Saturday, March 30, 2024

Unarmed Palestinians, Under Israeli Military Occupation for Seventy Years, Israel Armed with the Modern Weapons of America and Europe, Forty Thousand Palestinians have Killed, this is Israel’s Third World War in the Middle East

Unarmed Palestinians, Under Israeli Military Occupation for Seventy Years, Israel Armed with the Modern Weapons of America and Europe, Forty Thousand Palestinians have Killed, this is Israel’s Third World War in the Middle East

 Muslims around the world should celebrate Eid simply in solidarity with the Palestinians, forty thousand Palestinians have died in Israel’s war of brutality and genocide and ten thousand children have become orphans. Donate generously to help thousands of homeless, orphans, and starving Palestinians.

Mujeeb Khan



  It has been six months since Israel’s Gaza war, and 40,000 Palestinians have been killed so far, among which thousands of Palestinians are buried in the rubble. Most dead Palestinians are children, women, and elderly Palestinians. On the war in Iraq and Libya, it said that these were dangerous regimes for the region, and their departure would help in the resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict. And now the end of these regimes was in support of Israel so that Israel commits genocide of Palestinians. Israelis are of American and European origin. In only six months, they have killed 40,000 Palestinians and destroyed their homes, hospitals, schools, and infrastructure. Palestinians’ children, women, and elderly men are starving. The Israeli army has blocked Gaza, surprisingly, Israeli leaders have set a record of crimes against humanity.

  Israel showing power by using its weapons against the unarmed and innocent Palestinians in Gaza, has shown the Arab rulers that if they go against Israel’s interests, they too will turn into Gaza. After 9/11 America weakened the Arab countries and made Israel a superpower by providing all kinds of dangerous weapons. And now Israel has become a serious threat to the security of the vulnerable Arab countries. Forty thousand Palestinians were killed by Israel, but America and Europe did not come to save them. Both America and Europe were putting pressure on Israel to take a weak stance.

  Israel wants to occupy Gaza and annex it into Israel, Israel will kill thirty thousand more Palestinians. The rest of the Palestinians will push towards Egypt and Jordan. What were the ambitions of Hitler are now the ambitions of Israeli leaders, a greater Israel. Saddam Hussein was making nuclear weapons in the name of security, but he killed. America and Europe gave Israel millions and billions worth of weapons for Israel’s security, Israel against the Palestinians has used these weapons, no one in the Arab world and in the Islamic world could challenge Israel, and it is the Zionist power that is more dangerous for the Arab world.

  The Israelis are treating the Palestinians what America did to the Native Indians then take over their country, millions of native Indians killed, thousands of native Indians pushed into Mexico and Canada. Their culture and civilization were destroyed. Now there are thousands of Native Indian tribes in different states of America. US law does not apply to them. They have their own courts. The US government does not collect taxes from them. The US government gives millions of dollars to Native Indian tribes.

 The territories captured by the United States in the Mexican War became American territories, California, Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico were from Mexico. Now, Israel will not return the Arab territories it occupied in the 1967 war to the Arabs on this American example. Israel will make the West Bank and Gaza like Native Indians. There could be no war in the Middle East without Syria and peace in the Middle East without Egypt. Syria has been destroyed, and the United States pays three billion dollars a year to Egypt to maintain the peace agreement with Israel.

  The Arab rulers will come out of colonialism and now into Zionism. In 75 years, the Arabs have not understood the game of America and Europe with them in the Middle East.


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