Tuesday, August 6, 2024

In The 2020 Election, The Results of the Voting Machine Were Challenged, President Trump’s Claim was Rejected, and Joe Biden was Declared the President-elect, the Opposition Presidential Candidate in Venezuela has Challenged the Results of the Voting Machine, President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken has Recognized the Opposition presidential Candidate as the Elected President of Venezuela


In The 2020 Election, The Results of the Voting Machine Were Challenged, President Trump’s Claim was Rejected, and Joe Biden was Declared the President-elect, the Opposition Presidential Candidate in Venezuela has Challenged the Results of the Voting Machine, President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken has Recognized the Opposition presidential Candidate as the Elected President of Venezuela


Mujeeb Khan

Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela

Opposition's presidential candidate Edmundo Gonzalez


US recognizes Edmundo Gonzalez as winner of  Venezuela 

  In the elections in Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro has elected president for the third time for six years with 51.02 percent of the vote. While the opposition’s presidential candidate, Edmundo Gonzales, has received 44 percent of the votes. And he claims to elect president, his party leader Maria Corina Machado said that her candidate Gonzalez received 70 percent of the vote, and Nicolas Maduro- 30 percent, but stated without evidence. They claimed that the voting machine has rigged in four cities in Venezuela. The sound is familiar, in the 2020 US presidential election, the results of the voting machine in three states: Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, disputed, President Trump refused to accept his defeat. Joe Biden was the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, and he declared the elected president. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Biden have declared the opposition candidate who did not accept the results of the voting machines in four Venezuela cities as the elected president of Venezuela. If Venezuela’s voting machine is an example, then President Donald Trump was right. Voting machines do not have the possibility of vote fraud as it said. President Maduro has asked the Supreme Court to audit the votes. The President of Mexico has said the election has been fair and Maduro elected president. China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Bolivia, Nicaragua have recognized Maduro as president.

  In Venezuela election are on class base, one is poor class, and the other is the rich class that lives in Florida. After the socialist revolution of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, wealthy Venezuelan came to Florida with his wealth. In the election in Venezuela, they support the candidate who belongs to their class. And when they lose the election, they make a fuss that the election was rigged. If there are fair elections in the United States with voting machines, elections are also fair in Venezuela with the same voting machine.

  President Maduro’s economy is based on socialism. In which the improvement of the conditions of the poor is given priority. The redistribution of national income to bring the poor into the middle class. Venezuela’s main wealth is oil. And oil sales are incredibly good now. The state-run oil company PDVSA paid 6.24 billion dollars to the national treasury last year. The government used this money for public sector salaries, public health, education, and housing purposes. In 2023, Venezuela’s economy grew by 5 percent, and this year it expected to reach 8 percent.

  The economic situation of the country is a crucial factor in winning or losing elections for any government. The Maduro government brought the country out of a worse economic crisis. People felt a change in their economic conditions and have re-elected Maduro. Venezuela will be the Norway of Latin America. America has habitually interfered in election in Venezuela. America does not accept any foreign interference in its elections. The United States does not like foreign meddling in its elections, but it is a right to meddling with the political and democratic process of other countries. In 2004 the Bush-Cheney administration overthrew the government of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela by the military and recognized immediately military regime in Venezuela. The Organization of Latin American States strongly condemned it and asked to restore the Hugo Chavez government. The Bush administration warned that the era of overthrowing elected governments and imposing military regime was over. The Bush administration had to back down. The Hugo Chavez government restored. The world should think about, if America were in place of China, what would it do with Taiwan’s democratic system? America would have elected a pro-American leader as president in Taiwan, CIA would have meddled, and the leader of independent Taiwan Party would have defeated. China has respected Taiwan’s people’s democratic system. China have not meddled in Taiwan’s elections, anti-China leaders have also elected in Taiwan, and Taiwanese leaders in favor of friendly relations with China also elected. In Pakistan, President Joe Biden derailed the democratic process, Imran Khan was removed from power by America because he went to Russia, Imran Khan was anti-America.     



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