Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The War Between Two Countries, Where A Large Russian Population in Ukraine Are Citizens of Ukraine Who Are Pro-Russian, And A Large Population of Ukrainians in Russia Are Citizens of Russia, Who Are Pro-Russia, In Deeply Divided Countries Who Will Win the War?

The War Between Two Countries, Where A Large Russian Population in Ukraine Are Citizens of Ukraine Who Are Pro-Russian, And A Large Population of Ukrainians in Russia Are Citizens of Russia, Who Are Pro-Russia, In Deeply Divided Countries Who Will Win the War?

Mujeeb Khan



President Viktor Yanukovych  has a good relationship with Vladimir Putin

The big difference between President Putin's relations with George W. Bush and President Joe Biden


  Did the Cold War end because America would be the only war power in the world? And China will be the economic power of the world? America will invent wars in the world, create chaos in countries, and destabilize them. And China maintains economic peace in the world. It will save the world from economic instability. What has Europe gained from Ukraine and what has America achieved? President Putin had no interest in wars. The problem of Ukraine was manufactured by the US for President Putin, Russia had good peaceful relations with Europe, and Russia did not interfere in the internal affairs of European countries. Russia was Europe’s third-largest trading partner. Ukraine was a regional problem, this was a critical issue for the security of Europe and Russia, and both were capable of resolving it peacefully. President Putin’s considerations were not complex and difficult. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has not raised the issue of Ukraine’s NATO membership. America had assured Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not extend to Russia’s borders, America should have honored it. French President Macron spoke to President Putin in Moscow for seven hours on the Ukraine issue. President Macron told reporters after the meeting that President Putin’s concerns about Russia’s security are genuine, and we must address them. This could have been resolved through dialogue, give, and take.

  But after 9/11, all the wars America has fought were pre-emptive attacks. Seven thousand American soldiers were killed in Iraq, who were between the ages of 18 and 35 years old. Thirty thousand soldiers have become disabled. Their sacrifices have been wasted. The Middle East is in a worse situation today than before the regime change war in Iraq. Israel has used all kinds of dangerous weapons against the Palestinians except nuclear weapons. What will Bush and Obama today say to the parents who sent their children to the war in Iraq?

  America has learned from the Iraq war that now others will fight for America, it will give them weapons and money and they will fight the war. What is happening in Ukraine now? America is giving billions of dollars and weapons to the Ukrainian government, and the Ukrainians are fighting Russia. The United States, European Union, and NATO should have understood that it would not be possible to win the war in Ukraine, a large population of Ukrainians are citizens of Russia and living in Russia, and a large population of Russians are citizens of   Ukraine who are fighting for autonomy from the Ukrainian government and are pro-Russian. Now the Ukrainian government is fighting Russia, which has its own pro-Russian Ukrainian Population, and Ukrainians in Russia are pro-Russian. Since 2014, the Ukrainian government has been using full force against the Russian autonomy movement in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian Russians were killed in the war with Ukraine and thousands of Russians came to seek refuge in Russia. They were asking for help from Russia. In 2014, the government of Ukraine signed the Minsk Agreement with Germany, France, and Belarus according to the agreement  Ukrainian government accepted the granting of autonomy to its Russian citizens. However, the agreement was not implemented by the Ukrainian government.

  Ukraine’s conflict with Russia was regional, NATO and the US should not have been involved. European countries can resolve conflicts in their region. Trade relations with Russia were important for Europe. Or Ukraine’s war with Russia was essential? Russia had worked hard to promote economic development and trade with Europe. Europe should be involved with Russia. However, the problem of Europe’s leaders is that they see their economic prosperity involved in wars with America. Due to the war with Russia, Europe has lost almost one trillion euros in two years. Many companies from Germany have moved to China. The war in Ukraine is getting longer and European capital is going to other countries. Unemployment is rising in Europe. The question now is what is the future of the Ukraine war after Jo Biden?




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