Sunday, June 30, 2024

It Is a Humiliating Failure of Arab Rulers That They Have Failed in War and Peace by Becoming Allies, they are Responsible for Destructions and Miseries in Their Region.

It Is a Humiliating Failure of Arab Rulers That They Have Failed in War and Peace by Becoming Allies, they are Responsible for Destructions and Miseries in Their Region

Mujeeb Khan





  The Israelis destroyed Gaza and the Arab League turned off its lights. It said in Saudi circles that the decision of Hamas was wrong, thousands of Palestinian families have been killed, millions of Palestinians have been displaced, and millions of children’s worlds have been destroyed, what has Hamas achieved? Even before Israel’s Gaza war, Israeli forces were killing Palestinians daily. The Israelis were evicting Palestinians from their homes daily, and bulldozers demolished their homes. Jewish settlers were occupying their lands, evicting Palestinians from their houses. Their children, women, and men were killed. This Israeli brutality against Palestinians has been going on for years. The Arab League did nothing, the international community did nothing. The Palestinians had concluded that instead of living day by day, they should die one day. In these tricky situations, every decision has pluses and minuses. This war has weakened Israel diplomatically, and militarily, but Israel has not achieved anything through its military might. The International Criminal Court has given a decision on war crimes against Israel. An arrest warrant has been issued against Prime Minister Netanyahu. The United Nations General Assembly has overwhelmingly recognized the independent state of the Palestinians. Ireland was the first country in Europe to recognize the independent state of Palestine, after that, Spain and Norway also recognized the independent state of Palestine. In African countries, the movement to recognize the independent state of Palestine has also increased. In Latin American countries that had established diplomatic relations with Israel, these countries severed diplomatic relations with Israel after seeing the horrific scenes in Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza.

 The role of South Africa is very remarkable. South Africa is a heterogeneous society, where Christians, Muslims, Jews, and Hindus are equal citizens. The South African government decided to take the case of Israel’s army’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza and crime against humanity to the International Criminal Court after consultation with the leaders of each school of thought, this was the bold decision of the South African government. The International Criminal Court declare the Israeli army’s operation against the Palestinians as genocide. The court held Prime Minister Netanyahu responsible and issued a warrant for his arrest. The court also declared the leader of Hamas responsible for committing humanitarian crimes against Israeli citizens and issued a warrant for their arrest.

  South Africa has for the first time stepped into the Palestinian-Israel conflict, along with South Africa, other countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America came forward to save humanity in Gaza. In the 1990s, South Africa ended the air embargo on Libya imposed by President Reagan in the eighties, President Nelson Mandela was the President of South Africa. A delegation of African heads of state, led by President Mandela landed at Tripoli airport. Before leaving, President Nelson Mandela had informed the United Nations that they were going to violate the air embargo over Libya if someone wanted to shoot down our plane, shoot it down. President Mandela said Gaddafi is our friend, Gaddafi has helped us, and we will never forget it. If there were such leaders instead of kings in the Middle East, Israel would never have the courage to destroy Gaza and kill 40,000 Palestinians. NATO does not illegally bomb Libya. America does not destroy Syria in the name of regime change. A pre-emptive war was not imposed on Iraq. In the Middle East, the Holocaust takes place in Gaza in the presence of war fleets of America, Britain, and France. What is the reason for keeping these war fleets in the Gulf? In the Middle East, there is a war against terrorism, a war against ISIS, and a war between the Saudis and the Houthis. The war in Israel and Lebanon, the mother of all wars in the Middle East is Israel’s war against the Palestinians.

  Pressure is now being put on Hamas to accept President Biden’s plan for a cease-fire, according to the plan, the first phase will be a temporary cease, Hamas will release some of Israel’s hostages, and Israel will withdraw from major population centers in Gaza. Aid would begin flowing into Gaza, and hundreds of thousands of displaced Palestinian civilians would be allowed to return to their homes in northern Gaza. Hamas and Israel would continue to negotiate for a permanent cease-fire. Hamas wants the complete withdrawal of the Israeli army from Gaza. Israel is determined to keep some of its troops in Gaza. The US presidential election is five months away, and in this case, Israel’s complete withdrawal from Gaza is a big tricky question. Israeli troops will only go if all the Arab rulers come together to put pressure on America and Israel.





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