Thursday, November 25, 2021

Politics of Anti-Semitic: Do Not Inject in Palestinian Issue, Blame Israel's war minded Leaders, they are playing with Jewish Peoples' Lives everywhere in the World

Politics of Anti-Semitic: Do Not Inject in Palestinian Issue, Blame Israel's war minded Leaders, they are playing with Jewish Peoples' Lives everywhere in the World 

Only two leaders  can solve the Israel-Palestinian conflict if Senator Bernie Sanders becomes Prime Minister of Great Britain and Jeremy Corbyn becomes United States President

Mujeeb Khan 

"Our solidarity here in Landon is to bring about the permanent peace in which the Palestinian people 
will no longer even be under occupation again"
"Israel could halt the blood shade by ending the siege of  Gaza and the occupation of  Palestine"
Jeremy Corbyn, former Labour Party Leader

"I think our goal is very simple. It is to understand that what's going on in Gaza today is unsustainable
when you have 70% of the young people unemployed when people cannot leave the community when
hospitals and wastewater plants have been destroyed, which is unsustainable. And the job of the United 
States are to bring people together. And that is what we have got to try to do"
Senator Bernie Sanders

Ghettos in Palestine 

Prosperity in Israel's Settlements

  Israel-Palestine is a chronic conflict, and after World War II, this conflict was given to the world by the world powers. Seventy years later, when they have no solution to this chronic conflict, they declare the party in the conflict a terrorist in support of the party that dominates the conflict. And they see it as an easy solution to the conflict. However, in this conflict, the military extremists of one party are the counter-extremism of the other party, and it's’ called terrorism. But on the other hand, on Israel’s border, these world powers were backing terrorists against the Syrian government. They have given weapons and training, they destroyed a country, millions of families shattered. But Israeli leaders have said nothing against terrorism in their neighbor. British Home Secretary Priti Patel has called the Palestinian militant group Hamas a terrorist organization and called for its banning. The Home Secretary described “Hamas as fundamentally and rabidly anti-Semitic.”

  Military extremism of one party in this conflict is counter-extremism of the other party and called it terrorism. The Zionist Party’s campaign was not peaceful when it was demanding from Britain a Jewish state in Palestine, and they also took the path of terrorism. The British Home Secretary, unaware of the history of the Zionist bombing of the King David Hotel, which housed British troops. The British Home Secretary does not even know who the oppressor is and the oppressed in this conflict, who has the power, and who is powerless. In the war with the Palestinians, the Israeli kill two hundred Palestinians, and only ten Israelis die. Israel’s Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was not assassinated by Hamas, Hezbollah, or Iran; Yitzhak Rabin was the first Israeli Prime Minister who has signed a peace treaty with the Palestinians. The persecution that the Palestinians were facing, Prime Minister Rabin’s conscience felt it and he acknowledged the importance of an independent Palestinian state, but Israel’s extremists, enemies of peace, assassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, it was an assassination of peace. This Israeli policy has made the Palestinian a permanent enemy to gain international sympathy. President Bill Clinton worked hard to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict; no other US president has done so. President Clinton had come close to resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict. The administration that came after President Bill Clinton, it had a close alliance with the extremists in Israel who had killed Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and killed the peace. The Bush administration has vindicated all Palestinian agreements with Israel.

  The rise of Hamas was Israel’s policy of dividing and occupying the Palestinians. Israel occupied the Gaza Strip in the 1967 Six-Day War. In 1993, Israel handed over Gaza to the Palestinian Authority under the Oslo Accords, and in 1995, Israel withdrew its troops from Gaza. That same year, the Palestinian Authority held elections. Hamas won most seats. Hamas had become a big party; Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has refused to hand over the administration of Palestine to Hamas. A fierce battle broke out between the Palestinian two factions, in which more than a hundred Palestinians were killed. Israel exploited this situation. The United States, Britain, and France also gave Israel a chance to take advantage of the situation. They called the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank corrupt and Hamas in Gaza a Terrorist. The West Bank and Gaza were under Israel’s military occupation, the legally occupying country has a responsibility to provide all the basic needs of the people under its occupation, Israelis were very clever they have handed over this responsibility to the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza, and Israel had tanks, military armored vehicles, and soldiers on Palestinian land. In Gaza, Hamas is funded by Gulf countries, and in the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority is funded by the European Union and the United States. The United States provides $10 billion a year defense and security aid to Israel. This setup was good to keep the Arabs upright. If the international community understands this setup of Israel’s military occupation of the Palestinians, it will understand why the United States and its European allies have not been able to resolve this humanitarian conflict in 60 years. Instead of facing a global backlash against Israel’s violent and outlawed aggression, Israel’s leaders are using the anti-Semitic shield. How have Jews in the United States been charged by prosecutors with money laundering, tax fraud, and economic corruption in the last 20 years? The courts had sentenced them, were prosecutors and judges anti-Semitic? Israeli leaders and officials participate in political corruption, illegal activities, and extra-judicial killings. Mossad agents killed a Palestinian in a Dubai hotel and clandestinely left the country. After the fall of Saddam Hussein, Mossad also killed Palestinians in Iraq who had taken refuge in Iraq under Saddam Hussein's government. Israel has killed Iranian nuclear scientists in Tehran. Israel has a lengthy list of political corruptions. It is a mistake that Israel’s behavior was ignored because of its anti-Semitic nature. We are not against Judaism. This is an ancient religion, and we respect it. We do not agree with the intentions of those who want to destroy the Jewish state. If the Palestinians had a military occupation of the Jewish lands, and the treatment of the Palestinians in the Israeli military occupation was the treatment of the Jews, we would be supporting them.





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