Thursday, June 24, 2021

When and how will the World Counter the Abuses of Economic Sanctions? Sanctions are Political in the Interest of One Country or a Group of Countries, While the Majority of Countries are affected from Sanctions.



When and how will the World Counter the Abuses of Economic Sanctions? Sanctions are Political in the Interest of One Country or a Group of Countries, While the Majority of Countries are affected by the Sanctions.

What is the difference between suffering from economic sanctions and abuses of human rights?

Mujeeb Khan


German banks pull plugs on trade with Iran

  Coronavirus lockdown has severely damaged the economies of the United States, Europe, and many other countries. The lockdown has left thousands of businesses shut down forever in the United States, Europe, and many other countries. About 400,000 small businesses are out of business in the United States, more than 100,000 restaurants have been closed. 40 million are unemployed and homeless. The United States has already lost trillions of dollars in wars. The lockdown has reduced the revenue of the federal and state governments. State governments have led off thousands of their employees. Many city governments do not have sufficient funds to run the city. In coronavirus, this is the economic situation of these countries. There are no economic sanctions on them. But in Russia’s case economic situation is said to be bad, unemployment is extremely high, industrial production has fallen, etc. And this is half disinformation and half misinformation, the fact is that Russia is become sandwiched between Sanctions and Coronavirus. Sanctions against Russia have nothing to do with world politics, they have to do with American politics, and these are American sanctions. The reason behind these sanctions is to prevent Russia from advancing in economic development. Russia made significant progress in 2001-2005. Its foreign reserves reached $700 billion. During the Afghan and Iraq wars, Russia lent $200 billion to the United States.

  The Bush administration imposed economic sanctions on Russia’s rapidly prosperous economic growth. But Russia’s military action against Georgia was cited as the reason for sanctions. However, the Bush administration itself carried out illegal military operations against Iraq. This was followed by new sanctions in the Obama and Trump administrations. While the sanction of the Congress was separate. These US sanctions are against Russia, but indirectly Russia’s business partners are also affected by the sanctions. In the interconnected world, the effects of ruining a country’s economy are felt in every country.

  There is no justification for US economic sanctions on Iran. The interconnected World had reached an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. 2,000 US nuclear experts supported the deal, but the Trump administration decided to withdraw from the deal only because of opposition from Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister Israel, who was allergic to peace. And he torpedoed every peace deal with Palestinians. The Trump administration had restored sanctions on Iran. The decision was opposed by close US allies, and they insisted that the United States return to the Iran deal. The Trump administration warned those countries that if they violate  US sanctions on Iran, sanctions will be imposed on them. Attempts were made to bring down the state of Iran by imposing severe economic sanctions, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put it, “we will strangle Iran’s economy, we will destroy Iran’s banking system.” Now, if anyone were to say, ‘Jews really do control the world’s financial institutions, it would be called anti-Semitic. Iran’s oil quota was given to Saudi Arabia, and Saudi Arabia increased its oil production. Saudi Arabia began selling more oil and buying billions of dollars, worth of weapons from the United States. People in Iran were suffering because of the cruel, harsh, and inhumane sanctions of the United States. Iran’s Central Asian neighbors could not trade with Iran due to severe economic sanctions. European companies had invested billions of dollars in Iran, and those who traded with Iran had to close their businesses. Thousands of people lost their jobs in Europe. European companies lost billions of dollars. The United States lost trillions of dollars in the wars, and economic sanctions on Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela have cost Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America billions of dollars in trade. Like Russia, Hassan Rouhani’s government in Iran was said to be very troubled by the economic situation in his government. Like President Putin’s administration in Russia, President Rouhani’s administration in Iran was blamed for the economic situation in Iran. Inflation had soared, the necessities of life were beyond the reach of the people. Unemployment was at an all-time high. Strict economic sanctions have severely affected the economic rights of 80 million Iranians. Economic rights like human rights and cruel sanctions are violations of human rights.

  Like Iran, Venezuela made great strides, poverty was declining rapidly. Venezuela’s economic development has also benefited its neighbors. Economic growth has become a fashion in Latin America. leaders who looted peoples’ wealth during the Cold War and they were America’s allies in Latin America were disappeared. In Latin America, politics and, the economy were in order. The Bush-Chaney administration came to power with a Cold War mentality. In Latin America, Cold War-era America’s allies found a new life. In Venezuela, the Bush-Chaney administration plotted to overthrow President Hugo Chavez, but Latin American countries refused to recognize the new government and demanded the immediate reinstatement of Hugo Chavez’s government. Corrupt Leaders of the Cold War era were on the rise in the Bush-Chaney administration in Latin America. US meddling in Latin America had increased. Instead of advancing, Latin America began to retreat. Venezuela was not developing nuclear weapons, but on political ground tough sanctions against Venezuela are aimed at overthrow, the government. The United States does not care about the economic woes of the Venezuelan people. What is the difference between economic suffering and human rights abuses?  



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