Wednesday, September 29, 2021

India, From Non-Aligned to Align; Modi’s Aligned with Hostile Nations, change in Taliban is Encouraging Sign, But Change in India is Depressing; Is India Going in the Undemocratic Direction?

India, From Non-Aligned to Align; Modi’s Aligned with Hostile Nations, change in Taliban is Encouraging Sign, But Change in India is Depressing; Is India Going in the Undemocratic Direction?

Mujeeb Khan

President Joe Biden and Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Vice President Kamala Harris and Prime Minister Narendra Modi


The cruelty of the Indian Army on Kashmiri women


   Apparently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with first, Vice President Kamala Harris and then President Joe Biden in White House was on the future of democracy and human rights in India. Before attending the Gang Four conference at the White House, Vice President Kamala Harris had met Prime Minister Modi, this was her first meeting with the Prime Minister. The Vice President’s family is from Indian Tamil Nadu. Therefore, Vice President Kamala was aware of the way the people of Tamil Nadu have faced the oppression and violence of the Indian Army, and Vice President Kamala sees Kashmiris in this perspective. Human rights are a cornerstone in President Biden’s foreign policy. Among the conference participants, Prime Minister Modi was the only leader of a major democracy in the world whose government had a poor human rights record. No one at the conference had spoken to Prime Minister Modi about the situation in India, but the host of the conference had given a lecture to Prime Minister on the future of democracy in India in a private meeting. The Prime Minister was apprised of the world’s concern over the emergence of Hindu extremism in India as Taliban. Progressive democrats also have reservations about making India a regressive Hindu state. Which is contrary to democratic principles. Extremist Hindus have taken away this freedom of Hindu women who cannot marry a Muslim in love. The world is urging the Taliban in Afghanistan to give women rights, and Prime Minister Modi’s Hindu extremist party has abolished the right of a Hindu woman to marry for love outside the Hindu religion. This is the Hindu Taliban’s ban on the freedom of Hindu women. India has gone in the direction of religious extremism from which Pakistan has paid a heavy price. Prime Minister Modi now realizes that he is surrounded by religious extremists, and he can’t retreat from the decisions he has made so far. The Prime Minister even cannot change his decisions regarding occupied Kashmir, and talks with Pakistan will not possible, if he tries, Hindu extremists will sabotage it.

  Atal Bihari Vajpayee and L K Advani of the Janata Party were supporters of Hinduism, but they were not Hindu extremists, they had reformed themselves. That is why they kept Hindutva extremism away from their decisions. They believed that Hindu extremism would become a threat to India’s secular democracy and the religious freedom of minorities. And they wanted to maintain India’s secular democratic status quo. Prime Minister Modi will be seen as a failed political leader in the history of India. Prime Minister Modi was in an awkward position in front of President Biden, prior to the US presidential election, Prime Minister Modi had endorsed President Trump at a gathering of Indians in Texas and Gujarat and chanted “Trump four more years,” President Trump was also on stage with him. This gives an idea of the capacity of political judgment in Narendra Modi. In the White House, the vice president and the president shook his conscience about what he was doing with democracy and freedom in India. India has also overtaken China in human rights violations. In his nearly 30-minute address to the UN General Assembly, Prime Minister Modi described only the virtues of democracy and freedom in India. On Afghanistan, Prime Minister Modi said, “Afghan soil should not be used for terrorism.” Prime Minister expressed his concern to President Biden about the Taliban government in Kabul. The United States is concerned about China’s growing power. India was asked to join the alliance against China with the United States, Japan, and Australia. The Pacific is called Indo-Pacific so that India can compete with China from the heights of the Himalayas and the depths of the Pacific waters.

  How reprehensible it is that India has left the interests of small countries in its region and gone to the Pacific to fight China for the interest of big countries. SAARC was an organization of South Asian countries. The Modi government has dismantled it. The Taliban have changed. They have ended a 20-year war with the United States, Taliban have signed a peace agreement with the United States. The agreement states that it will not allow the use of Afghan territory to attack any country. This is what the Taliban have said to Russia and China, but unaware of India’s Prime Minister Modi has said that Afghan soil should not be used for terrorism. The Indian government will now stick to it, and they will not go beyond that. Similarly, the Indian government has been adamant about Pakistan for twenty years that “there are terrorist camps in Pakistan.” But terrorists carry out attacks in Pakistan. The Indian government has not yet moved beyond that allegation. Pakistan has brought the Taliban on the path to peace, And the Taliban are now talking about good relations with the United States. But these Indian Hindu extremists are so tough cookies that they do not want to live in peace with Muslims in India, nor do they want good relations with Pakistan.

  Prime Minister Narendra Modi says to his people, “I went to China, I went to Russia. I went to Arab countries, I went to the Gulf states, I told them all, who should we talk to in Pakistan, talk to the army, talk to the ISI, talk to which leader, everyone agreed with us. In the Cold War only Soviet Union was with us,” said Modi, “and everyone was with Pakistan. Today only China is with Pakistan, and everyone is with us.” Prime Minister Modi is misrepresenting, he is a typical politician and a master of misleading the world. Today’s world politics is based on lies, deception, misrepresentation, and under Modi’s leadership, India has fit into it. That is why the world is with India. India abandoned its non-alignment role and become an ally of the war powers.

  Prime Minister Modi has also lied about who talk to in Pakistan. The fact is that General Zia-ul-Haqq called Indira Gandhi elder sister. General Zia also visited Delhi. General Pervez Musharraf did not go to Delhi to hoist Pakistan’s flag, he went to make a peace agreement with India, but at the last minute, Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee changed his mind, as extremist Hindus had threatened Prime Minister Vajpayee to strike a deal with Pakistan. Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto had given India as the Most Favored Nation in trade with India before the peace talks. A woman prime minister of Pakistan, two army generals had tried to reach an agreement with India, Zardari-Gilani government had opened Pakistan’s borders with India at a time when bomb blasts were taking place in Pakistan. The roads were red with blood that there might be a peace deal with India. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif bowed to Indian leaders to reach a peace deal with India. Pakistan’s boys and girls had tried acting in Indian films that perhaps India Has peace accords with Pakistan. Imran Khan in his first address after becoming the Prime Minister had offered talks to Prime Minister Modi. Tensions between the two countries are not in anyone’s interest. Let, work together to lift the people of this region out of poverty. But in front of the leaders of India, it is like hitting your head with the wall- India’s leaders are chickens. They are afraid of extremists, and they do not want to be an example of Gandhi by compromising with Pakistan.     




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