Tuesday, May 14, 2024

If The United States Has Not Been Able to End The 75-year-long Terrorism Between Israel and Palestine, Then the United States Should Leave the Middle East as The United States Left Afghanistan


If The United States Has Not Been Able to End The 75-year-long Terrorism Between Israel and Palestine, Then the United States Should Leave the Middle East as The United States Left Afghanistan

As Palestinians Israel has killed, since 1948, all the Palestinians who are in refugee camps in different countries must brought back to Palestine.

Mujeeb Khan

360,000 Palestinians have left Rafah


  It is the eight months of the Gaza war and the Israeli government’s holocaust of Palestinians continues. The Israeli government’s score against humanity is approaching that of Hitler’s government. However, in the Middle East, Israel is now the leader in committing crimes against humanity. No tyrannical dictator in the Middle East had his opponents’ hooves destroy their settlements like Gaza. Saddam Hussein’s troops went to Kuwait, but they did not drop dead bodies of Kuwaitis in this way. They did not bomb their schools and hospitals. There was at least humanity in him compared to the Israelites. Israel has made a new history of being extremely ruthless with humanity, they have not shown any mercy in their treatment of children, women, the elderly, and sick patients. They have destroyed hospitals and schools, they are not Jews, they are Zionist Nazis. After the Holocaust, Jews said never again holocaust.

  After killing 40,000 Palestinians in Gaza, the heart of Netanyahu is not yet full, and now they are going to kill a million Palestinians in Rafah. Israelis will eliminate Hamas. Has Hamas been eliminated in Gaza? Or what is the end of humanity? The easiest way to eliminate Hamas, and Hezbollah is to give the Palestinians their country. These groups and their politics of fighting Israel will end itself. For seventy years, this problem has not been solved and will not be solved by breeding Palestinians, but it has become more complicated. Then why not give the Palestinians a new experience by giving them their country. President Bush decided to continue the war in Afghanistan until the Taliban was eliminated. They did not know that the Taliban were a large population. The Taliban had surrounded the US and NATO for 20 years to get rid of the US. But the United States and NATO’s might could not eliminate the Taliban. The US spent a trillion dollars on the Afghan war, and five thousand American soldiers were killed, after wasting 20 years in the Afghan war, America had to give the Taliban’s country to them. Where is the Taliban now?

  Are within the borders of their own country. America could have done it 20 years ago. But America has a habit of blowing its people’s hard-earned tax money in wars. This is what every US administration has taught Israel. Instead, the US gives Israel three billion dollars a year in the name of security. Israel has been fighting a war to eliminate the Palestinians for 75 years with US dollars and US weapons. Palestinians have died from these weapons for 75 years. For 75 years, the United States has been vetoing every resolution in the Security Council condemning the Israeli government’s violation of human rights and the use of excessive force against unarmed Palestinians. For 75 years, Israelis have been building illegal settlements in the Palestinian territories with aid from the United States. The United States has called the conflict between illegal settlers and legally settled Palestinians, Palestinian terrorism against Israelis. For seventy-five years America’s Middle East Special Envoys’ have been wasting the Arabs’ time. Syria was not fighting to take back its Golan region from Israel, but the United States did not return the Syrian Golan region from Israel. Israel was allowed to maintain its occupation of the Golan permanently.

  Hamas was used by Israel against the PLO in 2006, Israel supplied weapons to Hamas in its fight with the PLO. Instead of resolving this conflict, the US, along with Israel, has made it a cancer for every country in the Middle East. If all Arab countries establish relations with Israel, it will not matter, cancer will remain cancer. If the Arabs have any sense, they should treat this cancer first. Gaza is the graveyard of 40,000 Palestinians, and friendly relations with Israel should not be signed by standing in this graveyard.     





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