Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The Taliban’s Coup d’état in Kabul, Overthrew Ashraf Ghani Government-Backed by America; Twenty Years Ago, America Toppled the Taliban Government-Backed by Al-Qaeda, Tragic End of a Tragic War

The Taliban’s Coup d’état in Kabul, Overthrew Ashraf Ghani Government-Backed by America; Twenty Years Ago, America Toppled the Taliban Government-Backed by Al-Qaeda, Tragic End of a Tragic War

Mujeeb Khan


The  Afghan war could have ended in 20 months. Afghans had no war with the United States. When they were fighting with the Soviets, Vice President George H. Bush told them, "You are right and God is with you." Twenty years later, President George W. Bush, the son of George H. Bush, has vowed to eliminate the Taliban, and God is with him. To that end, President Bush appointed Zalmay Khalilzad as the US ambassador to Afghanistan in 2004. He set the stage for a long war to completely eliminate the Taliban from Afghanistan. Then, 14 years later, President Donald Trump told Zalmay Khalilzad that the war with the Taliban was hurting us. Now let's talk to the Taliban to end the war. President Trump has named Zalmay Khalilzad as a special envoy for peace in Afghanistan. After months of negotiations, an agreement was reached with the Taliban to end the war in Afghanistan. Khalilzad could have made the same deal in 2004. But Dick Cheney & CO. had a plan to continue the 50-year war on terror, and Vice President Dick Cheney's statement is on record.


  It is very easy for the war establishment in Washington to plan and execute war against a country. But they do not understand the political and social psychology of the people of that country. The United States has spent 20 years in Afghanistan. But it has not yet been understood Afghanistan. It is one of the poorest countries in the world. The tribal system has deep roots, religiously is a very rigid society. It has been at war for 40 years; 200,000 Afghans have been killed in 40 years. In the last 20 years, every Afghan family member has been killed in US bombs, B-52s, F-35s, drone strikes, house-to-house battles. Who were not Taliban, they were Afghan citizens, their children were killed, their elders were killed, their women were killed, their men were killed, the Kabul government did nothing for them, now people from the same Afghan families had come to the army not to fight for the government but to get jobs. There were also incidents of Afghan soldiers attacking troops, after which the security of the Afghan troops entering the US military base was tightened. For 20 years, the President of the United States, the Secretary of States, the Secretary of Defense, and other senior officials have been visiting Afghanistan is unannounced. The President only visited the American Bagram airbase, and the Afghan president comes to Bagram to meet him. The president would spend a few hours in Bagram airbase and return to Washington. This is the situation in Afghanistan for 20 years, which has been underneath the Iranian rugs. The Afghan government, US commanders, generals, and diplomates were sitting on it. The situation in Afghanistan is no different whenever and wherever there is a solution. The result will be the same.

  In politics and business, if the first decision is right, then the later all decisions are also right. If the first decision is wrong, then the later all decisions will also be wrong. The first decision of George W. Bush, his national security team, and his advisers on Afghanistan was wrong. The decision was based on lies, the facts were distorted, the war was designed. The Taliban and al-Qaeda were partners in the Afghan jihad. Who fought the Soviet communist forces and were called Mujahideen. They were trained in jihad in CIA camps in Pakistan. Osama bin Laden, Mullah Omar, and thousands of jihadists from the Arab Islamic world had obtained degrees from the CIA’s Pakistani camp. These jihadists had defeated the communist army in Afghanistan. The United States has said it shot down the Soviet empire without firing a single shot. The United States has not looked back on Afghanistan. Afghan jihadists become Taliban, and the Arab jihadists become Al-Qaeda. Arab governments have refused these jihadists to entered the country. These Arab jihadists came to Afghanistan and settled there.

  The United States was not attacked from Afghanistan. The 9/11 attack was a high-tech attack planned by highly experienced people. Airports, locations, flight departures from different airports were studied. Such a large project could not have been built in the ruins of Afghanistan. It must be the invention of the technologically advanced minds who invented drones that operated thousands of miles away and targeted people. However, Afghanistan was dragged into the politics of 9/11 and made it the mother of all wars in the world. In 20 years, there was no evidence that the Taliban were global terrorists. There is no evidence that ISIS had links to the Taliban. Young Muslims from the United States, Europe and other parts of the world came to Iraq and Syria to fight with ISIS for the establishment of an Islamic state, but no Taliban from Afghanistan went to Iraq or Syria. US media and political pundits are claiming that ISIS and al-Qaeda will come to Afghanistan. Afghans have learned the lesson of waging jihad on their soil with the CIA and foreign jihadists, now they will not make such a mistake in a thousand years.

   The fact is that corruption in Afghanistan has increased in the presence of the US military. Drug production and trade began. The Bush administration distributed briefcases full of dollars to Afghan warlords to eliminate the Taliban. The Bush administration has announced that anyone who captures al-Qaeda terrorists from Pakistan and Afghanistan and hand them over to the United States will be paid $5,000. It was a bribe. Corruption in Afghanistan was started by the Bush administration. People took $5,000 and handed over people to the United States who had nothing to do with al-Qaeda. They had never heard of al-Qaeda, they did not know who Osama bin Laden was? But on the TV channel’s Sunday Morning Show, Vice President Dick Cheney said that three thousand highly dangerous al-Qaeda terrorists have been captured from Afghanistan and they are being investigated in Guantanamo Bay. The Obama administration found that many of them were innocent, also including 70- and 80-years old Afghan grandpas. Everywhere people are suffering from corruption and lies.                                                     


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