Friday, July 30, 2021

The Amazing Changes in the Capitalist World Have Been Brought About by the Chinese Communists, from Transforming Corporate America to Corporate World


The Amazing Changes in the Capitalist World Have Been Brought About by the Chinese Communists, from Transforming Corporate America to Corporate World

United States’ 23 trillion-dollar rising debt, is putting  National Security in danger is the number one threat.

Mujeeb Khan


Deputy Security of State Wendy Sherman met with Foreign Minister Wang Yi in China Northern City of Tianjin Jully 23, 2021


Chinese diplomates with the US Antony Blinken and Jack Sullivan, in Anchorage, Alaska, March 22, 2021

  The first high-level meeting between The United States and China took place in March in Anchorage, Alaska. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jack Sullivan met with top Chinese diplomates Yang Yiech and Foreign Minister Wang Yi for several hours, listing China’s grievances with the United States and sought clarification of the allegations made by the United States against China. From this first meeting between the top officials of the two countries, the weather was not pleasant, the tension was so high that it was autumn in the spring. The actions taken against China in the Trump administration continued in the Biden administration. Government policy changes the situation, or the situation does not allow the policy to be changed. After the first US-China meeting on March 22 and the second US-China meeting on July 23, in the Chinese city of Tianjin between deputy secretary of state Wendy Sherman and Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister Xie Feng and Foreign minister Wang Yi, there was no significant change in the situation in almost six months of Joe Biden’s Presidency, but his administration has stressed the importance of continuing President Trump’s policy on China. President Biden called President Trump was incompetent in his election campaign who had no experience in world affairs. And he had 40 years of experience in world affairs. But President Biden’s 40 years of experience in US-China policy are not visible. It seemed everyone in the administration likes the China doctrine of an incompetent president in the Biden administration. For 40 years, eight US presidents have called on China to pursue economic reform and open market policy, and now, they are seeing the results, the Trump and Biden administrations are forcing China to roll back the policy through trade wars and economic sanctions. There is an attempt to dismantle Chinese tech by blacklisting them. Foreign companies are being asked to close their businesses in Hong Kong. As a presidential candidate, Joe Biden was opposed to Russian intervention in the United States. But now it is President Biden is pursuing a policy of intervention in China. A few days ago, President Biden said that “capitalism without competition is not capitalism, it is exploitation.” Its means that the US sanctioning Chinese companies, depriving them of resources is not capitalism, it is exploitation.

  The Chinese Communist Party has given foreign companies the freedom to do business in China. Chinese companies have been asked to compete with foreign companies. In the history of the United States, China has made the first American Apple Company a trillion-dollar company. In 30 years, many Chinese companies have become billions and trillion dollars, and they are competing with foreign companies. Perhaps foreign companies will like this competition in China. These amazing changes in the capitalist world have been brought about by the Chinese communists. While America’s wars in the world have become trillions-dollars wars.

  This is the situation before the United States before taking a position on the negotiating table with China, while on the other hand, the US troops were leaving Afghanistan with 20 years failures. And now at the request of the Iraqi government, the United States has announced the end of its military mission in Iraq. Syria, Libya, and Yemen is left in a state of instability, conflagration, turmoil. In 70 years, the United States has not been able to resolve the Israel-Arab conflict, which is the mother of all wars, and terrorism. The Middle East is worse off today than it was 20 years ago.

  After 20 years of war, the United States now needs a martial plan to rebuild it. President Biden has asked for $4 trillion in the budget, the question is, where will the 4 trillion come from? The US budget is in deficit. US trade is in deficit. The United States have a debt of $23 trillion. Both, the administration, and Congress are not talking about a $23 trillion debt that how it will be paid? Like President Trump, President Biden also imposing sanctions on China. And Congress is making laws against China as if China is not paying America's debts. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says the United States could default on August 1st if Congress does not raise the debt ceiling and pass a budget. Russia and China are not strategic enemies of the United States, but the $23 trillion debt and steady increase in it is a real threat to US national security. Surprisingly, the administration and Congress are not paying any attention to this very important issue. The old guards in the administration and in Congress are not concerned about the trillions of dollars rising debt, because they will not be around, and this will be not their problem.                                                   

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