Friday, August 23, 2024

Every President Since 9/11, Republican and Democrat, Has Given the World New Destructive Wars, Donald Trump was the First Anti- War President Who Did Not Make A New War, End the Afghan War, and Crush the Terrorists, the Record of Every American President on the Wars is Before the Public

Every President Since 9/11, Republican and Democrat, Has Given the World New Destructive Wars, Donald Trump was the First Anti-War President Who Did Not Make A New War, End the Afghan War and Crush the Terrorists, the Record of Every American President on the Wars is Before the Public

Mujeeb Khan



The three wars of President George W. Bush, the global war on terror. the war against the Taliban leader Mullah Omar in Afghanistan, the regime change war in Iraq

The three wars of President Obama, the regime change war in Syria, the regime change war in Libya, in Yemen war against al-Qaeda 

President Donald Trump did not start a new war, the end 20-year war in Afghanistan 


President Joe Biden's Ukraine-Russia proxy war with NATO, Israel's Gaza war

 Since 9/11, this is going to the sixth election, two Republicans two terms president and two Democrats two terms president elected, George Bush and Barack Obama were two-term presidents. Donald Trump was a one-term Republican president. Now Donald Trump is a presidential candidate for a second term. President Biden is a Democrat who was running for a second term, but his party asked President Biden to withdraw from the election race due to his old age, and now Vice President Kamala Harris is the presidential candidate in President Biden’s place. President Biden will be a one-term president, but if Kamala Harris wins the election in November, it will be a third time for the Democrat, but this will be Kamala Harris’s first term in the presidency. It is becoming an interesting and new history. If the Republicans win, they will be in power for a third time.

   In his first four years in office, President George W. Bush fought three wars: the Global War on Terror, in Afghanistan against Mulla Omar leader of the Taliban, and the Regime change war in Iraq. President Bush spent eight years winning these wars, President Bush could not end even one of the three wars in his eight years in office. In his election campaign, President Obama promised the American people to end wars. The American people are fed up with these wars of choice. They strongly believed in Barack Obama that he would be the first Black president of the United States, he would save America from the violence of wars, and would make Martin Luther King’s nonviolence the cornerstone of his foreign policy. At the White House after taking the oath of office, President Bush gave President Obama his unfinished wars, saying that they are now President Obama’s wars. President Obama proudly embraced these wars as an honor, President Obama was the first Black commander-in-chief of white and Black troops. War in Afghanistan. Iraq and the war on terror will now be under the command of President Obama. The capture and killing of Osama bin Laden did not make any difference to terrorism. The war on terror was not over, rather, the post-Osama bin Laden part two war on terror had begun, and President Obama had launched three new pre-emptive wars in Syria, Libya, and Yemen. There was a war against al-Qaeda in Yemen and a regime change war in Syria and Libya, and illegal attacks on sovereign countries were to raise the flag of US global power. These new wars were not part of President Obama’s election agenda. However, President Obama gave the American people three new wars. America’s defense account now totaled six wars. In Egypt, President Obama accepted a dictator over democracy, nine hundred people of the elected democratic government in Egypt were imprisoned by the dictator’s government, tortured, and executed, but the first black president of the United States was racist to the people of Egypt in their democratic rights, he supported dictator.    

  There were about twelve presidential candidates of the Republican Party in the 2016 presidential election, one of them was Donald J. Trump. Every presidential contender of the Republican Party supported the wars of Bush and Obama, while Donald Trump opposed wars. Donald Trump’s opposition to wars mistaken for Russian meddling in the US election. However, Donald Trump’s stance against wars was reaching the public. The people elected Trump to get America out of war business. After 9/11,  Donald Trump was the first President of the United States who did not start a new war. President Trump pulled the United States out of the 20-year war in Afghanistan. The Israeli lobby and the neocons had strongly pressured President Trump to take military action against Iran, after the rocket attack on the Saudi oil refinery, President Trump refused saying why should I send my troops to Saudi Arabia, this is Saudi Arabia’s problem. The incidents of terrorism had almost ended under President Trump’s administration.

  When President Joe Biden came to power, there was an impression that he would not start a new war. President Biden had implemented the agreement between the Trump administration and the Taliban on the withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan according to the program. But five months after the chapter of the Afghan war closed, President Biden started a new war between Ukraine and Russia with NATO allies. It was a proxy war between America and NATO countries against Russia. America and NATO were financing this war. If President Biden continues to dialogue in Russia and Ukraine for two years, he will start getting satisfactory results. Human catastrophe could have been avoided. Ukraine, a beautiful historical country could have been saved from destruction. The Biden administration has spent billions of dollars on the Ukraine war, bringing the US debt to $1.35 trillion.       


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