Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The Difference Between the Moral Values of Poor and Small Nations and Rich and Powerful Nations

The Difference Between the Moral Values of Poor and Small Nations and Rich and Powerful Nations

Mujeeb Khan

Mission accomplished, Afghanistan liberated for the second time, war is over, we want good relations with the United States



Mission accomplished, Saddam Hussein removed, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, but the war will continue

  When the Taliban announced the end of the war after entering Kabul, no one could believe it. Then the Taliban talked of good relations with every country and expressed good relations with the United States. The world was shocked to hear this from the Taliban. The Taliban’s mission was to drive US and NATO troops out of Afghanistan, and their mission could have been completed in twenty days or twenty months. But the United States gave them twenty years to fulfill their mission. And when their mission was completed, the Taliban’s war ended. The Taliban began work on a mission for peace and reconstruction in Afghanistan the next day. The Taliban’s agreement with the United States on the withdrawal of American citizens from Afghanistan cooperated with the United States in implementing the agreement. This is the difference between the moral values of poor and small countries and rich and powerful countries. However, the US campaign for the liberation of Afghanistan from foreign forces began in the 1980s to liberate Afghanistan from Soviet forces. At that time, no one would have thought that the Afghans would have to fight a bloody war with the US and NATO forces to liberate Afghanistan. The United States has spent millions of dollars on Afghan Mujahideen just to get Soviet troops out of Afghanistan. But the United States has spent billions of dollars on Afghan resistance to the presence of US and NATO troops in Afghanistan.

  President George W. Bush ignored the Reagan-Bush administration’s stance on foreign troops in Afghanistan. The Taliban were Mujahideen at that time, and they had the support of the United States. The Mujahideen were from rural areas. But, like the Soviet Union, the United States had its Afghan government in Kabul. Which was the government of the urban Afghans and the United States supported them. and the war against the Taliban began indefinitely. The Bush administration did not unite the different nationalities after removing the Taliban from power. Rather, it deepened the division on nationalities in Afghan society. Now twenty years later, the Taliban have begun to unite Afghan society.

 Saddam Hussein’s ouster in Iraq was an illegal act. However, the issue of deadly weapons in Iraq was in the Security Council, and the case was overseen in accordance with Security Council resolutions. There were no deadly weapons found in Iraq. This means that the Iraqi government did not lie to the world. The Bush administration should not have used excessive military force against the Bagdad government. But when the weapons were not found, Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush dismantled the entire Iraqi government’s administrative structure in Baghdad and imposed a government exported from the United States to Baghdad. What a tragedy in history that the world did not accept the occupation of Kuwait by the Iraqi army. President George H. Bush liberated Kuwait from the Iraqi army. But at the behest of his son, George W. Bush occupied Iraq by US forces, and this is the joint legacy of father and son. The Taliban ended the war against the United States after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and spoke of good relations with the United States. This is the difference between the moral values of rich and poor nations. If deadly weapons had not been found in Iraq, the United States would have withdrawn its troop immediately, even after Saddam Hussein was ousted, the government should have been handed over to Baghdad. How did the United States achieve a peaceful solution to a problem with a military strike? It only harmed humanity.

  The United States is a complex superpower, and it is difficult for small and weak countries to deal with it. The Senate has one hundred members, and each senator has its foreign policy. Congress has 435 members, and each member of Congress has an idea about world affairs. The 535 members of Congress and Senators have their own staff. This staff has its own foreign policy. Who coaches congressmen and senators about world affairs? Then there are the appointments in the State Department, they have their own philosophy about global affairs, mostly coming from different think tanks. Then those who are nominated in national security affairs give top priority to national security in foreign policy. And downplay the importance of diplomacy in foreign affairs. Then there are about 5,000 or more lobbies in Washington, DC. Which work in the interests of the foreign governments. Then there is the powerful Israeli lobby, which serves to make the interests of the Israeli government the interests of the United States national security. The instability that the United States has brought to the Middle East has strengthened Israel’s interests. Without taking from Israel, Arab governments are falling in Israel’s footsteps. The Middle East is divided between Shia-Sunny, Arab-non-Arab in Israel’s interest. President Trump terminated the nuclear deal with Iran only at the demand of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, signed by the Obama-Biden administration. Fifteen members of the Security Council backed the Iran deal. But the United States has broken a global agreement just to pacify Israel. If the United States was a party to the Iran deal, Iran did not violate it. The United States violated the Iran agreement, and now the United States must move to end this violation and join the agreement. Iran does not trust the United States, after two years of negotiations with an administration, Iran reached an agreement on its nuclear program. The next administration disapproved of the agreement. What is the guarantee of a compromise with the third administration now that the fourth administration will continue to implement it? And what happened to Muammar Gaddafi in Libya will not happen to Iran.


1 comment:

  1. افغانستان کے ماضی اور حال کا امریکہ اور مغربی دنیا کی دوغلی پالیسیوں کے حوالے سے فکر انگیز تجزیہ۔ علاقے کی جیو پولیٹیکل صورتحال کو سمجھنے کے لئے اس مضمون کا مطالعہ بہت ضروری ہے۔
