Saturday, December 4, 2021

Iran Nuclear Program, Back to Square One, Why Did the United States Need to Solve a Problem Again by Making It More Complicated Than Before?


Iran Nuclear Program, Back to Square One, Why Did the United States Need to Solve a Problem Again by Making It More Complicated Than Before?

Mujeeb Khan


Oh God saves us from dangerous weapons, including Nuclear weapons

Oh God help us, we are going to negotiate to the United States, give us and them equal wisdom


US Delegation met with Afghan Taliban Representative in Qatar, Nov30, 2021

  The United States came to Z after reaching A against the Taliban, and then the United States withdrew from Afghanistan. The Taliban have not put a burqa on the United States and are holding face-to-face talks with the United States. While the United States came to ‘A’ after compromising on Iran’s nuclear program, but then Israel dragged the United States from A to Z because Iran’s agreement did not fulfill their dream. The United States fell from A to Z for Israel. However, the Iran nuclear deal was a democratic decision by overwhelmed the world community. The problem is most world opinion is not important in American democracy. And this is a tragedy. The world opinion was against the invasion of Iraq, but the United States ignored them, and only a few counties that supported the invasion of Iraq valued them. Now US allies are negotiating with Iran to bring the United States back into the JCPOA. US allies have not put the United States in front of Iran at the negotiating table but have kept the United States behind the scenes in another room. Why did the United States need to solve a problem again by making it more complicated than before? Did the world fight to end the Cold War to see this day? After the end of democracy in Egypt, the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the Gulf rulers were fighting for democracy in Syria. God must have been frightened to see this. The World would be a much better place if the Cold War had not ended, to end the Cold War and spread hot wars in the world, to create new dangerous conflicts and problems for humanity, and then to tell the world that the world is an extremely dangerous place. Those who claim to be world leaders are responsible for making the world a dangerous place. When Ayatollahs brought the Islamic revolution to Iran forty years ago, the world was not in danger from them. The US-led Islamic Jihad against communist forces was on the rise in Afghanistan. The world at that time was not so much afraid of the far-reaching effects of the Islamic Revolution in Iran as it was of the far-reaching consequences of the Islamic Jihad in Afghanistan. Forty years later, Iran’s Islamic Revolution is still within Iran’s borders. But under the leadership of the United States, the Islamic Jihad of Afghanistan had reached in countries. After the Cold War, the United States left the jihadists in Afghanistan. But Iran has distanced itself from these jihadists.

  The United States had installed six nuclear power plants in Iran during the Shah’s reign, after the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Ayatollah Khomeini ordered the closure of nuclear power plants, and they locked up. Fifty-two US diplomates, taken hostage by pro-Islamic revolution students. After all, efforts to secure the release of the hostages failed, the United States and its allies in Iran’s neighborhood saw a way that President Saddam Hussein should use to invade Iran and start a war with Iran by freeing hostages and sabotage the Islamic Revolution. War is an extremely popular word in the United States. Saudi Arabia and Gulf rulers financed the war with billions of dollars. The United States, Israel, Britain, and France have sold billions of dollars worth of weapons to both Iraq and Iran. This war was fought for nine years. One million Iranians were killed in the war, about the same number of Iraqis killed, a million were injured in Iraq and Iran. There was such a shortage of men in Iran that women could not marry. At the same time a bloody jihad was going on in Afghanistan against the Soviet forces, there was a bloody civil war in Lebanon. Israel’s tanks and bulldozers were razing on Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon. The bodies of women, children, and men were lying everywhere for days, vultures and dogs were eating corpses. There was no difference between fascist regimes and democratic governments. The frontiers of oppression and barbarism became one. It is called the Middle East. The Iranians see their survival and security in this bleak historic context. And forgetting that history, the United States, Israel, and the gulf rulers look to Iran. The Middle East does not make sense to them. In this history, they should first look at their own behavior before pointing fingers at the behavior of others.

 The role of the world in the Middle East is prejudiced. The Arab rulers themselves have a prejudiced role towards the Arab region. In seventy years, the Palestine-Israel conflict has not been resolved. Israel has made more than a dozen agreements with the Palestinians but has never implemented one. They dropped a thousand bombs on Iraq to enforce the agreement. The Arab rulers did not pressure the United States to implement these agreements with Israel. On the contrary, these Arabs accepted the pressure of the United States to establish relations with Israel. In principle and morally, the United States should take the first step to return to the Iran Treaty, after violating the Iran agreement, the United States has no right to ask Iran to implement the agreement. The plot to get Iran on its way to Iraq will not succeed. There were no WMDs in Iraq. The UN inspectors in Iraq were from the US, Israel, Australian and British agencies. They gave false reports to the world about WMDs in Iraq, governments of these countries knew the reports were false. But on false pretenses, they invaded Iraq and destroyed the lives of twenty-four million people. Destroyed their country. Under US law, anyone who lies to an investigating officer is punished. But about WMD, investigators in Iraq lied to the world. One million people died because of their lies, and no one was punished.

  Iran is being forced to step up its nuclear activities, so that action against it can be justified. But Iran has no interest in these activities. Ayatollah Ali Khomeini has issued a fatwa against such weapons, and in Iran, no one can change the fatwa of Imam Khomeini. Iran has also proposed a ban on all deadly weapons in the Middle East, including nuclear activities. Iran had reached a global agreement to give up its nuclear program. The United States abandoned it and fled and began to prepare for an attack on Iran. The United States has killed an Iranian general who fought alongside Iraqi forces against ISIS and liberated Basra. Israel has Killed nuclear scientists inside Iran. Attempts were made to damage Iran’s nuclear power plant. The Israeli air force daily fires missiles and rockets at the Iranian army in Syria and kills army officers. The Iranian army is helping the Syrian army against ISIS in Syria. It is Iran’s greatness that it has not yet attacked the Israeli army. Now, what would the United States do in this situation if it were to replace Iran?




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