democratic secular system, never meddling in Indian elections. President George W. Bush established strategic relations with India 18 years ago, announced the transfer of nuclear technology to India. President Obama continued this policy. President Obama had a close relationship with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the two hugged warmly. Modi was a staunch Hindu nationalist. In his politics, Hindu fascism was hidden and the United States was making such a Hindu ideologue a great leader of India. The United States had several agreements with its government to sell arms. India was given a role in the Pacific to contain China’s rise. Military exercises were taking place in India. With this US policy, the extremist Hindus of the Modi government ended India’s secular democratic system and declare that India will be a Hindu state. The constitution has been changed. India was ruled by Hindu extremists, attacks by Hindu extremists against Muslims had intensified. Hindu extremists attack freedom of press, TV, and newspapers that criticize the Modi government are shut down. The treatment of Kashmiris in the Modi government is no different from the treatment of opponents in dictatorial regimes. The human rights of Kashmiris have been crushed by the Modi government with iron fists. These Kashmiri people are also Muslims but human rights violations on the US radar are happening only in China and Russia.

  Democracy and freedom can never strengthen in the politics of promoting military alliances in the world. Over the past 20 years, the United States’ policy of continued military adventures and proliferation of weapons has severely damaged the stability of democracy and freedom, immediately after the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the United States began recruiting from Eastern European countries, which had been deprived of democracy and freedom for 70 years, into NATO in the interest of the global military-industrial complex. For the people of Eastern Europe, the change was to join the Western European Military Alliance after liberation from a former military alliance. The plants of democracy and freedom had not yet sprouted in these countries, under US leadership, NATO launched new wars. When Soviet troops were fighting in Afghanistan, Soviet’s Warsaw Pact allies did not come to Afghanistan. But NATO’s new Eastern European members took part in the US’s war in Afghanistan.

 What the world sees now, the plants of democracy and freedom are dying. Far rights and the populous are on the rise in Europe and other places. Democracy is depreciating. US militarism has done great damage to democracy and freedom. The way the United States is taking the world in the past, President Putin, perhaps, has warned President Biden against it.         


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