Sunday, July 18, 2021

Who is Meddling in Cuba? President Joe Biden Now Finds Out Cuba is a Fail State When President Obama Restored Relations with Cuba, Perhaps Cuba’s 60 Years Survives Without World Helps to be a Success Story, not a Fail State.


Who is Meddling in Cuba? President Joe Biden Now Finds Out Cuba is a Fail State When President Obama Restored Relations with Cuba, Perhaps Cuba’s 60 Years Survives Without World Helps to be a Success Story, not a Fail State.

Mujeeb Khan


Secretary of State John Kerry opened the US embassy in Havana, Aug14, 2015

Cuban President Raul Castro meet President Obama, is the first sitting American president to visit Cuba a Historic visit, 2015


Demonstration in Havana a protest shortages food, rising prices


President Miquel Diaz-Canel address a Pro-government Rally in Havana, July17, 2021

  In Fidel Castro’s Cuba, in 60 years, people have never taken to the street to protest. The history of Castro’s socialist revolution, the American blockade of Cuba, and the economic sanctions is one, the world has undergone amazing revolutionary changes, but the United States has not yet accepted the Cuban revolution. In the United States, the administration, the Congress, the Establishment are not free from the Cold War mentally. Fidel Castro has passed away. New leadership is coming to Cuba, but the United States has also included this new leadership in its old politics. The United States has established relations with Communist Vietnam. The United States has a free trade agreement with Vietnam, US leaders are happy to boost ties with Communist Vietnam, but not happy to restore ties with neighboring Cuba. However, in the last days of his presidency, President Obama established diplomatic relations with Cuba. But the life of these relations proved to be short, diplomatic relations with Cuba have had the same effect as the international agreement with Iran. President Trump announced that the United States would secede from the Global agreement with Iran, and the United States decided to close its embassy in Cub. The previous administration made both decisions in the interests of US foreign policy, but the Trump administration, which came to power on the slogan of ‘America First,’ it ended the global agreement with Iran under Israel’s pressure. President Trump cut off US diplomatic relations with Cuba at the insistence of his party’s Cuban American senator and member of Congress from Miami, which is a little Havana. Most Cubans here are ideologically narrow-minded Cubans, who are Republicans, and their politics is autocratic and hypocritic. While the mood of first and second-generation Cubans has changed, they were happy that US tensions with Cuba were over. The US embassy was opened in Havana and the Cuban embassy was opened in the United States. In 2015, I saw at the Miami International Airport that the terminal was crowded with Cuban Americans going to Havana, every airline was going to Havana. The majority were Cubans in their 60s and 70s, going to Havana to visit their relatives for, first time in 60 years. These Cubans were excited that relations between the United States and Cuba were restored. But Miami’s wealthy and Cuban business community sees the resumption of ties with Cuba as a threat to their economic security. So, they finance those Cuban Americans in the Congress and Senate who support keeping Cuba in the box of American blockades and sanctions, and they asked the President of the United States to tell the Cuban community in Miami that Cuba is a failed state. Cuba is a small country, a neighbor of giant world power, if a failed state without the help of the world stands for 60 years, will the world be proud of the world power, or will it be proud of the failed state?

  The United States is a country of lobbies. People just vote. Decisions and policies made by the lobbies. The Israeli lobby is the most powerful lobby. US Middle East policy is at the mercy of the Israeli lobby. If it were US policy, the US would probably never waste $7 trillion in the Middle East. The United States has spent $500 million promoting freedom and democracy in the Middle East, for the first time in Egypt’s 1,000-year history, an elected democratic government came to power, but Israel did not like the people in that government. Israel, the only democratic country in the Middle East, overthrew democracy in its neighbor and brought the Egyptian general of choice to power. The Obama-Biden administration did not have the courage to resist the overthrew of democracy in Egypt. They were asked to support protesters for democracy in Syria and Libya. The Obama-Biden administration’s election agenda did not include regime change in Syria and Libya, that was Israel’s agenda. The Obama-Biden administration has fulfilled Israel’s agenda. What did the United States gain from regime change in Iraq, Syria, and Libya? America’s security is at greater risk today. Cyberattacks are a big threat today, then so-called weapons of mass destruction.

  President Trump unwittingly announced that the United States would withdraw from an important global agreement with Iran. However, the agreement was read word for word, every paragraph, every page by key officials at the State Department, the Pentagon. Then they suggested some change in it. Two thousand US nuclear experts called it a good deal. But President Trump ignored “America First” and gave priority to Israel’s position. For Israel, the United States takes the opposition and criticism of the countries to which the United States lectures on the implementation of the international agreements. President Joe Biden, who has been in power for almost seven months but has not yet decided to join or not join a global deal with Iran, is waiting for a green light from Israel. The United States has only tarnished its global image. Israel will probably be forgotten by all, but America’s role will always be remembered in history. The United States, on the advice of Israel, has declared Hamas a terrorist organization. At Israel’s request, the United States listed Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo travels from Tel Aviv to Beirut and, on Israel’s behalf, asks the Lebanese president to oust Hezbollah from the government. “60 percent of Lebanon’s people have voted for Hezbollah,” the Lebanese president told Secretary Pompeo. They have elected representatives in parliament, they are also in the cabinet. The United States has declared Hezbollah a terrorist organization. America gave favor to Israel and created a political crisis in Lebanon. In the Middle East, the United States has pursued a policy of destabilizing every country.

 After a long bloody civil war in Lebanon, Christians, Sunnis, and Shiites decided to live together and rule together. Hezbollah maintained peace and political stability in Lebanon by participating in the Lebanese political process. The United States destroyed Lebanon’s political setup at the behest of Israel’s leaders. The world is now being told that Lebanon is a failed state. What is the US Middle East policy? Is America with democracy? Is America with autocracy? Is America with Israel’s military occupation? The more powerful the lobby, the more American policy is in their best interests. When the Saudis hire a more powerful lobby in Washington DC and pay it $60 million, the US policy is in line the Saudis say. Lobbies make money, administration spends money all over the world. The public is told of America’s failures.    






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