Monday, July 29, 2024

There is a Question from America and Europe, According to Which International Law Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself from the Population Under the Military Occupation of Israel for Sixty Years? Why don’t Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas have the Right to Protect Themselves Against the Israeli-occupied military?

There is a Question from America and Europe, According to Which International Law Israel Has the Right to Defend Itself from the Population Under the Military Occupation of Israel for Sixty Years? Why don’t Palestinian Leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas have the Right to Protect Themselves Against the Israeli-occupied military?

Mujeeb Khan


From Hamas to Fatah, China brings together  

Hamas and Fatah agree to form a government

  The most powerful president in the world, the president of the United States, has become the weakest president in front of Israel, for three months President Biden has been making tireless efforts for a ceasefire in Gaza, but they have not succeeded yet. Prime Minister Netanyahu was in Washington and met President Biden at the White House. At the same time, the Israeli army has killed more than three hundred Palestinians, including women and children, by bombing in Gaza. Donald Trump, the presidential candidate of the Republican Party, also asked the Israeli government to stop the war in Gaza, but the ultra-conservative right-wing extremists in the government have decided to selectively commit genocide on the Palestinians. In ten months, the Israeli army has killed forty-five thousand Palestinians, and a large number of women and children, and the Israeli army has made Gaza ground zero. Kamala Harris, the vice president, and the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, told reporters after meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu in Washington that Gaza has been destroyed in nine months. There are images of children dying, starving people fleeing more than once, and homeless people, we cannot turn away from these tragedies, we cannot keep our mouths shut on this human suffering. Cannot keep quiet.

  Vice President Kamala Harris expressed her personal feelings. President Biden’s flip-flop reaction allowed Israel to destroy Gaza and use full force against the Palestinians. Never has Israel killed such a large number of Palestinian women, children, men, and the elderly. President Biden’s ambiguous policy and an in-action Europe were green signals for Israel. The United States and Europe have made Israel the only air power in the Middle East, which can destroy four or five countries at the same time. The weapons used by Israel against the Palestinians were supplied to Israel by the United States and Europe. America and Europe Knew that Israel would use their weapons against the unarmed Palestinians. While America was helping Israel to establish diplomatic relations with neighboring Arab countries. Then, against whom were the weapons given to Israel? Iran, Syria, and Lebanon were militarily weak and after Israel established diplomatic relations with the Arab countries, they would have become diplomatically weak as well.

  There is a question from Israel's patronized America and European countries according to which international law Israel has the right to defend itself from the population under the military occupation of Israel for sixty years? Why do not Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas and Hamas have the right to protect themselves against Israeli-occupied soldiers? While illegal settlers also attack them. America and European countries have very unfair policies in this holy land of the world.

  In China’s first step in the Middle East, the tension between Saudi Arabia and Iran ended. The Shia-Sunni divide that was created by America Israel, and China has also played a significant role in ending it. Russia and China have a role in bringing Syria’s Basher al-Assad into the community of Arab brotherly countries. Syria has returned to the Arab League. Another welcome move by China for lasting peace in the Middle East is the beginning of the long march towards peace by getting fourteen groups of Palestinians to sit at a table in Beijing to end their differences and reconciliation, which China said provides hope for Palestinian people in the abyss of misery. The declaration also calls for achieving comprehensive national unity, which would include all Palestinian factions within the framework of the Palestine Liberation Organization and establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital. Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China has no selfish interest in the issue and remains a staunch advocate of justice and fairness. America can unite fourteen Arab countries for war, but America cannot unite fourteen Arab countries for democratic peace.      





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