Sunday, December 12, 2021

The World Has Changed, How Has the World Changed America

The World Has Changed, How Has the World Changed America

Former European Colonies have now matured, some countries are in the seventies, and some are in the sixties and fifties. While the politics of the colonial powers now diminished, they are not able to carry the world. They do not understand where this world is taking them.

Mujeeb Khan


Leaders of G7 countries


Leaders of Third World countries

  The world must now seriously consider how to change America. The world has changed, but the United States has not changed, so change is pointless. Surprisingly, the hardline Taliban have changed, they have come to peace, their thinking has changed, their threatening behavior has changed. The Taliban are free from American bombs and guns, but the Taliban are under the knives of US economic sanctions. But the Taliban still talk of good peaceful relations with the United States. There is arrogance in the attitude of America even after losing the wars, and that arrogance is reflected in tensions with China, Russia, and Iran. China, Russia, and Iran have no interest in any confrontation or wars. These countries are more concerned with giving peace to their people and improving their economic conditions. Russia and China ended their policy of confrontation with the United States and Europe after the Cold War. Iran had compromised on its nuclear program only in the interest of peace and had implemented the agreement. But the United States deliberately derailed the Iran deal and created confrontation with Iran and tension in the region. There was no reason for it. The Trump administration did this only in love with Benjamin Netanyahu. If the United States really committed to peace and stability, it would convince Benjamin Netanyahu of the importance of the Iran deal and not harm it. European Union also continued to play games with Iran, and they too did not fulfill their obligations under this agreement. Now, instead of pressuring the Biden administration to rejoin the Iran deal, European Leaders are pressuring Iran to implement the agreement. This is a typical colonial and imperialist attitude towards helpless countries, already under iron fist sanctions, and a threat of use of force. Bullying, intimidation, and repression are part of their colonial, imperialist culture. After the failures in the Afghan war, the Iraq war, the Libyan war, the Syrian war, and the war on terror, the United States, Europe, and NATO have dragged the world back to the 1950s and it has intensified confrontations with Russia and China. Russia and China do not believe in the politics of confrontation, they do not want clashes of interest, the world is fed up with wars. But the problem is the security of the military-industrial complex that has become America’s security. The US policy and politics in the world are only for its benefit.

  Russia decided to end the Cold War. The Eastern European countries of the Soviet bloc had the opportunity to join the democratic system. Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev has feared that the United States and its Western allies would try to bring NATO closer to Russia’s borders. President Gorbachev spoke to President George H. Bush about his concerns, Secretary of State Jim Baker was also present, and both assured President Gorbachev that NATO would not bring closer to Russia’s borders. But within a few months of President Gorbachev’s life Russia’s neighbors one by one given NATO’s passports. Russia’s neighbors were recruiting into NATO not for the sake of US security but for the security of the military-industrial complex. NATO’s newcomers asked to bring their weapons up to the standard of NATO’s Western nations. And for that, they must buy these weapons from the United States and the West, and now Ukraine and Taiwan were given billions of dollars in weapons to fight Russia and China.

   President Saddam Hussein was overwhelmed by the deception of the United States. President Saddam told the US ambassador April Glaspie in Baghdad that he was going to send troops to Kuwait to occupy it because Kuwait was part of Iraq. Kuwait is stealing oil from a disputed oil well on the Iraqi border. What will be the reaction of her government to this? The ambassador said she would convey the message to her government and inform him of the administration’s response. President George H. Bush’s response was “this is a matter for Arabs, and we will not interfere.” President Saddam Hussein did not tell what was said today to Russia and China that an attack on Ukraine and Taiwan would have dire consequences. Saddam Hussein fell victim to this dishonest, misguided got-cha US policy.

  In the history of the Arab World, the Arab Spring was a peaceful movement for democracy and political freedom. An elected government came to power with the votes of the Egyptian people. The hope of the world was that democracy was the only way to peace and freedom in the Arab World. In Egypt, the Brotherhood won 60 percent of the vote, and they formed the government. Israeli leaders feared that Islamists were coming to power around them. Hamas in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon, and now in Egypt Brotherhood, although in Egypt Brotherhood was in Israel’s interest. On the one hand, the Brotherhood would have a strong influence on Hamas, and on the other hand, it would have an influence on Hezbollah. To keep them out of the political process is to keep them extremist. Democracy in Egypt was not in Israel’s interest, nor was it in Saudi Arabia’s interest. Israel guarantees that if Saudi Arabia overthrows the Brotherhood government in Egypt. So, he will control America, and nothing will happen. Saudi Arabia gave $20 billion to Egypt’s military government and challenged the United State to bring in $20 billion and restore democracy. The United States spent $7 trillion on wars in the Arab world but did not have $20 billion to restore Democracy to the Egyptian people. Then, with the help of Israel, the United States and the autocratic Arab rulers formed an alliance against the Syrian government. Human blood began to flow, and this was also happening on the border of Israel. Here the US, Israel, and Autocratic Arab rulers were supporting Islamists against the Damascus government.

  Leaders of Islamic countries told that the Palestinian-Israeli conflict would resolve after the end of the Cold War. Then it said that Saddam Hussein is a big obstacle in the solution of this conflict and when the problem of Saddam Hussein is solved then the Palestinian-Israel conflict will be solved. Now, half of the Palestinians have been declared terrorists and half the population has been declared corrupt. This is the one solution to this conflict?


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