Friday, August 30, 2024

The Biden Administration Has Provided Israel’s Warmongers With $60 Million and $120 Million Worth of Weapons, and Now that Israel Tanks have Entered the West Bank, The West Bank Will Become Another Gaza

The Biden Administration Has Provided Israel’s Warmongers With $60 Million and $120 Million Worth of Weapons, and Now that Israel Tanks have Entered the West Bank, The West Bank Will Become Another Gaza

Mujeeb Khan


  In Germany, Hitler committed genocide against the Jews, and six million Jews were killed. These were European Jews, but who were the ancient Jews of Africa, Iran, and the Middle East, they were safer here than in Europe. After the Holocaust of the Jews in Germany, the European leaders created an independent state for the Jews among the Arabs, in Palestine, and brought from Europe and settled here in Israel. One of the reasons for creating an independent state for the Jews was that they thought that if these Jews had lived in Europe, there would have been another holocaust. But for 77 years, Israeli Jews have been fighting to holocaust the Palestinians. For 77 years, Palestinians have been born under Israeli military occupation and die under Israeli military occupation. Their freedom was taken away from them by the European countries and given to the Israeli Jews who came from Europe and settled here.

   America and Europe would not have allowed the government of any country in the world to be so cruel and brutal, so long, as they had allowed Israel and made Israel an arms depot of their weapons. In 77 years, Israelis have killed almost five million Palestinians. They have been displaced, and their houses have been demolished by bulldozers and destroyed by bombs. The wounds of Israeli brutality and cruelty to the Palestinians are so deep that they cannot heal.

   The Israeli military has turned the Palestinian homes and settlements in Gaza into ruins. Their necessities of life buried in the rubble, their children’s toys, and schoolbooks buried in the rubble. The God of Israelis will be so cruel and will teach them to brutalize Palestinian Christians and Muslims. Western human rights, the Geneva Convention, and war crimes against humanity are all fake, or they use them according to their interests. Israel has killed 45,000 Palestinian women, children, elderly, and men in the ten-month war to free a few hundred of their hostages in Gaza. These are not terrorists as Ronald Reagan called the mujahideen’s guerrilla attacks against the communist forces a fight for Afghanistan’s freedom. The United Nations Charter calls for the struggle for freedom from subjugation. For 77 years, Israel has suppressed every international law and has made aggression against Palestinians its right for self-defense. America and Europe have blindly supported this Israeli aggression. The United States has vetoed every resolution in the Security Council condemning Israel’s use of force against unarmed Palestinians.

   Gaza has become ruins, but the Israeli army conducts military operations in search of Hamas in its ruins and kills 60-80 Palestinians every day. Palestinian families who have died and one or two of them survived have the most painful scenes in the rubble of their homes. A fourteen-year-old boy whose every member of his family had died was looking at the debris and saying why is he alive, his mother, father, and siblings had all died, and he also wanted to go to heaven with them. Israel has killed the parents of thousands of such Palestinian children and made these children orphans. Israel has orphaned thousands of children by killing their parents just to free over a few hundred of its hostages. Israel has been killing Palestinians and orphaning their children for 77 years. Then they joined Hamas, and Hezbollah, Sheikh Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, who was eight years old, the Israeli army killed his father. He had two younger sisters and a mother; from that day he hated Israel and wanted to take revenge on Israel. And Israel maintains its military occupation of occupied Palestine. Israel has settled Jewish settlements in the deep Palestinian territories. This is a new front to attack by Israel against the Palestinians. These illegal settlers attack Palestinians, burning their houses, then Palestinians attack settlers, America and Europe are also with Israel in this fight.

   The Biden administration has failed to broker a ceasefire in Gaza in ten months, however, the Biden administration has announced to give Israel 60 million dollars and 120 million dollars’ worth of weapons to Israel. Israel’s army operation against Palestinians is ongoing nonstop. And now the Israeli tanks have reached the West Bank, Israel has included the West Bank in the operation against Hamas. In the West Bank, the Israeli army has destroyed the houses of Palestinians and killed more than eighty Palestinians. The Israeli government also wants to make the West Bank another Gaza. The presidential election campaign has started in America. The Biden administration cannot do about it. The Israeli government is taking advantage of this situation.  






















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