Thursday, June 3, 2021

This is the Middle East, where a Bad War Always a Good War, and a Bad Peace Accord Always a Good Accord, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Abraham Accord is a Good Accord, but Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s Oslo Peace Accord with Palestinians was a Bad Accord.



This is the Middle East, where a Bad War Always a Good War, and a Bad Peace Accord Always a Good Accord, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Abraham Accord is a Good Accord, but Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin’s Oslo Peace Accord with Palestinians was a Bad Accord.

Benjamin Netanyahu’s party and Hamas were against the Oslo Peace Accord and both sabotaged it.

Mujeeb Khan


The Signing Ceremony of Abraham accord in the White House

Arab brothers' home destroyed by Israeli bombs

The signing ceremony of the Oslo Peace accord in White House, President Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Chairman Yassar Arafat

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Bahrain Foreign Minister Abdullatif, and UAE Foreign Minister Abdullah bin Zayed Al-Nahyan

  The so-called Abraham Accord with Israel, how did these rulers react when they saw pictures of 60 Palestinian children killed in Israel’s bombing of Gaza on the front page of the New York Times in May9? The ceasefire was welcomed by the Gulf monarchs. But these kings kept their mouths shut over the killing of innocent Palestinians by Israeli bombing. President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner trapped them as he saw the interest of establishing relations with Israel is the best solution to the Palestinian conflict. These Kings were assured those new settlements would not be built there by evicting the Palestinians. But the citizens of these Kings saw that the Israelis were driving the Palestinians out of East Jerusalem. Then everyone saw how the Israeli police entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque and treated the Palestinians engaged in worship. The conscience of these kings and Princes was dead, or these kings and Princes became Islamic Zionists. These kings are misunderstood, unless there is a permanent solution to the Palestinian conflict, no Islamic country will benefit from establishing relations with Israel. How have Egypt and Jordan benefited from establishing relations with Israel? Both countries have become Israeli border guards, and the United States pays them in the form of annual aid. Israel has taken advantage of relations with Egypt and Jordan to build 700,000 new settlements and displace Palestinians in occupied Palestine. Egypt and Jordan was bought by the United States, and they could not do anything against this Israeli policy. Israel was constantly expanding, but the close Arab ruling allies of the United States and Europe did everything for them. But they could not resolve their Arab allies’ dispute with Israel. The politics of alliances are two-way, one-sided allies are just obedient stooges.

  The Israeli-Arab conflict should have been resolved in the last decade of the twentieth century, but even in the third decade of the twenty-first century, there seems to be no solution to the Israel-Arab conflict. Israel’s expansionist policies are being given time. The Arabs are being kept wasting time. The new leadership of princes is expected to emerge. Those who are returning from American universities with degrees are seeing a big change in their political thinking, and they seem to be moving away from the Palestinian cause and are in favor of establishing diplomatic relations with Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Dubai have decided to establish diplomatic relations with Israel in defiance of the decisions of the Arab League. However, the unanimous resolution was passed at the Arab League’s head of states summit, in Beirut in 2002, the Arab leaders endorsed a historic peace initiative that offers Israel “normal relations” with its Arab neighbors in exchange for land, a viable Palestinian state, and a just solution for nearly 4 million Palestinian refugees. Late Saudi King Abdullah stated to the world that Arab Islamic countries are ready to establish diplomatic relations with Israel only if Israel returns to its 1967 borders evacuate Arab territories, and independent Palestinian states should be established. But when Arab leaders do not implement their resolutions themselves, so the world will not give much importance to the resolutions of the Arab League. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman also wanted to establish diplomatic relations with Israel. But he backed down, after seeing in the Arab world 90 percent of public opinion opposed it.

  At a time when Israel’s military barbarism against the Palestinians continues, voices of human rights violations and crimes against humanity against Israel are becoming a movement in the world. Israel is becoming isolated in the world, the Arabs did not need Israel, Israel needed Arabs. This was Israel’s strategy to counter it by establishing diplomatic relations with the Arabs. Second, Israel was looking at trade and economic opportunities. The rich Gulf states were investing heavily in Asian countries. Israel also wanted Arab investment to come to Israel, and Israeli banks and companies came to the Gulf countries. CEOs of Israeli banks and companies go to work in the Gulf countries in the morning and return to Israel in the evening, just as business executives leave Chicago for New York in the morning and return to Chicago in the evening.

  It is now 73 years since the founding of Israel, after 27 years, Israel will be 100 years old. In today’s fast-paced world 27 years, just like 27 months. For 73 years, Israel has been at war with the Arabs. Israel has occupied Arab territories for 53 years. Now, in 27 years, if the Arabs integrate into Israel’s economic, trade, and industrial development, all the conflicts in the Middle East will be resolved. In this Israeli map of the Middle East, Palestinians will become native Indians. In the United States and Europe, which have been advocating a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict for 73 years, their last badge will be in the grave in 27 years. Perhaps, those who came from Europe and settled in America also integrated Native Indians into America in the same way.                                                                                                          


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