Friday, September 13, 2024

The United States from Bush-Cheney to Obama-Biden to Biden-Kamala and Kamala-Tim?

The United States from Bush-Cheney to Obama-Biden to Biden-Kamala and Kamala-Tim?


If Kamala Harris becomes president, the fear is that she will be among the Neo-Cons and warmongers of the Bush, Obama, and Biden administrations and will complete the unfinished jobs of the previous administrations in the Middle East

Mujeeb Khan



  If Jesus Christ becomes the President of the United States. he will do same in Washington DC what every President of the United States does. Jesus Christ will forget the promises he made to God. In the last six elections of the United States, except for Donald Trump, all the other presidents who came did not fulfill their promises to the people in the campaign. President Bill Clinton worked tirelessly to make the Oslo Accords a success for the Palestinians and Israel, and he was remarkably close to getting both sides of the conflict to agree to an accord, Yasser Arafat, and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak to sign the agreement. But then at the last minute, George Bush, on the advice of Zionist advisers to his election campaign, told Israel and the Palestinians not to sign an agreement and would give them a better deal when he came to power. George Bush became president because of a Supreme Court decision in a controversial election.

  President Bush did not see the Oslo Accords and trashed it. President Bush had taken the Middle East in the direction of the Zionist plan. Ariel Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu of the extremist Likud party were ideological allies of President Bush. Sharon and Netanyahu declared Yasser Arafat a global terrorist and no dialogue with terrorists and imprisoned Yasser Arafat and other Palestinian leaders in the Ramallah compound in the West Bank. Sharon-Netanyahu poisoned Yasser Arafat to death. The liberal leadership of the Palestinians that recognized Israel was decimated. President George Bush stood with Ariel Sharon and Netanyahu. President Bush cannot call the president of peace in the world. President Bush said that America can fight sixty wars in the world at the same time. The Zionists made America fight wars in the world and made China in the world a factory to provide the people of the world with the basic goods of life. Since then, the United States has been fighting war after war to achieve the target of sixty wars in the world.

  After President Bush, Barack Obama was the first Black president of the United States. The world felt relieved. In the election campaign, Obama assured the American people and the world at large to end the Iraq and Afghan wars and not start a new war. But President Obama was surrounded by the neo-con and war machine’s lobby. The first four years of President Obama spent fixing the economy, bailing out the big banks, ending the credit crunch, finding Osama bin Laden, and killing a few high-target terrorists. In 2011, bin Laden was found and killed. One chapter of global terror closed. US military’s operations against al-Qaeda in Iraq were ongoing. The US and NATO war against the Taliban was going on in Afghanistan. President Obama was elected for a second term in 2012. President Obama continued President Bush’s policy of ending the Afghan war only with war, the Taliban should be eliminated. It had been 12 years since the Afghan war. President Obama should have considered ending the Afghan war through dialogue, but President Obama joined the warmongers.

  The Obama-Biden administration earmarked $500 million to transform the Middle East into freedom and democracy. The Obama administration supported the Arab Spring, this movement started in Tunisia, and millions of Tunisians took to the streets against the dictatorial government. A democratic system had arrived in Tunisia, elections held, and the people’s elected government came to power. After Tunisia, dictators one by one in Algeria, Nigeria, Sudan, Yemen, and Egypt. In Egypt, after four decades, the government of President Hussaini Mubarak fell. The Brotherhood came to power with 60 percent of the vote. It was the first popularly elected government in Egypt’s history. Had this government and democracy continued in Egypt, the Brotherhood’s influence over Hamas, and Israel’s continued involvement with democratic government in Egypt would have helped change the role of Hamas, and October 7 would never have happened. But Israel and Saudi Arabia have always made debacles in the Middle East and America has supported their debacles in Saudi Arabia and Israel over the democratic government in Egypt. Military man Abdel Fattah el-Sisi became the new dictator of Egypt. Saudi Arabia had given thirty billion dollars to the military government of Egypt and challenged Obama to match thirty billion dollars and restore democracy in Egypt. The problem of the Netanyahu government in Israel was that Israel was surrounded by Islamists from all sides. Today, Israel is surrounded by rockets and missiles from all sides.

  After the restoration of the dictator’s regime in Egypt, the Obama-Biden administration came together with the Arab dictators of the Gulf to end the regime of the dictator Basher al-Assad in Syria. Here Israel was helping the Islamists against the Assad regime. The Islamists against the Gaddafi regime in Libya supported by Obama-Biden and Israel, they wanted to create an Islamic state in Libya. The failure of democracy in Egypt by the Obama-Biden administration, in which nine hundred people from the democratic government were executed by the military regime, and the United States turned its back on them. Thousands of families were destroyed in Syria and Libya. Their country was in ruins. Their lives darkened. They have neither freedom nor democracy, they have gone back fifty years in development and education. The Obama-Biden administration failed miserably in the Middle East. The October 7 attack on Israel also reflects the implications of Obama-Biden’s Middle East policy.





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