Saturday, December 18, 2021

America Has to Choose Militarization or Democratization, If the Biden Administration is Serious in Democracy and Human Rights, America Has to De-Militarization Its Global Policy

America Has to Choose Militarization or Democratization, If the Biden Administration is Serious in Democracy and Human Rights, America Has to De-Militarization Its Global Policy

Mujeeb Khan


  What is autocracy and what is democracy? The world can see it in the South China Sea. The aircraft carriers and airplanes of all the major democracies of the world gathered in the South China Sea. The new government in Germany has first ordered its ships to go to the South China Sea. All major democracies say China will attack Taiwan, but why would China invade Taiwan? No one knows the answer. China has a population of 1.4 billion and Taiwan has a population of twenty-three million. A country with such a large population does not attack a small population, the long march, and the long march will start from where Mao Zedong left. In the last election in Taiwan, China did not intervene to prevent the Anti-China candidate President Tsai Ing-wea from coming to power. Although the candidate against her was pro-China, China accepted the anti-China presidential candidate to come to power in Taiwan. This was an incredibly wise and far-sighted decision by the Chinese government. China’s decision was not autocracy but a political democracy. China believes in resolving disputes through Political dialogue, while the world’s major democracies stand at China’s doorstep with weapons. And they are also selling millions of dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan. Autocrats see a solution to the conflict by force. This is the policy of the major democracies in Ukraine. The United States is giving millions of dollars in arms to the Ukraine government.



Political detainees in Egypt's jail

Women in jail in Egypt

Palestinian prisoners in Israel's jail


  Who does not want democracy, freedom, and political rights in the world? People fight for freedom, democracy, for political rights. And these are dearer to them than their own lives, people give their lives for it. But whenever there is a conflict of interest between the major powers, democracy and freedom are at stake there. Democracy trampled. The Cold War was an ideological war, those who were freeing themselves from the colonial system had become colonies of the imperialist system, and if the Cold War lasted, they could not become democracies. In the Cold War, the United States and Western Europe held democracy and freedom within their borders. Right-wing and left-wing wars were promoted in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. oppressors and autocrat regimes were close allies of the United States and Western Europe. The democratically elected governments of the people, which were progressive and liberal-minded, overthrew their army by declaring them, communists. And the military system was prevalent in these countries. The former colonial rulers were satisfied with the military rule in their former colonies. Military regimes conducted horrific human rights abuses, but the United States and Western Europe remained silent, while condemnation of human rights violations in the Soviet Union and other communist countries of Eastern Europe was immediately followed by strong statements. For fifty years, people in Asia, Africa, and Latin America have been deprived of democracy, freedom, and basic political rights.

  The United States and the world would be quite different today if George H. Bush had not been President of the United States on the eve of the end of the Cold War after eight years of President Donald Reagan’s rule. Under the first Bush administration, the world was liberated from the war of communism but then soon the world was dominated by militarism. In the first Bush administration, Dick Cheney was Secretary of Defense and he set the stage for militarism in the world. Democracy, liberty, and human rights abounded during the first Bush administration, but there was nothing done to promote them, it was just a matter of words.

  The administration of President Bill Clinton promoted global economic development and democracy. In Latin America, left-wing pro-people parties were sweeping the election everywhere. This was not surprising but obvious, right-wing military regimes had been in power for almost fifty years. they were allies of the United States in the Cold War. Their atrocities and barbarism against the left-wing politics by military governments can be found in Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch’s reports. For the first time, elected governments can set prices for their natural raw materials, poverty is reduced in Brazil, Venezuela, Chile, and other Latin American countries. Political and economic stability was coming to Latin America, democratic institutions were taking root. Corruption was less in the democratic governments as compared to the military regimes of the Cold War era. Latin America was better off without United States intervention.

  The Clinton administration had an outstanding record of consolidating democracy in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. There was a strong economic and political record. Vice President Al Gore had no reason to lose the election. The only reason for losing the election was rigging. Those who brought George W. Bush to power have corrupted democracy. President Bush’s attorney general John Ashcroft suffered a heart attack after seeing the Patriot Act and was hospitalized for days. He withdrew from the Bush administration’s politics. The corrupt ex-military and right-wing political leaders of Latin America had come to Florida after plundering the wealth of the people, they conspiring to sabotage democracy in Latin America. After the Cold War, it was the Bush-Cheney administration that restored the American policy of overthrowing the democratic government in Latin America, and in Venezuela, the military general overthrew Hugo Chavez’s elected government and established a military rule. It was the Bush-Cheney administration, not Russia or China, that first recognized the military rule in Venezuela. The Organization of Latin American States has refused to recognize military rule in Venezuela. It also demanded that the Hugo Chavez government be restored immediately. This is a big setback for the Bush administration. The victory of democracy in Venezuela was due to the solidarity of Latin countries for democracy.

  The United States has made historic mistakes in understanding the Middle East. That is why American policies have failed in the Middle East and America has been defeated in wars. The United States has not been able to bring peace to the Middle East. The US military bases have not been to maintain stability in the Middle East. There is neither democracy nor freedom, just a lawless region. And Israel is one of them. Israel is a so-called democratic country that has been at war for seventy years to banish Palestinian and their culture. Israel has a padlock on the liberation of the Palestinians. By what definition is it a democratic country? For seventy years, six million Palestinians have been deprived of their democratic rights, and they are struggling to survive under brutal Israeli military occupation. The United States and Europe have not made Israel a democratic and respect of human rights state. Rather, it has become a military power, and Israel is sitting on the heads of the Arabs with F-35 planes, rockets, bombs, and missiles. If the United States and Europe are genuinely serious about human rights, they should start with the rights of the Palestinians in Israel, not in China. Making human rights a big issue in China is just a politics to divert attention from the Middle East. 

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