Monday, July 12, 2021

It Does Not Matter that Taliban Control 85 Percent of Afghanistan, does 85 Percent of Afghan People Support the Taliban?

 It Does Not Matter that Taliban Control 85 Percent of Afghanistan, does 85 Percent of Afghan People Support the Taliban?

Mujeeb Khan


There is a lot of contradiction and a lack of evidence in what Bush and Obama have told the public about 9/11. That is why there are doubts in people’s minds. President Biden has said the 9/11 attacks on the United States came from Afghanistan, he was then linked to al-Qaeda. Osama bin Laden and his associates had used Afghanistan as a base for their activities against the United States. That is why Afghanistan was attacked to bring bin Laden to justice. But the question is, just two years before the US invasion when the Sudanese government told the Clinton administration about bin Laden’s presence in Sudan, why did not catch him? Why wait for a major attack on the United States? The Bush administration then decided that there would be no talks with the Taliban and that they would be eliminated. However, the Taliban were not eliminated, but there was widespread human and financial destruction. Terrorism was not eradicated but it was spread. Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq have been destroyed by terrorists. In the face of the destruction and devastation of these countries, 9/11 was a small act of terrorism. The Bush administration did not know where Osama bin Laden was. US intelligence chiefs brief President Bush every morning, did President Bush asked them about bin Laden’s whereabouts? Bin Laden’s video messages were shown on all American TV channels, especially in breaking news. Pundits then spent the day publicizing bin Laden’s message.

Following the January 6 attack on Capitol Building, Facebook, Google, and Twitter have banned President Donald J. Trump from using their platform to seduce people. Not any US TV has banned Osama bin Laden from showing his video messages. While bombs were exploding in the United States, Bombs were exploding in Europe. Terrorism was on the rise in many other countries. There are contradictions and flows in America’s 20-year policies.



Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with Taliban's Chief negotiator Mullah Baradar to discuss the Afghan peace process

US envoy for peace in Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, after signing an agreement, Feb 29, 2020 in Doha, Qatar



Russian Foreign Minister Sergeil Lavorov with Taliban leaders in Mascow Nov 9, 2018 


  For 40 years, the world has become accustomed to hearing bad news from Afghanistan, seeing the dark cloud of fear, the light of happiness also passes over Afghanistan. The body of President Najibullah hanging on an electric pole at the crossroads of Kabul, the blood-red road of Ahmad Shah Masoud, the stoning of women in front of thousands of people in a stadium in Kabul for adultery, Afghanistan in this era of Taliban oppression and barbarism, had entered another era of oppression and brutality, and it was a campaign by US and NATO forces to eliminate the Taliban, but more innocent Afghans than the Taliban were killed. On this, President Bush had said that this is a war and people are killed in the war. This was America’s first experience of war in a tribal country. Bush administration’s national security team’s strategy for fighting the Taliban was to divide Afghanistan into different nationalities, and then Uzbeks and Tajiks to eliminate the Pashtuns Taliban. They used Uzbek warlord General Abdul Rashid Dostum, who captured a thousand Taliban and transported them from Kunduz to the Northern Alliance prison in a sealed cargo container. In the scorching heat, a thousand Taliban died in a sealed container. They were discovered in a mass grave. Warlord General Dostum was a close ally of the American Army in the war against the Taliban.

  President Hamid Karzai was a Pashtun, but key ministries in his government were occupied by Uzbeks and Tajiks. The Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior, the Afghan Security Agency, the army, the police were full of Uzbeks and Tajiks. In the name of the Taliban, they carried out operations in Pashtun areas. Their extreme actions against Pashtuns made the Taliban stronger and stronger, Pashtun began to join the Taliban. Meanwhile, the Bush administration was busy in Iraq. Afghanistan was left to the Warlords and the US and NATO commanders. The US commander was in Afghanistan, but their focus was on Iraq. Just as it was easy to oust the Taliban in Afghanistan, it was easy to oust President Saddam Hussein in Iraq, but then there were thorns in the side of far-reaching successes in Afghanistan and Iraq. If the United States fails to bring peace and stability to Iraq soon, the war in Afghanistan will be protracted and victory is uncertain.

  The Taliban's old role was ‘Afghan Mujahideen’ in the 1980s war against the Soviet Union, they were close allies of the United States. President Reagan held talks with Afghan Mujahideen at the White House, and Vice President George H. Bush told the Afghan Mujahideen that God was with them in the jihad against the Communist army. But after becoming president, George H. Bush was the first to leave with the Afghan Mujahideen. President George W. Bush has said there will be no talks with the Taliban. It is not a great achievement of the Taliban that they control 85 percent of Afghanistan. But it is a great achievement of the Taliban that they have brought the United States back to the 1980s and the United States was talking to them about the war in Afghanistan. It is a great achievement of the Taliban that they are negotiating for a ceasefire and peace in Afghanistan with the world’s only superpower. Usually, such talks took place among the major powers. The United States has made a successful deal with the Taliban. The deal was struck by the Trump administration, and now the Biden administration is withdrawing US troops from Afghanistan the same agreement. The Taliban has signed an agreement with the United States to halt its attacks in Afghanistan and hold talks with the government in Kabul. Now both the United States and the Taliban are committed to implementing the agreement. This is a significant change in the attitudes towards the day. A Taliban delegation has assured the Putin government in Moscow that the Taliban will not attack neighboring countries, nor will foreigners be allowed to invade other countries from the Afghan side. The Taliban’s commitment to neighboring countries and world powers is significant. Implementing it will determine the Taliban’s credibility.

  The world, especially the Afghan people, fear that the Taliban will take over Kabul after the withdrawal of US troops, and Afghanistan will come again in 1990. This time it will not happen. The Taliban seem weak in creating these conditions. Now, it is important that the structure of the Kabul government remains strong. The 300,000 Afghan armies remained strong and organized. Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Pashtuns should show full unity at this time. It is in the interest of the warlords to keep the Afghans divided and fighting, in that case, US sanctions on Warlords could be supported. It does not matter how much of Afghanistan the Taliban control. More importantly, does the Taliban have the support of 85percent of the Afghan people?       



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