Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Leader of the Free World, President George W. Bush on 9/11 Twenty Years Ago and Twenty Years After in His Own Words, “We are taking the fight to the terrorists abroad or we deal with it comes to the US” June 28, 2005. “There is growing evidence that domestic terrorism could pose as much of a threat to the United States as terrorism originating abroad.” Sept 11, 2021

The Leader of the Free World, President George W. Bush on 9/11 Twenty Years Ago and Twenty Years After in His Own Words, “We are taking the fight to the terrorists abroad or we deal with it comes to the US” June 28, 2005. “There is growing evidence that domestic terrorism could pose as much of a threat to the United States as terrorism originating abroad.” Sept 11, 2021

Successful leaders are those who are far-sighted and make decisions for ten, fifteen, and twenty years thinking whether their effects will be good or bad for the nation and the world. But American leaders make short-sighted decisions with the term of their power in the mind.

Mujeeb Khan


Media is Pro Establishment, Pro Deep State, Pro-Military Industrial Complex. But this is not people’s interest. Many facts about 9/11 is covered up. There were lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Thousands were killed because of the administration’s lies, but no one was held accountable. Bin Laden was called the killer. But bin Laden’s video messages to al-Qaeda operatives were broadcast on a breaking news in the same media, and al-Qaeda was kept alive. The administration knew of bin Laden’s presence in Pakistan. But in media reports say bin Laden was in Pakistan and the government did not tell the United States. But no one in the media has ever asked why the Clinton administration did not arrest bin Laden when the Sudanese government informed him about bin Laden’s presence in Sudan. Why did the Clinton administration ask the Sudanese government to expel him from Sudan? Why was bin Laden was not asked to be detained in Sudan?


World Trade Center, attacked on 9/11

 “The United States is safer today than it was 20 years ago,” said Condoleezza Rice, architect of the Afghan war and mastermind of the Iraq war, America’s first female national security adviser. On the occasion, President George W. Bush warned that “there is growing evidence that domestic terrorism could pose as a threat to the United States as terrorism originating from abroad.” President Bush called on Americans to confront the growing internal extremism. President made the remarks on riots of January 6 when protesters stormed the Capitol Building in Washington, DC., killing five people, among those gathered in Washington, on January 6 was many former U.S. soldiers who were sent by President Bush to fight terrorists in Afghanistan and then Iraq. After 9/11, President Bush said that “we are taking the fight to the terrorists abroad, or we deal with it when it comes to us.” “We are fighting them there, so we do not have to fight them here.” Now, 20 years later, extremism will be fought here and terrorism there. Since January 6, the FBI has been searching for extremists in 50 US states, and since 9/11, the CIA has been pursuing terrorists in fifty countries. Condoleezza Rice, Bush’s national security adviser, says the United States has not been attacked in 20 years, and there is peace in America. In which the United States she lives. What was not the attack on the Capitol Building on January 6.? America’s cities were on fire last summer. Businesses were being attacked. Police stations were being set on fire; will it be called peace? Such advisers have given America the failures of the wars and war on terror.

  9/11 has been used by US leaders to promote wars in the world, destroy world peace, and destabilize countries and regions. Today Lawlessness is the law of the world. Leaders in America do not make decisions based on what their outcome will be in 15-20 years. They do not think so. They come for four or eight years, and the thinking of their decisions is limited to that. President Reagan’s only goal in Afghanistan was to bring down the Soviet empire near its borders, for this one purpose. President Reagan made 30,000 young people from Islamic countries terrorists in the name of jihad. President Reagan never considered the far-reaching dangers of his policy. The only thing President Reagan had in mind was three or four more years in power- if the Soviet Empire fell it would be his legacy, Jihadist terrorism will not be his problem. George H. Bush was vice president in Reagan’s administration. George H. Bush did not consider Afghanistan his responsibility after becoming the 41st President of the United States. Afghanistan was forgotten. Soviet troops withdrew from Afghanistan. President George H. Bush did not even thank those who fought and gave their lives to overthrow the Soviet Empire. The first US war since the fall of the Soviet Empire was against Panama. The second war was against Iraq. This war would never have happened if President Bush had a firm belief in peace and would have given a sincere answer to President Saddam Hussein, because he had asked President Bush before sending troops to Kuwait that how the United States would react. President Bush’s response was, “we will not interfere in the internal affairs of the Arab world.” The president’s response was dishonest and behind that was a gotcha. These leaders were planning new wars, after the end of the Cold War, and their intention was to continue the wars for fifty years somehow.

  The United States has imposed the most brutal sanctions on Iraq in human history. 500,000 innocent babies died in a few days after birth because of steep sanctions. Thousands of Iraqis died because of a lack of medical treatment in hospitals. In 1998, President Clinton and the Tony Blair administration bombed Iraq for three weeks after President Saddam Hussein barred UN inspectors from entering Iraq. It was the month of Ramadan when Iraqis were going to the mosque for Fajr prayers in the early morning, sirens would sound and American and British planes would enter Baghdad, and the bombing would start. It was evening in the United States, CNN showed the bombing live in Baghdad every day. The aim was to create psychological hatred and anger against the United States among the people of the Arab Islamic countries so that someone in the Arab Islamic countries would take extreme action against the United States and the United States would occupy the Middle East in response.

  President Ronald Reagan handed over Afghanistan’s mass to 41st President George H. Bush, but the incoming president has shied away from US responsibility in Afghanistan, the Afghans who fought the Soviets, they destroyed their lives and home, sacrifices were made, 41st President Bush was not ready to help rebuild homes and their lives. President Bush, perhaps not looking a peaceful Afghanistan in America’s interest. In the center of the Middle East, President Bush has opened a new front for the world, the war in Iraq. He had no idea what the long-term effects of the Iraq war would be for the world and for Afghanistan. President George H. Bush had left Iraq where people did not live or die. 42nd President Bill Clinton was asked to keep Saddam Hussein inbox in Iraq, economic sanctions will remain in place, and continue to bomb Iraq from time to time. Anyone in the Middle East who saw the plight of the people in Iraq began to hate the United States. President Clinton also paid no attention to Afghanistan. The first attack on the World Trade Center took place in 1993, in which some people died. The tower’s structure was damaged. Where was this attack planned? Nobody knew that. Then there was the bombing of US military barracks in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, in which many American soldiers were killed. Bin Laden was blamed for the attack. In 1998, US embassies and naval ships were attacked in Kenya and Tanzania, killing several sailors. But despite this, nothing was done to capture bin, Laden. However, the Sudanese government informed the Clinton administration about bin Laden’s presence in Sudan, but the Sudanese government was told to expel bin Laden from Sudan. Neither the Clinton administration nor the Bush administration did anything to capture bin Laden the Bush administration has been in power for six months. President Bush knew bin Laden's whereabouts, he was in Afghanistan.       



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