Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Middle East is the Land of Autocratic Leaders, Where American Policy is Autocratic, The United States is an Autocratic Power in The Middle East, and Beacon of Democracy for Europe, it is Seen as the Rest of the World Dubious



The Middle East is the Land of Autocratic Leaders, Where American Policy is Autocratic, The United States is an Autocratic Power in The Middle East, and Beacon of Democracy for Europe, it is Seen as the Rest of the World Dubious

Mujeeb Khan



President Trump Trying to Sword dance with King Salman, in Saudi Arabia

  It was reported in the New York Times on June 23 that four Saudis had taken part in the assassination of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, they received paramilitary training in the United States a year ago under a contract, according to the New York Times, the agreement was approved by the State Department. The order came as the secret unit for Mr. Khashoggi’s responsible assassination. It was a long-running campaign of abduction, and torture of Saudi nationals, and at the behest of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, dissidents in the Kingdom were to be eliminated. The administration accuses China and Russia of creating global problems to divert the attention of the American people and the world from its deadly policies, which is itself politically motivated. In the Obama-Biden administration and before that, the Bush-Cheney administration was a close ally of the Saudi government in the fight against terrorists and regime change in Libya and Syria. The CIA was training opponents of the Assad government to persecute supporters of the Assad regime. While in Arkansas, the Saudis were being trained to counter the attack, as said in the New York Times news, it was defensive in nature and had to protect Saudi leaders better. There was no evidence that US officials who approved the training were unaware that Saudis were involved in the crackdown in Saudi Arabia. However, US officials were aware that political opponents were being executed in Saudi Arabia. US officials also knew that there were 14 Saudi nationals in the 9/11 attacks on the United States, who were trained by the CIA to wage jihad against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. It is now understood t that President Trump used to deny the involvement of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, and he started saying that ‘maybe he did, maybe he didn’t.’ Perhaps President Trump will know that the Saudis involved in Khashoggi’s assassination had received military training in The United States. That is why President Trump’s response was so round.

  The last 20 years are a bleak history of American democracy. Those trained by the United States to fight Soviet troops in Afghanistan for ten years in the 1980s are still a headache for the world. This was not an urban-Afghan war. This was a rural Afghans war, which made by America. Rural Afghans were extremely religious, and to drive these Afghans out of rural areas with their misinformation and disinformation campaigns to fight Soviet forces in Urban areas. And urban peace is a dream for urban Afghans. The Taliban, most of whom are rural areas, they want to establish their rural life system in urban areas. The United States has not trained the Taliban in urban life, but it has trained the Taliban in urban warfare. Soviet troops were also present in Christian countries in Eastern Europe, but the United States valued peace and stability in Europe. The United States did not adopt the same methods in Eastern European countries as it did in Afghanistan.

  In Iran, the Shah’s intelligence agency, SAVAK, was trained and equipped by the United States to torture and eliminate the Shah’s opponents. The SAVAK tortured thousands of Iranians, countless Iranians died in custody. During the Cold War, the training of military and intelligence officials in the Third World was given special importance in US foreign policy. The painful stories of the persecution of the Pinochet army in Chile are still fresh in people’s minds. There were reports of political opponents of pro-American governments being tortured in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Venezuela, and many other Latin American countries. In Asia and Africa, the military was trained to overthrow democratic governments and how to fight with liberal, progressive elements.

  This US policy has not changed. The Cold War is over. There is no news that Russia and China are competing with the United States in such activities. The United States created Shiite militias in Iraq to fight Sunni al-Qaeda, and trained and armed them, but when Shiite militias began fighting the US military in Iraq, Army Commander created Sunni militias to counter Shiite militias. They also trained and armed the Sunni militia. These were back by American militias in Iraq.

  Shiite Sunni militias in Iraq were for Iran. Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, has joined a campaign to overthrow governments in Syria and Libya. The United States was leading the campaign, near the Syrian border, training camps were set up for those interested in regime change. The CIA provided training and weapons; however, they could not overthrow the government in Syria, but they destroyed the peaceful and innocent humanity in Syria. They destroyed the ancient history and civilization of Syria; they turn Syria into ruins. After training here, many went to Libya, and in Libya, they joined different groups and started fighting for the control of Libya. This US policy has only caused a human catastrophe. The world is as afraid of America’s war power as the people are of dictators.       

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