Thursday, October 28, 2021

Ask The Chief Executives of American Companies that Do Billions of Dollars of Business in China, If China is an Adversary of The United States?


Ask The Chief Executives of American Companies that Do Billions of Dollars of Business in China, If China is an Adversary of The United States?

The clash between economic power and military power will only destroy the world economic system

Mujeeb Khan   




  There is no point in making China an enemy. These were the United States and the west, who gave the seeds of an open market economy and foreign investment. Now, these seeds have become tenacious trees. The roots of economic reform are deep and strong. Now demand from China to give us back our economic growth, this is not possible, but China can share economic growth. More than two hundred US companies are in China. 80,000 Americans work for these companies and live in China. Natives Chinese also work in American companies. American fast-food restaurant chains are popular in China, they make more money in China than in the United States. Starbucks has closed forty-four stores in New York and opened seven hundred new Starbucks stores in China. The Chinese never drank coffee, but Starbucks has made the Chinese addicted to coffee. Retailers’ profit markup in the United States was extremely high due to the low-cost production in China, but consumer goods were still cheap. Wal-Mart and Amazon have turned into a global giant billion-dollar retail store by China. On the contrary, there are different retail businesses that depend on China. Retail businesses were increasingly dependent not only in the United States but also in Europe and other parts of the world, on China. China has become the world’s number one wholesaler. At present, China has huge investments in every corner of the globe. And everywhere, everything is made in China.

  The Chinese Communist Party did not have the idea of a free-market economy. It was the idea of the developed capitalist industrialized countries that push China to adopt a free market economy. China has embarked on a process of step-by-step economic reform. American and Western capital began pouring into China. Then, it was in America’s interest to continue this process, so the attitude of the US administration was cooperative. In 1989, President Bush 41’s administration took a more lenient stance on Tiananmen Square and avoid making a strong statement that it would derail the process of economic reform in China, because of this US cooperation, the Chinese leadership was moving forward with full confidence. And the past was not looking back. Compared to the eighty’s, China changed a lot in the nineties.’ And on the eve of the 21st century saw more dramatic changes in China than in the nineties. Due to China, the process of economic reform had started in other communist countries in its neighborhood and today these countries have also come forward with economic development. every president since President Richard Nixon has called on China to continue free-market economic reform. The Chinese leadership had implemented it. Seeing their encouraging results, foreign investment in China increased. American and Western companies started moving to China. The US and Western companies have benefited from China’s economic reform.

  China’s economic development has helped the Third World get rid of Western monopolies and economic looting. The G20 is a new group on the global economic stage, with a majority of emerging third world economies, and that includes the G7 countries. This credit goes to China, which has brought developing and developed rich countries together on one platform.

  The post-Cold War political map of the world looks like the world’s economic stability become China’s responsibility. And it is America’s responsibility to save the world from various dangers and chaos. The world is now so large and so vast that the United States cannot manage the world economy and world stability at the same time. For the past 20 years, the United States has been involved in various wars around the world. And China has successfully assumed responsibility for the global economy. The stock market was up. Corporate profit was on the rise, goods productivity was up. China maintained economic stability in the world. However, the use of the dollar as a political weapon has caused a stir in the global economic order.




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