Tuesday, July 6, 2021

America has Lost Three Wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, and Afghan War, on China’s Border and in China’s Neighbors, Now War Lobby Flexing Its Mussel for Fourth War in the South China Sea



America has Lost Three Wars, Korean War, Vietnam War, and Afghan War, on China’s Border and in China’s Neighbors, Now War Lobby Flexing Its Muscle for Fourth War in the South China Sea

Mujeeb Khan


President George W. Bush's National Security Team 

President Barack Obama's National Security Team


  And now the United States has left after spending 20 years at the Bagram military base. The Bagram military base was built by the Soviet Army for its military operation in Afghanistan. The Soviet communist army used Bagram for ten years to win the Afghan war, when Soviet Army did not see success, it cut the losses short, evacuated Bagram, and left Afghanistan. But the United States has spent 20 years in Afghanistan in the hope that the Taliban will be eliminated. The United States has invested billions of dollars in the Afghan war to achieve this one goal alone. But after the communist armies, the armies of the capitalist countries also failed in Afghanistan. Bagram base had the honor of hosting the armies of the world’s two great powers. Bagram military base has made history. The Afghan government should declare Bagram base a national historic building. It will be a museum of the defeat of the two great world powers in Afghanistan.

  Wherever US Air Force planes crashed in Hanoi during the Vietnam war, wherever American tanks and military vehicles were destroyed, they are still in the same places today. Vietnam’s Cities and infrastructure have been built. But in the war with the United States, its destroyed tanks, military trucks, military planes are kept in these places as a war memorial. In the same way, in Afghanistan, their weapons, military vehicles, and other military equipment destroyed in the wars with the Soviet Union and the United States in Afghanistan should be made a historical monument.

  The Afghan war could have been ended in 20 months if the war lobby had not taken over Washington DC. But the United States spent 20 years winning a war in a country that had been already devasted by 10 years of war with communist forces and then 10 years of civil war among themselves. It had no regular army and no air force. There were no tanks or military trucks. There were no cannons. There was no food. It was one of the poorest countries in the world. One of the poorest countries has defeated not only the richest country America, but also Britain, Germany, and France along with the United States. I am ashamed to write this. Will George W. Bush, Barack Obama and their war advisers are ashamed to read this? The children who were born in the United States on the day the first bomb was dropped on Afghanistan is now 20 years old, those who were 20 at the time are now 40, those who were 40 at the time are now 60, and those who were 60 then are 80 today. Donald Rumsfeld, President George W. Bush’s secretary of defense who was the architect of the new American wars, was 68 at the time and has died at the age of 88. Wars always start with lies. To prove the truth of the first lie, then the second lie is told and then this process continues. Donald Rumsfeld was perfect for that. He had the skill to prove a lie true. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld’s briefing on the Afghan war at the Pentagon was also a lie that seemed to be true in the headlines. At a second Pentagon briefing on The Afghan war, Secretary Rumsfeld said, “the Taliban’s command and control have been destroyed.” This was a shocking discloser; the Taliban had no command and no control. They had an old gun on their shoulder and an old Toyota pickup truck under their command and control. Secretary Rumsfeld described the United States as fighting a large army.

  On the January 6 attack on the Capitol Building, Senator Mitch McConnell said “it was the powerful people who instigated it. Similarly, the powerful people in the George W. Bush and Barack Obama’s administrations were of the war lobby, who lied about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya and led the United States to war. Millions of people have died because of their lie. The US treasury has lost trillions of dollars in these wars. But there are so many powerful people that the law cannot touch them. Their outstanding national service is commended for providing excellent false reports on deadly weapons in Iraq. If there is no accountability in democracy, then it is not democracy.

  20 years ago, Afghans welcomed foreign troops for the first time in their history when the Taliban were ousted. Then how did America become unpopular in Afghanistan and how did the Taliban become strong and popular? Afghanistan needed full-time attention to win. Bush and Obama did not use their brains, both commanders-in-chief were using the brain and advice of the war lobby. If the Afghans and the Taliban were told to keep their weapons in Bagram, and the United States would keep its weapons in Bagram and lets together rebuild Afghanistan. The United States will pay every Afghan family to build a house. The United States will pay the local government to build roads, bridges, schools, colleges, hospitals, etc. The United States could have saved about $600-700 billion.


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