Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Taliban of Afghanistan has a Message for Extremists, Militants, and Terrorists in the Arab Islamic World: Do not Kill Fellow Citizens, do not Destroy Your Homeland, do not Make Your Children’s Future Darkness




The Taliban of Afghanistan has a Message for Extremists, Militants, and Terrorists in the Arab Islamic World: Do not Kill Fellow Citizens, do not Destroy Your Homeland, do not Make Your Children’s Future Darkness

Mujeeb Khan


Millions of Dollars worth of American weapons in the Middle East to fight the  terrorists

Aloppo hospital, Syria

War in Yemen

The world will never forgive them, who backed the destroyers of a beautiful ancient historical country, Syria


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  The Taliban’s rise to power in Afghanistan is seen as strengthening terrorists’ other parts of the world. This is a sign of frustration, in fact, the terrorists’ intentions have been dealt a severe blow. Terrorists in the Arab Islamic world will also consider the Taliban’s statement that we no longer want to fight anyone. We will not kill our Afghan brothers. We will resolve the dispute through dialogue. We want good relations with every country. We also want good relations with the United States. The Taliban have made this decision and they seem to be sticking to it. Terrible terrorist incident at Kabul airport in which 180 people were killed, including 13 American soldiers. And the response to these attacks a US drone strike in a densely populated area of Kabul killed an entire family and seven children. This was to inciting the Taliban, if any group acted against it the Doha agreement with the Taliban would have been terminated. But the Taliban had shown great patience and commonsense, and there was no reaction. The Taliban have learned from the war against the Soviet Union. Then they learned a lessened from the civil war, and then they learned from the United States twenty years of war. And now China has taught them how to win through diplomacy and dialogue. It has assured its neighbors that the Afghan land will never be used for terrorism. They have also met foreign ambassadors in Kabul. They have the support of Russia and China. It has tried to bring all nationalities on the path of unity in Afghanistan. Taliban have made a good decision to restore Zaher Shah’s constitution. The rights given to women in this constitution should also be exercised. Restore Afghanistan’s civic life in the 1970s. At present, the Afghan people are experiencing the light of life free from the darkness of 40 years of war. People endure difficult economic conditions but suffocate in war and corrupt government.

  In 20 years, the Afghan government had given only US and NATO military strikes to the people and the government did not do anything. Democracy was for Warlords, in the influence of them, they were also free. There was no significant change in the common man’s life in 20 years. So, the Taliban swept away, and people made their way. No one in the United States understood that the 300,000 Afghan soldiers they had trained, had given the best weapons, they were given salaries, where did they disappear so quickly? It’s not that hard to understand, the United States has been using the Afghan army to carry out operations against the Taliban for almost 6-7 years. A significant number of them were Uzbeks and Tajiks. Many Afghan civilians were killed in the Afghan army’s operations. When it came time for the US to leave Afghanistan, the US handed over the responsibility of protecting the Kabul government and Afghanistan from the Taliban to the Afghan army, Afghan soldiers were frightened to see the Taliban was sweeping so fast that they took off their uniforms and fled. For the Taliban, this time, coming to power was like a piece of cake. Similarly, twenty years later, the pro-US Afghan government disappeared from Kabul.

  There is a lesson in the Taliban’s message for extremists and terrorists in the Islamic world, “We do not want a fight anymore, we do not want to kill anyone, we want to resolve the issues through dialogue. In the Middle East, they have destroyed their country by keep fighting, they have killed their fellow countrymen, they have killed their brothers, widowed their sisters, and orphaned their children, what did they achieve? Their terrorism was beneficial to the global military-industrial complex. Terrorism was a bonanza for them. The global military-industrial complex has made billions of dollars from the war against terror. On the one hand, they were fighting to eradicate terrorism and on the other hand, they were spreading terrorism in the name of regime change. Was it a war on terror or a crusade in Islamic countries? This crusade was the way the Arab Muslims destroyed Syria, Libya, Yemen, Iraq by forming an alliance with the Arab rulers. After destroying these countries and putting their citizens in refugee camps, and they all left. When they had seen the results of regime change in Iraq and Egypt, then why did they oppress the people by regime change in Syria and Libya? Harming people’s lives for political gain is a crime against humanity.

  The Arab rulers cannot be trusted at all. They are changed by a threat from the United States and the people are affected as a result. These Arab rulers passed a resolution at a meeting of the Arab League, signing that the Arab Islamic countries were ready to establish diplomatic relations with Israel if Israel vacated Arab land and moved to the 1967 borders. But they violated their own decision and established diplomatic relations with Israel. This is the character of these Arab rulers. Israel killed 200 Arab Palestinian women and children. Destroyed their homes. This is how Israel strikes. Arab rulers also kill the Arab people. US drones also kill Arab people. Their terrorism is also killing them. This is a Crusade by Arab rulers, allies of the United States.                       

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