Monday, August 30, 2021

CIA Director William Bruns’s Untimely, Irresponsible, and Unwise Secret Visit to Afghanistan, Twenty Years CIA Chasing Taliban’s Leaders, Director Bruns Could Wait Twenty Days for a Secret Meeting with Taliban as The Evacuation Process Has Completed, A Wrong Decision Cost 180 Lives


CIA Director William Bruns’s Untimely, Irresponsible, and Unwise Secret Visit to Afghanistan, Twenty Years CIA Chasing Taliban, Director Bruns Could Wait Twenty Days for a Secret Meeting with Taliban as The Evacuation Process Has Completed, A Wrong Decision Cost 180 Lives

Mujeeb Khan


  Terrorism is not over, nor is the problem of Afghanistan solved. Twenty years of the world are wasted. Now, with America, the world is back to square one. This system of global leadership is proving to be very expensive for the world. In twenty years, three presidents have come and gone and added to the world’s woes, but it will not go for President Trump because he has led a life full of painful trials. And Joe Biden is now the fourth President and surrounded by a whirlpool of internal and external suffering. But looking at terrorism in Afghanistan and around the world, it looks like the Bush-Obama-era is back in the United States. Afghanistan, the Taliban, ISIS are on the radar of the war on terror. if the talking point is not impeachment, then war on terror. while ISIS-A, ISIS-L, ISIS-S are missing from the radar, and ISIS-K is a hot talking point, ISIS-K taking a place in Afghanistan. The role of the CIA is dubious in the war of terror. The CIA could have caught Osama bin Laden in 1998-99 but let him go. After the invasion of Afghanistan, the CIA did not know where bin Laden was. The CIA did not know who made bin Laden’s video messages, where did he make them, and how it became special breaking news on every TV channel in America. Did bin Laden’s videos help end terrorism or did they publicity terrorism? The CIA does not know anything about ISIS in the Arabian Peninsula. Who created ISIS? Who gave them military weapons? If the CIA does not have the answers to these questions, that is why the United States has not been able to eradicate terrorism in 20 years.

   Why did CIA Director William Burns go to Afghanistan suddenly? And what was the purpose of a secret meeting with Taliban leaders? It was a very irresponsible and unwise move. The Biden administration has not recognized the Taliban. The Secretary of State has no direct contact with the Taliban. The Taliban and the Biden administration agreed on the issue of foreign nationals’ evacuation. The Taliban were cooperating fully with the United States. The airport was controlled by the US military. There was no obstacle for foreign nationals to go to the airport. They included Afghans who had worked with foreign forces, and they were in the embassy staff. The Taliban have learned a lot in 20 years, when people learn from circumstances, their thinking changes. The Taliban have learned from the mistakes they made in the 1990s. Now, have spoken of peace. The Taliban have spoken of dialogue with all ethnic groups, the Taliban have called for an inclusive government. In which every sect and culture will be represented. The Taliban has announced a general amnesty for all those associated with the previous government. And all government employees have been asked to return to their jobs. There is talk of giving rights to women. The Taliban do not have the powers that the government has, they are trying to unite the nation divided into groups, sects, and nationalities.  There was a glimmer of hope for peace in Afghanistan.

  The Taliban were trying to bring all Afghan groups to the peace platform. They were rebuilding their confidence in Afghanistan and let them get out of the war and build peace and their lives. President Biden, on the other hand, sought to complete the evacuation from Afghanistan in the most difficult of circumstances and in the shortest possible time. In this situation, CIA Director William Burns landed in Kabul. News of the CIA director’s secret meeting with Taliban leaders in Kabul was like just a few days before the 2016 election when FBI Director James Comey announced in front of TV cameras that “Hillary Clinton’s important E-Mail has been discovered” and Hillary Clinton lost the election. The CIA director’s secret meeting with the Taliban in Kabul was like a nuclear bomb dropped on Afghanistan’s political turmoil. This was to embarrass President Joe Biden and the Taliban leader. The people of the Ashraf Ghani government’s intelligence and security will not be happy with this meeting. There are countless such people in Kabul, who was captured by the CIA during an operation 20 years ago, they were tortured in the Bagram camp. The CIA also used drones and killed many Afghans. The victims of this CIA policy are everywhere in Afghanistan.

  In the current situation in Afghanistan, there is nothing to keep oneself alive, when people are running from Afghanistan, no one would like to come to Afghanistan. Only those would come to Afghanistan who is on any agency or government’s payroll and have their secret mission. US and NATO troops have now left Afghanistan. Afghanistan will no longer be as much of an issue for global peace and stability as it is for the security and stability of the region. The Taliban have assured their neighbors, Russia, and China, that they will not bring 1990 to Afghanistan. Afghan soil will not be used against other countries. The way President Putin has pulled Chechnya out of a situation like Afghanistan. Chechen has eliminated domestic and foreign terrorists, and it has made Chechnya beautiful again. Chechen Muslims now live in peace and happiness. The Taliban should start building Afghanistan on the example of President Putin’s great achievements in Chechnya

  It is a great pity that the United States can send a man to the moon but has failed miserably to bring peace to Afghanistan. American children and grandchildren who were infants at the eve of the Afghan war have died in Afghanistan, and Grandpa Joe Biden went to the airport to have their bodies wrapped in the American flag. It is very sad and painful that these American soldiers were three and four years old and as if the Afghan war was waiting for their death for twenty years. And Grandpa Mitt Romney says the Afghan war is on.   


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