Thursday, October 14, 2021

America’s Post-Cold War Years: Blunders and Debacles


America’s Post-Cold War Years: Blunders and Debacles

The Pentagon spent $14 trillion dollars in twenty years, while in America, six hundred thousand Americans died in the pandemic in twenty months

Mujeeb Khan


"US lost Afghanistan war" Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, Testify on Afghanistan Exit, House hearing

Gen.Kenneth F. Mckenzie, Commander of US Central Command, Testifies before a House Armed Services Committee

Rep. Liz Cheney said President Biden's decision to withdraw US forces from Afghanistan is a Stain on his administration 


  Asking generals and commanders before the Senate after 20 years in Afghanistan, why there was a rush to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, and at least 2,500 troops would station in Afghanistan. These questions were outdated. In Afghanistan when a failed war could not win. So, what was the purpose of keeping troops in Afghanistan? The situation with the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan has been suppressed for 20 years by the Afghan government, the United States, and NATO. None of them believed that whenever US troops would leave, the Kabul government will also go. The Kabul government had no roots in the people. The Kabul government has been sitting in the shade of US military trees for twenty years. Elections in Egypt and Afghanistan were not much different. Congress was under the misconception that the war would belong, and they would be having to wait patiently for satisfactory results. The White House and the Pentagon continue to coordinate with each other in lying about the situation. Generals and commanders would retire, and Bush and Obama have completed their terms.

  President Trump was an agent of Russia to divert attention from lies and corruption in the US wars. Everyone in President Trump’s White House was an informant. President Trump later learned that informers would leak to the media first. On the other hand, there was an investigation into Russian meddling. In this way, President Trump was under pressure from leaks and investigations so that he would not expose lies about wars. Meanwhile, the reports of the US Special Inspector General for Afghanistan were saying that the generals were lying about the progress being made in Afghanistan. Congress did not heed the Inspector General’s reports. At that time, the generals were not asked to appear before Congress and respond to the Inspector General’s report. The problem was that Commander-in-Chief had established the tradition of lying in the army that there were deadly weapons in Iraq, and Saddam Hussein was a threat to world peace and regional stability. And now the generals have misrepresented to their government that they were succeeding in Afghanistan.

 The Pentagon spent $14 trillion in 20 years. The $30 billion contracts was awarded to former Vice President Dick Cheney’s Halliburton Company, according to a Pentagon report. That meant the Pentagon added $14 trillion to US debt. The Pentagon’s mission was to defend national security, but the Pentagon had increased the national debt, and it has now reached $30 trillion and growing. The United States pays interest on this debt, it is Japan’s defense budget or the education or homeland security budget of the other lending countries. The Pentagon has spent $14 trillion in 20 years, but the security of the United States is still at stake. The United States has lost five wars in twenty years. In twenty years, the United States has not been able to eliminate terrorists. After spending 20 years with NATO in Afghanistan, the Taliban are now being asked to fight ISIS in Afghanistan. After spending trillions of dollars, there should have been peace and stability in every corner of the world. But it has been spent on military contractors. They have made millionaires and billionaires. The wars were not in the interests of the American people- they were in the interests of the military contractors. Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense in the Bush administration in the 1990s. The first Iraq war fought for Halliburton, after the liberation of Kuwait, all the contracts for the repair of its oil refinery were awarded to Halliburton, which was worth millions of dollars. Halliburton’s Survival is in constant wars in the Middle East.

  Surprisingly, in twenty years, the Pentagon has spent $14 trillion but achieved nothing. Congress and the Senate did not question the Pentagon’s military leadership about the report. Congresswoman Liz Cheney did not consider it appropriate to question Halliburton about $30 billion contracts. Since 9/11, the Pentagon and intelligence have become powerful institutions. There is a lengthy list of their failures, but no one has the courage to hold them accountable. It has not been able to eliminate al-Shabab in 20 years, it has not been able to eliminate Baku Haram, it could not eliminate al-Qaeda, its intelligence does not know who gave birth to ISIS. The Taliban have not been eliminated in 20 years, and the Iraq war has wreaked havoc on the region. The intelligence provided about Syria and Libya, it was in the interest of the terrorists.




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