Thursday, October 21, 2021

World Does Not Know that Russia Will Use Its Gas Pipeline in Europe as a Political Weapon, But the World is Looking How America Uses Its Dollar as a Political Weapon


World Does Not Know that Russia Will Use Its Gas Pipeline in Europe as a Political Weapon, But the World is Looking How America Uses Its Dollar as a Political Weapon  

Sanctions on Afghanistan is Sanctions on Graveyard, dead people cannot use American dollars

Mujeeb Khan


Deadly attacks on Shiite Mosque in Afghanistan, kill75

Evacuations from Kabul airport


Saudi Arabia, Saudis going to the movies for the first time in their life


Cinema open in Saudi Arabia

  The Taliban have come to the fore in Afghanistan after twenty years of struggle, they have made Afghanistan, the Emirate Islamic Afghanistan. There are reservations about the Taliban. However, Afghanistan’s first major issue is the resumption of economic activity, and peace and stability are essential. There are also differences with the Taliban’s strong religious views, but everyone wants to get Afghanistan out of the war. And want to see Afghanistan as a normal country. It is a tragedy that the United States and NATO have been in Afghanistan for twenty years, but they have not left Afghanistan an organized and stable country. Rather, they have given it to ISIS. which has conducted four horrific bomb blasts in Afghanistan in six weeks, and it has killed about two hundred innocent Afghans. Who were already in a state of life and death from hunger and in poverty? First, they were human beings, and later they were Shiites. The Taliban were making Afghanistan the Emirate Islamic Afghanistan, and ISIS has conducted these attacks on the Taliban’s Emirate Islamic. It is no doubt that ISIS is Islamic. They are on a mysterious mission. They are Salafis. They bombed Christian churches during the Brotherhood’s democratic rule in Egypt. Hundreds of innocent Christians were killed in Churches. The government of President Mohamed Morsi held responsibly. In the end, the bedrock of democracy fell in Egypt and the army seized power. Since that day, Salafi activities in Egypt have also stopped. And now it is said that the Taliban cannot function without money, that is right. Even the Salafis and ISIS cannot detonate bombs without money.

  With the pace at which Arab nationalists and socialists were rising in the Arab world in the 1960s, the reactionaries Arab Kingdoms were nervous about this situation. They created the Brotherhood to counter this situation. Brotherhood tried to sabotage socialist nationalist governments and destabilize their countries. The United States and West also saw Brotherhood in their own interests because socialists and nationalists were pro-Moscow. For 50 years Arab rulers and the United States have used Brotherhood to their political advantage. Brotherhood was in every Arab country. They were also in the United States and Europe. Brotherhood was also on President Bush’s post-9/11 campaign against Islamic extremism. However, Brotherhood had given up extremism and adopted moderation. Brotherhood was elected from a moderate platform in Egypt with 60% of the vote. If democracy had taken root in Egypt, the political map of the Middle East would be quite different today- but Israel and Saudi Arabia are terrified of this political map. Israel’s phony democracy does not have the concept of equal rights, and in the system of Kings, the people have no voice. Both Israel and Saudi Arabia overthrew the democratic government in Egypt and restored military dictator rule. In front of Israel and Saudi Arabia, America looks like a third-world country. The United States did not defend democracy in Egypt. This role of the United States has given a great setback to the democracy in the world. Democracy has retreated in Hungary, Poland, Brazil, India, and other European countries. Freedom, democracy, human rights are the only political weapons of US foreign policy. If the United States were serious about this, it would never have compromised on freedom, democracy, and human rights. As the United States did in Egypt. The US knelt before Israel and Saudi Arabia. The United States should have taken a stronger stand in defense of democracy in Egypt, and Israel and Saudi Arabia warned bluntly about sabotaging democracy in Egypt. But America’s dual role on freedom, democracy, human rights has hurt it.

  The United States and Israel’s Middle East politics have put Saudi Arabia in trouble. The Yemen war is stuck in his throat. Brotherhood, Hamas, Hezbollah have been declared terrorists by Saudi Arabia. In pleasing Israel, Saudi Arabia has made Iran an enemy 40 years after the Islamic Revolution and claimed Iran’s influence in the Middle East is on the rise. When the leaders in the Middle East who were in the balance of flux were destroyed, there was a danger of Israeli domination, which was more worrying than Iran’s influence. It was also necessary to counter it, all Saudi Arabia’s assessments of its region have always been wrong.

  Power in Afghanistan has fallen to the Taliban, and the Emirate Islamic Afghanistan is its new name. The Taliban’s thinking about women’s emancipation is based on the concept of Sharia. The Taliban do not make Afghanistan a modern state. Meanwhile, the trend of making Saudi Arabia a modern state is spreading rapidly. Women driving, women are going shopping malls. Saudi women work in government offices and companies. Women are having lunch in restaurants. Modern cinemas are booming in Saudi Arabia, and the cinema halls are crowded with women and men. Saudi Arabia is changing rapidly. But hardline religious elements in Saudi Arabia think like the Taliban, and they are not happy about the changes in Saudi Arabia. It remains to see what effect the Taliban’s path to Afghanistan will have on Saudi Arabia or how Saudi Arabia transforms its country’s changes into Afghanistan.


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